
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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Why were you allowed to continue using Garanov/Pancake instead of going back to Tom69?

Convenience. There'd be no difference / benefit to switch accounts. All it'd do would be to add extra effort to ban the current account and to reactivate the old one.

Isn't it a bit weird that Last Journey Home with HR has a higher star rating than Cry Thunder nomod?

I find Cry Thunder wasier than Last Journey Home HR. Can do 1k combo on Cry Thunder and get through the stream part with just a couple of misses while HR Last Journey Home would be totally beyond me due to the circle size.
Liked by: DroppedBass fade

It's just that I've come across a few lately (which is weird since I barely had any bugs in 4+ years before) which can be both considered low prio (maybe not relevant at all as the second one impacts a third party app), though they're still annoying when occurring So, it's just main features/bugs?

Just report them in the help forums and they'll be categorized.

Related users

When are low priority bugs taken care of?

Oh gee, likely not very soon. There is only so much we (the development team) can do, sadly, and low priority bugs - as the name might suggest - don't really have a high priority.

Are there any cases in which on the same map, an HR score would give more pp than a DT score for a decent score? Obviously something like an HR SS vs. a 70% DT pass would give more pp for the HR but for something like, let's say both were around 98%+ FCs?

Slow maps with high OD. The accuracy difficulty gain of HR would greatly overweight the speed / aim gain from DT.

I have a question if we have 2 maps one with DT = 8* and the other is 217 combo 8 * but with HDHRDT What will give more pp the first map or the second as it has morz mods applied

Depends on other parameters than just *. CS also plays a role, combo of the first map does, OD does, AR does. Heck, even 8* is not necessarily the same as 8* on another map because the stars are composed of speed and aim which are the parameters relevant for pp.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Lately there are a few companies developing - as they call it - virtual reality googles. Is there any chance, that in future osu! will be compatible with similar devices?

Maciej Nowak
I'd say that depends on how successful they become and whether there is an advantage running osu! with these.
Liked by: Jepetski

Are there cases in osu!mania that someone gets a 900k score, while someone else gets a 899k score and the lower score gets more pp?

Yeah, mania pp also depends on accuracy to a small degree.

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/129492318158 Pretty sure it happens in very rare circumstances, when you hit the slider with a button, then you quickly switch to the other button, or something like that. It mostly happens during button mashing (just like doomsday did there) because of this.

Actually sounds very plausible. I had this problem a lot when playing Mad Machine, since I'd often accidentally press 1 time too often on the longer streams.
Liked by: kak1

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/129477121998 Just tested on Kokou no Sousei on a fast repeat slider with NoFail on. Started holding the button at the beginning of the map, yet the repeat slider registered by just hovering, without any extra press. Am I missing something?

Either you are... or the system does something I don't know off. If you could try to find out precisely under which circumstances holding the button fails and under which it works, it'd be awesome if you could make a thread in the Help forums. Not that I'd think much would change since this'd invalidate scores, but it'd be good to know what's going on.
Liked by: Michael Warming

https://youtu.be/RRgPCAzwH7I Are sliderbreaks like this at 3:20 where he fails the map a bug or is it working as intended? It happens to me very rarely, but when it does it's the most annoying thing ever, and it feels wrong. I'm holding a button yet the slider doesn't register as being held.

That's working as intended, you need to click at least once while hovering over the slider to have repeats register properly.

Hypothetically, what would it take to warrant a full reset of all scores?

Suuuuuper much. Like a completely borked database where half of the scores went missing or something like that. Can't imagine any non-accidental scenarios that would warrant throwing away 8 years worth of people's scores.
Liked by: DroppedBass

For mania pp, IIRC, the score considered doesn't include the score penalty for mods (so an EZ play with 400k score is considered as 800k in the calculation). Does the score considered include the small score bonus given by DT?

DroppedBass’s Profile PhotoDroppedBass
Yes, it does.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Are you allowed to disclose the actual formula in which star rating is calculated for osu!mania? I was wondering if we were also able to see it.

It would be troublesome to extract the relevant code part without publishing any other code of osu!. Describing the algorithm instead would be even more effort.
When osu! goes open source all the difficulty algorithms will do so, too, as a consequence.

Is there a way to update all beatmap stats? (not sure if it's called that) I recently downloaded and imported all osu! maps, but when I grouped by rank achieved, for an example, it only counted the maps I previously selected in map select and tagged others as 'no rank achieved'.

osu! should collect all that data automatically in the background while you have it running. Feel free to idle in the main menu / song select for a while and see if some ranks got added eventually.
Liked by: DroppedBass

How exactly did the old star system work? It seemed like every single map was 5 stars

Some formula only based on things like AR, OD, CS and amounts of certain kinds of hitobjects. Also tuned in the very beginnings of osu!, making pretty much all the relevant maps cap out at 5 stars.
Liked by: DroppedBass


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