
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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What if a new technology came out like an eyesight tracker or something that instantly made the player able to outperform the best tablet players? Would this style be banned, new scoreboard for the playstyle, or would the game just be dominated by the people who had laser eyeball trackers?

I actually considered making such a device in a sort of start-up manner. But seems tricky. :<
How it would be dealt with in osu! is unclear without knowing how good it'd work.

Do you think you still would've developed osu!tp and eventually gone on to work on ppv2 if you hadn't been banned?

Well, I did make the difficulty calculator prior to getting banned. The beatmap difficulty website, however, I created because people claimed my client would contain a trojan which resulted in its removal from the osu! website. And on that website I built osu!tp. So maybe the ban indeed helped to make osu!tp see the light. :p
Liked by: DroppedBass Olivarus

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If peppy, for whatever reason, decided that he could not pay you, would you quit being a dev?

I would also do stuff on osu! without getting paid. That being said the money is an extra motivator which makes me do more than I would otherwise do nonetheless.
Liked by: Try Harder KZNikita dcv

Just for clarity sake, could you say which of these are taken into consideration by the star rating - CS, AR, OD, HP drain?

CS. That's it.
Liked by: Kato

But for trail you'd have to ID every single movement as tablet or touch. For a whole replay wouldn't a significant amount of teleports coinciding with mouse1 press and also landing on a note indicate touch being involved with certainty?

Once again, teleports look the same as low polling rate devices or for instance getting out of your digitizer area with the pen and entering at another point.

do you love azer? you nerfed everything he sucks at and buffed everything hes good at.

Azer is love. Azer is live.
On a serious note, the last time I talked to or interacted with Azer as far as I can remember is over a year ago in a multiplayer lobby. Oh and I think I sent him a message when he went for getting his chat tabs bigger than the osu! window because I wanted to see if anything breaks. :p

what is happening with the star rating for mania maps on the site? https://osu.ppy.sh/b/249346?m=3 look at this,26 star

Holy SHIT. I made a modification to the server-side difficulty calculation client which should have _nothing_ to do with this but somehow caused it.
Reverted it for now and initiated a re-calc of all beatmaps, so this should be fixed within the next day. Gonna investigate further tomorrow - really should go to sleep now. Thanks for letting me know.
Liked by: DroppedBass Olivarus

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/125830006478 Can't this be detected by the replay? Touchscreen looks like aimbot - the teleporting of the cursor on jumps and so on... I mean, come on, it's pretty obvious!

There are various reasons why this wouldn't be 100% reliably. Most prominently that people playing with low framerates or doing very rapid movements would also potentially look like having their cursor teleport. I tried making the cursor trail appear and disappear based on touch VS tablet movement and couldn't get it working properly even under normal conditions.
Liked by: kirishima Olivarus

so just reward pp for ppl that dont fc it with touch screen? since they actually worked hard for it

If you give me a 100% reliable method for detecting that, sure. I'm sure there is none.
Liked by: DroppedBass

how about just reducing the pp worth of HT + EZ on tag4 maps? since the star ratings dont go that much down so it still rewards ton of pp

Same argument as the 1000 other times people asked about multipliers regarding map-changing mods. Scroll down.
That being said you can also abuse the hell out of the pp system on tag4 maps with nomod. I've FC'd every single pattern in kanojo with a touchscreen and no mods. If I were to have a good FC run I'd get over 1000pp for it. Do you think that'd be fair?
Liked by: Vocal Olivarus

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/125808802766 I didn't mean that, but intentionally. GN was saying it'd be nice for some kind of official recognition for tag4 scores again, would it be possible to recreate what was happening on that map so have the values displayed but not actually give anything?

As far as I can see it wouldn't make any sense to have such scores display a pp value while they don't reward any pp. Also if you're doing a crazy score on tag4 it still gets displayed on the leaderboards. It also still gets posted everywhere as far as I can tell (ExGon's kanojo run, anyone?).
Like everything else this is not an opinion set in stone, but it'll take some good arguments to get me away from it. If a pp display on song leaderboards gets added this would be another story and I'd be more open to displaying the would-be pp values there.
Liked by: Try Harder Dan Pi

http://puu.sh/gclBb/02394fad15.png >pp table >>Myschu, BlueFlame, Hyun >>>The map gives pp normally, no bug going on.

I seriously should stop responding to any kinds of non-questions on this ask.fm, especially if these kinds of comments are the outcome. If you want me to properly look at your reports and not forget about them, then post them at the place they are meant to be posted.
For the record, yes, I overlooked the issue, but it was not as immediately obvious the way I queried the database versus the way that browser add-on displays pp values.

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/125800959950 So what about this ? http://puu.sh/gckQI/74f3031e5e.png

Upon closer inspection there indeed seems to be something wrong with the map. All scores which happened after a certain date didn't give pp.
Seems to be caused by the .osu file disappearing from the servers. (Try to click "grap latest .osu file" on https://osu.ppy.sh/b/430908 and you will see.) I can't personally do anything about this - I've escalated this issue up and it should be dealt with within a few days.
Liked by: DroppedBass


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