
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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Have you considered a statistical/machine learning approach to PP calculations? You could train it using the beat objects and the current performances on it as a feature set. It would then be a regression problem.

I have considered, yes. Not tried yet. I do have the knowledge on a few approaches and do plan to see if they give usable results.

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Until aim/acc/speed are split again you shouldn't focus on tweaks, for now there will always be exceptional maps due to the combination of the 3 at a score level. Don't you think it would be best to start tweaking privately to make the system work well with aim/speed/acc?

That's precisely what I am doing.

You must be aware but dont you think high cs on long maps are still scaling too hard i mean, everybody knows image material hr SS is harder than ice angel hr ss. 600pp scores must be unique and you cant simply give it to a fking 168bpm map. YES its hard but not 600pp http://i.imgur.com/dcw66Cu.png

To be fair, Image Material HR SS would be so insane it would warrant more than just 600pp. I feel like this issue is more with image material being worth too little in this case (high BPM streams still need a buff). I'm not sure whether Ice Angel really warrants a nerf. The spacing is pretty damn mean and holding such a good accuracy on OD10 on top of that for 3000 notes is not something many can do.

is there any way for you to make slider end misses more punishing and is that something you would like to see implemented? i think slider end misses are kind of looked over now and doesnt require you to play the sliders as intended. its a circle clicking game but sliders are also a part of the game!

I don't find it as bad since you need to follow up to the last follow point at least. Sliders in general are weird, though. I agree, that if the scoring system were to be completely revamped, sliders would need to be, too.

Surely you know that if the end of a difficulty has a hard pattern that would contribute significantly to the star rating (say big jumps), you can increase the star rating a bit by adding some easy to play objects after the end. Isn't this a bug? Would the pp be different because of the star rating?

Yeah. I'll try to avoid that in the next iteration of star rating.

what about increasing the miss pentalty a bit, but making the combo multiplier more lenient like ^0.6 or ^0.7, so the difference between two single combobreak scores would be smaller, and several misses at a difficulty peak at the end would be penalized more?

It is a possibility. I used to do that in tp at some point, but the general consensus of feedback seemed to be that FCs were worth too little. Also makes it easier to override a good pp score with a worse one.
Liked by: Shira Vahu

have you ever thought about removing the combo break penality from the pp system? IMHO, a score with 1xshitmiss right in the middle shouldn't be worth that much less compared to a full combo with the same accuracy. the X^(score's amount of misses) multiplier alone should penalize combo breaks enough

Tried that once in tp. It sucked big time. X^(score's amount of misses) would be very bad for this. Do you really think a 2-3 miss run should be worth a similar amount as a full combo? Sure, they might be random, but they also might be due to some very hard pattern.

is letterbox doing his job? should it be supposed to be like this? http://puu.sh/iWZ9D/3056822b53.png

I don't know what exactly that ms counter is supposed to represent, but you can't possibly perceive the difference between 0.9ms and 1.2ms. If it's supposed to measure your input-to-visual delay, then it's dead wrong for windowed mode. It probably doesn't take into account the effect DWM has on all windows on top of their own rendering pipeline.
Liked by: DroppedBass

What is the point of the new Letterbox feature? If you want it fullscreen, play fullscreen. If you want a window, set it to a window. How can it even be fullscreen while remaining the size of a window?

In windowed mode you are forced to have a 16ms input latency from windows. (can't be simply/at all disabled in windows 8 or higher)

Does the letterboxing also work for tablets or do they still have input lag? (I'm mosue user)

The input lag reduction of _fullscreen_ (which is the _same_ as when disabling DWM) is input device agnostic, meaning it works with everything. Letterboxing itself doesn't do anything to your input.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Using letterbox in osu! on win8.1 doesnt help me much compared to disabling DWM which completely destroys the win8.1 imput lag. Disabling DWM doesnt work on OpenGL tho. Are there any plans on improving the letterbox or NOT removing DirectX option? I really dont want to play osu! with this imput lag.

You do realize you have to set osu! to use Fullscreen to remove input lag? Letterboxing has nothing to do with input lag, it only allows you to run osu! with the Fullscreen setting and still have it be as small as a window.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Any news about the high bpm streams pp buff ? Seeing scores such as that one http://i.imgur.com/nTMgArT.jpg being worth only 350 pp feels soooooo wrong ;_;

I've been doing some revamp to the difficulty algorithm behind the scenes which allows way easier tuning of it. When all the OpenGL stuff is fixed and the other high priority things currently going on are done (looks at multiple mod scoreboards still not being out >_<) I'll look further into those.

Is it possible to stretch letterboxed osu! to fullscreen? So I could keep my windowed area, but make osu itself look bigger.

Just... disable letterboxing and go into fullscreen mode?
Liked by: StarrStyx dcv

Can I request someone to delete some of my ranks? I have autism and those C,D's on easy diff's are pretty annoying for me. Can't beat them cuz can't read that AR lmao. Or there's no way? (those ranks are worth nothing for me now of course and I will get only moral satisfaction)

Sorry, we don't provide such service. Your case obviously is a special one because you could easily beat those old ranks, but there is nothing I can do about that unfortunately. You'll have to spend the time actually improving those ranks if you want them gone.
Liked by: _bloo

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/130513625550 Well, i have same problem, and things dont pop into the foreground, and I can't alt-tab out with "confine mouse to full screen" on either. I really wanna use cutting edge, but this is like the only thing holding me back from doing so :/

Please make a post in the cutting edge forum thread ( https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/259747 ) and tell us what kind of platform you are running on, including CPU and GPU. You have to understand, that if we don't get these kind of things fixed it will be broken for everyone once the new stuff gets through to stable.

Hi, I think letterbox is great, but it'd be even better if we could choose a position for it aswell like "middle-top, center, middle-bottom". Do you think it's something that could be implemented easily?

Would be super easy to add. I'll consider and discuss it with others.


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