
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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How does it feel like to be the best player overall in osu! right now? Sure rrtyui has better jumps, but you're so much better than him on other fronts that you're better overall.

Doesn't really feel special at all. D:

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how long did you train your tap skill? :3

Not that long. My main playstyle involved tapping all the singles for half a year... and I've been playing really fast stuff. So I already was used to tapping when I started to tap/x streams. (I am assuming you are asking about the tap/x stuff)

Welches Tablett ist das Beste?:D

"Which tablet is the best?:D"
Well, no idea. I only had the CTL460 and 470 and like both. Can't do any comparison to others.

wouldn't it be easier to recommend fellow Germans to ask in English only?

I have no idea who is asking the questions. There will always be germans who come here by chance and don't know that they shouldn't ask in german. So no.


To be honest I could actually start translating the german questions and answer them in english. Gonna do that from now on. :>

Du erwähntest in deiner Top 10 bei Cookiezi jetzt nur sein aim, wie schätz du seinen Stream - und seinen Accuracy Skill ein?

Top, top, top und nochmal top. Man nehme rrtyuis streaming / accuracy und setzt nochmal einen oben drauf.

Warum spielst du extrem Maps ( Freedom Dive, Chipscape, Matzcore,..) immer mit hr+hd? Arbeite dich doch bei den Mods hoch, no mod, hr/hd und dann erst hr+hd. Würd gern mal sehen wie du die Maps ohne Mods spielst :)

Ich finde sie nomod zu langweilig. Macht mit HD+HR viel mehr Spaß. :p

Welche Vorteile hat eine mechanische Tastatur?

Es ist einfacher die Tastenanschläge zu fühlen. Außerdem hält sie sich länger als gewöhnliche Tastaturen. Das bringt zwar nicht sonderlich viel in sachen Geschwindigkeit, allerdings eine Menge in Accuracy.

Do you accept play requests? If yes, then fc this with dt: http://osu.ppy.sh/s/20025 Since you almost fc'ed native faith, i think you can do this one.

Actually I have a few 1-miss HD+DT runs on this. The triples part always makes me miss but well... that was some time ago. I can try. :>

Hey right, we ask for you thoughts, whatever you are arrogant or not lol. Your thoughts about val0108 ?

One of the best Easy players that I know. His tag4 scores are crazy. He also is damn fast and can tap/x pretty well. Guess the fact that he passed freedom dive also speaks for his endurance.

Your thoughts about Black Sheep ?

I didn't see enough scores from him to really judge him. He seems to be very fast and accurate though.

Just because you defeated Jesse James, it does not make you Jesse James. Keep on keeping on though :)

Defeating Jesse James doesn't make me Jesse James indeed. I am Tom. Technicly it makes me better than Jesse James though. (At least from a logical point of view I guess. ^^")
Liked by: Coco

you will never be as good as cookiezi or?

Define "good".
I probably will never have an aim like him, but I can exceed his speed and stamina with tap/x. Also I can match (and even beat) his accuracy on most high OD maps that I tried on. OMG I AM SO ARROGANT <3

Tom, you are good, we know that. Stop having such a big ego though, you have nothing on Cookiezi... the fact that you even compare yourself to him is arrogance... :/ He really is still far far ahead of you. I also think your judgements of other players are flawed sometimes...

That's not a question, my friend. There is a PM function for discussions. ;)
I am only answering this because many people don't seem to understand that ask.fm is for asking me questions. If you don't agree with my opinion that is fine, but don't complain.
Liked by: B1rd


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