
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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Not sure if this has been asked before, but what's the deal with the animated pictures on a user's page? I've seen several users with this, but apparently it's private or something? Can anyone know about it?

Liked by: -cr1mmy- DroppedBass

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My question is unlinked to the length bonus. I am asking if there was a particular reason Miss You gave 211 pp despite being 5.17 stars. Perhaps I'm just uninformed.

While star difficulty correlates with the pp you gain it is not exactly scaling with the pp gain. Map length and OD are both factors not entirely represented in star difficulty. Another important aspect is, that internally star difficulty is composed of aim and speed difficulty which again determine parts of the gained pp.

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/116310225870 Is that the continuation to the answer about seeing my personal A-ranks ? Because You deleted Your first answer , so I'm not sure. Besides, it seems to be supporter only feature , as for me it does nothing :)

Yeah, I deleted the original answer since it was wrong. I don't want to confuse random people reading my ask.fm.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Dammit you misunderstood me again ;_; I was asking why Miss You gave rrtyui 211 pp BEFORE the changes.

And after the changes it gives 230pp. So the length bonus is working as intended. What am I misunderstanding?
Liked by: DroppedBass

It's not true that dkdkdkdk has the biggest entropy, you can represent it with 4*dk which has many less characters, while a message with entropy of 1 cannot be shortened. What you're looking for is basically a data compression algorithm.

The entropy function described in the wiki article would give dkdkdkdk a maximum IF it would be used as I described. There are many ways to try figuring out an entropy from Taiko notes (like I gave another example). What you are describing is kolmogorov komplexity (if I remember my theoretical computer science courses correctly. It describes the length of the shortest possible algorithm to express a word of a language, in your case 4xdk) which is unknown how to compute. Might even be proven impossible, but I don't remember that exactly.
Reading a bit further into the article it seems, that a similar definition exists for the entropy of bit strings, so yeah, that would work a lot better on Taiko streams. I should probably really get a compression algorithm to estimate pattern difficulty. I originally wanted to hack something together for estimating "repetetiveness" of patterns, but applying a compression algorithm and then checking the compression ratio might be pretty good for that already.

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Liked by: DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/116295992782 So you can roughly expect a 20% pp gain? For example, you have this 200pp nomod SS and the same score with HD would give 240pp in a rough estimation?

More like roughly 6.66%. That is the case when the score without hidden would give an equal amount of aim, speed and acc pp. For maps where aim is largely prominent the bonus can be much bigger, though. See for instance Airman, Chikai and various others.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Does Unstable Rate have any effect on the pp you get, in terms of accuracy? Like getting more acc points for a low UR and vice versa, or is UR just a bonus with no effect on pp/ranking at all?

If you get exactly the same 300s, 100s, 50s and misses, then you will get the same amount of pp, regardless of UR. UR is only available when evaluating a replay. Since maaaany scores don't have a replay stored and thus UR is impossible to be known pp can't take it into account.
Liked by: DroppedBass

If there never was that sort of tuning, why did Miss You give 211 pp pre change (now 230) pre change for rrtyui's fc?

Because longer maps in general got a buff. Read the changelog, please.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Is it possible to add AR changing ability as game modifier,like in Hexis?

Everything is possible. Can't say whether it will happen or not, though.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Is there a way to get a video out of an osu replay without using Fraps or etc. ? I mean like "editing" the file so the replay will automatically change into a video.

That's completely impossible. The replay file only contains the necessary data like cursor position, beatmap hash, when buttons were clicked etc, so you definitely need an osu! client to produce any kind of image from it.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Is the pp bonus for hidden in standard a straight bonus or influenced by speed, hitcircle count, etc.?

Hidden gives a flat 2% bonus on your accuracy pp and 18% on your aim pp. Since your accuracy pp depends on hitcircle count and aim pp on hitobject count indirectly the bonus also gets bigger with increasing hitobject and hitcircle count.
Liked by: Leonie DroppedBass

I understand that it is all the same now. I was asking about before. Thanks for the answer.

I don't know how exactly ppv1 did it, but in ppv2 there never were individually tuned beatmaps. Neither did they exist in osu!tp.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Have you ever considered using entropy to determine pattern complexity in taiko (and possibly mania)? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory)

Happyjonishappy’s Profile PhotoHappyjon
The naive approach would certainly not be a good idea. Let's take the example of color changes in Taiko. dkdkdkdkdkdk... patterns would have maximum entropy while dddddddddd... patterns would have minimal one. That's far from a good estimate.
However I think it might also be possible to instead compute the entropy of the probability of a color _change_. In that case both dkdkdkdkdkdk and dddddddddd would yield minimal entropy. However things like ddkkddkkddkkddkk would then yield maximal entropy which still is a very bad thing.
I honestly can't think of a good way to make entropy work. Any other suggestions which don't have obvious failure cases?

I'm sorry to ask this again, but you never answered before :/ were some songs like miss you tuned to give more pp for length before the change? If so, could you say which ones? Thanks!

There is not a single individually tuned beatmap out there. All are getting rated by the exact same algorithm. That's the whole point.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Hello Tom, if 4D with 99.23% gives 511 pp, can we easily calculate how many pp a 100%, 99.97%, 98.56% score could give ?

No. You would have to know how much of the pp comes from the accuracy and how much from the residual difficulty of the map.

i dunno how t link an answer ...(Tom today i tried a map that i played already with better score/accuracy but i lost -1 pp ( osu mania ) ... why ?? Tom reply : ...Are you sure both your accuracy and your score increased? : 1st try score 510k acc 83% 2nd score 523k acc 86%

Are you sure you lost pp and not rank?

Will Cookiezi's pp be over 9000 after this update? he owns a lot of good scores on long maps like airman fdfd and so on

There is a good chance his pp would be close to 9000. I'd think more like 8950, but it's just an estimation.


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