
Tom Long Dong

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http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/114493818830 Couldn't HR just not affect AR and OD past 10? I mean, HR already is free points on maps with CS10 HP10 AR10 OD10, but since no one ever uses CS10 it would still add the challenge of a smaller CS.

CS10 is not rankable as far as I know (not 100%ly sure), so at least CS can always be increased by HR. While I've seen other suggestions (like capping at 11 when the difficulties are >10) I like this one the most. It doesn't bring as much inconsistency or sudden jump with it as the other solutions.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Is there any chance to get selectable higher-than-10-up-to-11 ODs and ARs too? Forcing people to play 270+bpm with AR10 would be like forcing them to play 180bpm with AR8.5, maps like https://osu.ppy.sh/b/308917 would benefit from having a selectable AR10.3. HR's cap at 10 might be a problem though.

Sadly this is not possible without either becoming inconsistent (HR still capping at 10) or invalidating old scores (HR not capping at 10 anymore). Likely won't happen, despite being a perfectly valid point. :(
Liked by: DroppedBass Kynan ???

How come with a good-enough accuracy, you still get an S in CtB, even if you missed notes? I think that's kind of confusing, especially since it is different in every other mode.

Vertani’s Profile PhotoLeonie
Catch the Beat was made long before I started playing osu!. I have no idea what the rationales behind the ranking system of Catch the Beat are.
Liked by: DroppedBass ???

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I'd be happy if you could shed some light on how Taiko/mania/CtB difficulties are calculated. What is considered hard and influences the star rating? (since I don't understand it all the time, e.g. mania Stamp On The Ground Easy being rated relatively high)

Vertani’s Profile PhotoLeonie
Catch the Beat and osu!mania are currently not using a very good algorithm and are subject to be improved. There is not really a reason to elaborate on that already bad design. :P
Taiko uses both a speed and a complexity metric internally. Complexity is determined by changes in rhythm and changes in color patterns. (Repeating color patterns like DKDKDKDKDKDK do not get an ultra high weight - it does not just count the amount of color changes.)
Liked by: DroppedBass

Cam you explain Recommended difficulty and Converted beatmaps ?

Recommended difficulty shows maps which the system thinks are of a difficulty matching your skill. Converted beatmaps simply includes autoconverts when looking for Taiko, Catch the Beat and osu!mania maps.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Did you read my earlier question though about adjustable settings? It would of course be unranked, much like spunout was before it got changed.

Not sure about these custom mods. You can already just edit any beatmap and play it with your changed settings.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Adding to what i asked earlier. Wouldn't it be great to then also play those maps with others in multi? (For example making AR9 maps AR8 for DT, for the people who don't like AR10.3)

I have mixed opinions. While it would be cool to make the map easier to be able to play them it also would be like spitting the people who earned their skill of reading high AR in the face. The way osu! currently is, reading certain ARs has become a skill that is required just like aim, speed and accuracy. Letting users decide for an AR would be comparable to making Relax enabled all the time.
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://osutp.net/scores?bid=281036 This tp scoreboard is glitched. Everyone is getting 0tp for any score left on this map. Would you mind fixing that up? Thanks!

I'm not going to keep working on tp either. In fact the updating server isn't even paid for anymore and I do no longer have any access to it. It's surprising that it's still running and updating sometimes at all.
Liked by: DroppedBass

If you're talking about the old thing at the bottom, could you add a "played maps only" to the list?

I'm not going to change anything with it. It's old and will remain old - if I'll add features then to the osu! client itself.

Do you think you could add stuff like mode:standard and status:ranked? I main standard and 1/4 of the maps I find (using star>5) are of other modes and they're all too hard for me.

You can already group by mode. Ranked status will come back to the GUI, too.
Liked by: DroppedBass ???

Ein paar Leute osu! sollte es so wie Hexis machen, und AR, OD, CS, HP dem Player selbst überlassen. Deine Meinung dazu ?

Ich bevorzuge es, dass osu! OD, CS und HP der map überlässt. Bei AR bin neutral.
Liked by: DroppedBass ???

but the short sliders are way easier then the long sliders. especially long repeating ones. the thing is, in the actual game you have that sudden point of dificulty change, but it appears that in your rating you don't. and what about sliders with lots of sliderticks? you have to keep your cursor on

You don't have the sudden difficulty change in the game. Consider normal sliders of varying length for instance. They don't just "suddenly" require a movement of their whole length after a certain threashold. The "lazy" movement which currently is used models the way people play sliders far more accurately than you think.
If you want to see how exactly it looks like you can download the difficulty calculator linked in my ask.fm profile and watch the preview.
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://puu.sh/9tEkm/4e2d2873c5.png The sliders on the Big Black are way longer then that short repeat sliders. I guess you should consider easiest movement only on the sliders that are shorter then the slider-hold-circle, or how is that thing called.

Then there would be a sudden point where sliders instantly get a certain difficulty. I'm not a fan of hard-threasholds and inconsistency. Easiest movement also makes a lot of sense for many normal slider-types. Big black is kind of an exception where I believe a lot of the difficulty also comes from the reading aspect when having so many sliders on the screen.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Hey. Are you gonna implement sorting with few parameters? Such as "ar=9&&od=7".

Ingame you can do that already. Website might be coming at some point - but it is tricky given the insanely huge amount of data it has to work with.
Liked by: DroppedBass Kynan

will the display for AR CS OD HP change with changing mods like the overall star rating does?

I'm still not sure whether that would make sense. For HR and Easy it definitely would, but DT for instance does not change OD, but rather the hitwindows. In fact changing OD won't even have the same effect on all 3 hitwindows. It's impossible in some cases.
So the decision I have to make is: Is it worth to change AR, OD, etc for HR and Easy and not for DT / HT?
Liked by: ??? DroppedBass Yano

A 350bpm stream vs 480bpm stream (both streams with the same SV and 100 circles). The 350bpm stream is higher in the star system. Is that because of this: http://a.pomf.se/bqhhrt.png? Shouldn't be the limit farther from the human limit? (When mashing it is possible to pass 300bpm for a few circles).

480 bpm should still be rated higher. Mind posting the maps you used to compare?
Liked by: ??? DroppedBass

Since the hit window for a 300 is 78-6*OD ms rounded down, does the difficulty calculation account for the rounding down of the hitwindows? For example, the hit window of OD9.5 is 21ms, while the hit window for OD9.4 is also 21ms (21.6ms rounded down).

The hit window is not part of the difficulty calculation, but the hit window gets correctly computed and sent over to the pp processor, because it gets computed by the very same beatmap loader, that you use to play the game.
Liked by: ??? DroppedBass

Can you explain in brief words how getting the star rating computation into the client caused that circle size bug in taiko?

There was a lot of refactoring code involved to be able to load multiple beatmaps in parallel and at the same time. This involved decoupling sprite sizes from the rendering - and unfortunately the place where these got synced was right before the Taiko sprite size got set fixed.
Liked by: ??? DroppedBass

Will the decimal beatmap difficulty settings be added to the editor and be considered rankable? Or the support is there just for mods that set the difficulty settings to decimals?

Check the test build - it already is in the editor with 0.1-steps.


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