
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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How does bonus pp for duration work? Is it done based off the whole song, or just addition length past a certain amount, i.e 4minutes + bonus pp for every, say 30s or 1minute on top of that length.

Firstly it's based on the amount of hitobjects and not the actual time which passes. Secondly it's roughly 1 + m * amountHitObjects up to some threshold. At that threshold it stops being a linear function and continues as a logarithmic function so that excessively long maps don't get a ridiculously high bonus. The whole thing is C1, meaning its slope doesn't suddenly change when transitioning from linear to logarithmic.
Liked by: DroppedBass

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Hey Tom is Visual Studio Community good for starting C++ programers ? I don't have much money so I can't afford the professional version which costs around 500$

Yes, it is. You really don't need the professional version for 99.9% of the time.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Does osu! have a problem with Nvidia on laptops? My laptop that I got for free from university (that uses an I5 processor with integrated graphics) runs osu! better than my $2000 laptop (I7 with Nvidia) I bought later. Also many other people have problems and have Nvidia on the forums...

Laptops with Nvidia Optimus, yes. Just go into the Nvidia control panel and make your laptop use integrated graphics for osu!.
There are actually laptops with Nvidia cards which don't have Optimus (most notably laptops with G-sync support). These don't have any issues.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Why didn't you play OWC?

Don't have time to practice the maps properly. Also I've been playing with mouse for the past months. That's way too prone to random misses for OWC whereas switching back to tablet would take time. Lastly I'm not even home during the first half of December (visiting Milkshake).
Liked by: Konoha Fataliis

do you think it'd be possible to implement a system that rewards some kind of consistency bonus pool to those that can churn out high value performances without using many playcounts inbetween? do you think it'd be a good idea if so?

Possible, yes. Feasible, no. People would start going offline inbetween plays and we can't just disallow that. Also whenever the pp algorithm changes everything needs to be re-calculated, so the entire play history would need to be stored so that it is reproducable in the future. Lastly, I don't think it's a good idea in the first place. In the end your achievements matter, not how you got there. Implementing the proposed idea (assuming it could be enforced) would mean disregarding practice and only considering talent (or other advantages from e.g. a history of musical education).

Do you think this map will become a problem: https://osu.ppy.sh/b/736215 (Panda Eyes & Teminite - Highscore)? 3 of the top 4 scores are touch screen and worth a ton of pp (393).

No problem, unlike the abusable tag4 map which had completely and utterly unrankable patterns Highscore is actually a fine map. If touch ends up being good on it, then that's okay.
Liked by: Cheesecake

why is the .exe on high priority? on some systems it conflicts with stuff like logitech gaming software or razer's drivers (though on older builds it used to function transparently/no hiccups)

Do the hiccups disappear when you change osu!'s priority back to normal via the task manager?

So with ScoreV2 slider maps won't be underweighted anymore? that'd be sweet even tho slider maps will be extremely hard to acc

If only sliders were underrated just because of their acc.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Shouldn't Hvick's play on Miraizu be 666pp since it is 665.5pp or does it not round up from 5?

It's probably 665.4XXX where XXX makes it round up to 665.5 when displaying with just 1 decimal behind the dot. So no, it shouldn't get rounded to 666 by itself.
Liked by: Samuel Mandody

Would it ever be possible to allow for up to four different keys for clicking instead of just two? I'm not sure if this is a really stupid question, or if you just aren't the right person to ask this to but one way this would be benefitial is some people like to use different keys for different mods

Most likely not. This would mean a crazy advantage speed-wise. Suddenly deathstreaming 270 BPM would be relatively easy.

Hey, could you please elaborate on why WWW's Pluto score is so underweighted? Not trying to h8 on pp, I just kinda wondered why that happened. Is it because of the lenght of the map?

- The spacing only really gets high at a single point of the map. Much of the difficulty to aim it comes from the actual shape of the patterns.
- The map is not that long.
Liked by: DroppedBass

yeah, just dont answer the uncomfortable questions ;)

Which? You mean like "map XXX is underrated *insert sarcastic comment here*"? I think everyone knows the system has its flaws and that I am not going to be able to fix it in the near future. I'm avoiding to spam my followers' pages with "yes, I agree map XXX is underrated" messages.

But you always play HD so that is basically nomod for you. Since LeaF I is so fast with many complex patterns and triples, adding HR means you need insane aim and speed. Maybe it's slightly less hard than Pluto HR, but they're still comparable scores.

I also played a ton of HR. Do you really think I don't know what's hard for me and what isn't? Leaf doesn't have high spacing. It's really not that challenging to aim once you got the speed down, even with HR. Also, even speedwise, there's just a bunch of singles and triples. No longer stuff at all.
If rrtyui had an accuracy of 99.5% or higher, then I'd admit the two scores aren't thaat far off, but 97.7%? There are a bunch of other people who could do that, too. At the same time, getting an SS with OD10 in itself is a crazy feat. Doing that in addition to crazy jumps like WWW did where you usually trade off some accuracy for making your aim more secure is way more amazing than a pure speed score with meh accuracy.

HR is insanely harder than HD tho

I've played both mods enough, that I know how large the gap between them is for me. I compared HD with me being absolutely unprepared to HR with me being fully prepared.

I think you're seriously underrating the difficulty of LeaF I HR. It's no TV size DT

I almost FC'd it with HD on a random day without being warmed up or having played much during that period. I might not be a horrible player, but I wouldn't rate something I can come close to doing with a little effort as a 500pp play.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Since you once said that you found WWW's Pluto HR SS to be one of the most underweighted scores, what do you think about rrtyui's HR score on https://osu.ppy.sh/s/99244 ? I personally find it pretty underweighted...well, actually, I find most of rrtyui's scores underweighted but that doesn't matter

That particular score really doesn't touch Pluto HR SS imho. There are a bunch of people capable of playing "I" speed and aim wise and the spacing isn't very large.
Liked by: Thomas Surlykke

Thoughts on this even though you probably took your time already with this kind of stuff, but I am interested in your opinion here if the time is given :). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFzDaBzBlL0 While we're at it, how do you define intelligence for yourself?

I know the video already. It translates well to many other things such as osu!. I feel like something similar happened to me when I originally switched from mouse to tablet. I just couldn't play mouse anymore. Of course by constantly switching back and forth I could learn to do both, but it took some effort.
I don't have a good definition of intelligence. When thinking about whether someone is intelligent or not I usually just follow my intuition based on some loose things like how well thought out things they say are.
Liked by: Staiain DroppedBass


o_o. In the end if you are unhappy with yourself, then other people won't be able to help you directly. All they can do is support you, but that requires you to do stuff on your own initiative. Other than that, if you truly feel like utter shit go to a psychologist. They'll most likely give you better advice than some dude on ask.fm.
Liked by: Benpoi DroppedBass

OStablet pc support still breaks multitouch, even on cutting edge. Thoughts?

No way around it. The OS tablet PC support option enabled Microsoft Ink which internally translates all tablet (touch and pen) input to simple mouse input before it reaches osu!.

What is your IQ?

According to a test I took a couple years ago (a proper one, not some online thing) 138. Got outclassed by my dad, though, who scored "145 plus" which is basically the highest their scale allows.
Anyway, these tests just check some memory, logic and language skills and thus aren't a good general indicator of intelligence, in my opinion.


Language: English