
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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Is the accuracy in the userpage calculated like PP (Only the accuracy of the highest scores count)? Or is it cumulative (all plays)?

like pp.

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Will the per mod high scores are implemented, will it retroactively change my pp scores? As in, will my 98% dt fc's that I already have replace my 99% hdhr fc?

Liked by: DroppedBass

ehm tom94 I don't get how a 95% HT HR can give less pp than a 95% HT on the same map, this is a fact on this map like it's showen at this take http://puu.sh/eNIpP/80940ad0be.jpg At low accuracy HT HR giving less pp than HT? I find no logic on that xDDDD

Tillerino is probably wrong. Don't take what he says for granted. Other than that if the map has a really low AR and some other conditions hold, then this might actually happen.
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/124548278734 *correction, I beat my score* Okay, I'm looking foward to it! BTW with per-mod highscores, I would still get a single pp score from each difficulty right? Thanks for the answer!

Yep. pp only once per map. Mania keymods might become an exception for that, but that's not decided yet.

Since my question is longer than allowed here, im just gonna post a screenshot of it. (topic is keyboards) http://puu.sh/eHjHr/0c7632532c.png

Whatever works best for you? Chances are your rubber dome had some really shitty contact points, resulting in your keypresses frequently triggering twice and lifting your stream speed as a consequence. The data you have with your mechanical keyboard sounds more realistic.
Liked by: DroppedBass

I've googled it and google did not manage to really give me an answer. I think this is more of a experience thing. Here goes : What's the difference between Computer Engineering and Computer Sciences? As in, in terms of where you can act and work after graduating...

Simply put: Computer Engineering is about how to make computers, Computer Science is about how to use computers.
Liked by: DroppedBass Roos.

I thought you said PhD in EZHT and I was like "too much osu!" Ok something serious, why is my Fruitender diff had the same star rating with the other diff when clearly its harder?

sephwin’s Profile PhotoJoseph
LOL EZ+HT best university.
Anyway, please post pp feedback (with a lot more information such as links to the 2 maps and explaining to me why your diff is harder - what you provided helps exactly nothing) in the feedback thread so I can look at it when I have the time and am actually working on the algorithm. On ask.fm it just gets buried never to be seen again.

First off, I'd like to thank you for all your effort on osu!, I think you're an amazing dev. Now; http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/123623525070 you said it's a part time job; after you finish Uni do you plan on continuing working on osu! or ditching it?

I'd love to work full-time on osu! since it's a hell lot of fun. If I can get a comparable wage to what I'd otherwise get I'll go full-time on osu! for sure. Not sure if that's possible though. As a graduate / PhD of ETHZ in Switzerland you generally get a lot compared to other places on the world.

Why now the game only calculates difficulty for the key-mod selected? Before, after there was a change in the osu!mania star-rating, I could leave the game running over-night to recalculate the difficulty values (it takes several hours because of how many maps there are), but now that doesn't work.

With the addition of the new keymods (1K - 10K) there started to be way too many difficulty values having to be calculated per map. Precisely 100 different difficulty values for each mania map in fact, which as a consequence took a long time to compute (several seconds per map on worse computers).
I'll consider adding background computation of other modes and mods when the current mode and the current mods are done. :)
Liked by: DroppedBass

Have you considered using Geki/Katu to make more difficult parts of maps more significant? If mappers were encouraged to use shorter combos and Geki/Katu were factored into pp could that work?

Letting arbitrary things that don't affect the actual difficulty of the map at all such as geki/katu decide pp would be the demise of the ranking system. Not gonna happen, it'll be abused and overlooked by many, I guarantee.
Liked by: DroppedBass

https://osu.ppy.sh/p/beatmap?b=6097&m=2 how u can explain pp here HR is many times harder than DT acc doesn't mean that much in ctb not like standard

Since normally accuracy hovers very close to 100% in CtB there is a "relatively sharp" pp decay under 100% accuracy so that the pp lost for missing some droplets isn't nothing. We're talking about just a few pp, so don't worry about this being too much. Thing is, when getting 70% instead of 100% this pp decay pretty much voids your entire pp. I'm not very concerned with it since it's only a problem on some arguably broken maps that are not possible to be played the way CtB was originally intended.
Liked by: DroppedBass

If I see relatively small changes after turning on raw input, I assume that means I was playing with relatively small delay beforehand?

For most people the difference isn't noticeable. Including myself. Slow PCs or mouse / tablet configurations unfit for osu! use are profiting the most.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Raw imput works fine with my Huion 420 this patch, it didn't even work before so here you have something that is not a complain ^^ keep it up!



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