
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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I'd at least like the ms counter to be small and out of the way, like the old FPS counter: just a little white text with black outline.

I'm not the one deciding on designs, you gotta post such a request in the forums or in the public slack group. For me personally it's small enough to not be distracting during gameplay.

Hello Tom, I just found this weird bug with pp. This player: https://osu.ppy.sh/u/6541750 got more than 5000pp despite having his best performance at only 124pp, which I think is not possible. Could you take a look?

Got his illegitimate scores removed but didn't play any map, so his pp didn't update. Will eventually update when the next re-calc happens.

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To be honest, I just like the fps more, I tried to use the new thingy for 3hours and the only thing I can say about it is that it's annoying while playing and I can't see my fps, I mean, you guys can do as you wish, it isn't my game, but it shouldn't be too hard to keep something that already exist

And while we are at it, keep everything that ever existed in osu! and maintain compatibility with everything for maximum clusterfuck and confusion? Sorry, no, it's not that simple. You'll have to learn to mentally translate from frame times to FPS if you care about your fps number that much. 2ms = 500 FPS, 1ms = 1000 FPS, 0.5ms = 2000 FPS. Xms = 1000/X FP. X FPS = 1000/Xms.

Hello, please, before peppy decide to completely remove it, ask him to keep an option for those who want to see the fps instead of this annoying frametime thing, like, seriously, please ):

There's literally no reason to prefer FPS over frame times other than bad habit. FPS is just a way less intuitive scale for the same thing.

can you guys just put letterboxing into stable without changing anything else so I don't have to play on beta then? letterboxing completely removes input lag and having to switch to playing with input lag now for the game to stop crashing everytime i finish a song is obnoxious

No, we can't do that easily. You could try again, though, and see if it still happens. I pushed an attempted fix recently.

Why does not osu have mania kind of scoring since it's really bad.... Were you on high when you made that scoring system or what ?

That scoring system was made like 7-8 years ago. I've been a dev for less than 2 years. Does that explain it?
Liked by: Tewi DroppedBass xenou

the game fucking crashes every time i finish a song if i dont play in compatibility mode. doesnt happen on stable

Then post your hardware and crashlog in the help forums? If you already did, then wait until we had time to look into it. It's called "beta" and "cutting edge" for a reason.

not when i put compatibility mode on

Fullscreen with compatibility mode inherently doesn't work. It's the same as borderless. Don't use compatibility mode unless you absolutely need to, it has that name for a reason.
Liked by: DroppedBass

fullscreen doesn't remove input lag in beta now wtf ._.

Yes, it does. You are doing something wrong if not.

When DT gives pp again in osu!mania, will it have a small score penalty in the pp calculation? DT reduces the penalty for 200/100/50 judgments for score, so getting certain score with DT is a bit easier than getting the same score with the map just sped up by 50%.

pp already accounts for that. The component that rates accuracy is unaffected by DT.

Is the total length of a hitwindow always an odd integer?

Yes. The hitwindow is +- an integer since the internal representation for audiotime isn't more precise than a millisecond, which means the total hitwindow length can only change in increments of 2. Due to the symmetry of Abs(error) <= hitwindow the windows length is always an odd integer. Assuming the hitwindow is 0, then Abs(error) <= hitwindow would hold for the 1ms-space between the -0.5ms and +0.5ms error (the space, where osu!'s audio library would consider the error to be 0 ms large).
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://puu.sh/jNfFe.png what can cause that?

Background programs clogging up your windows event queue most likely. Try to close all the processes you have running besides osu! which you don't absolutely need. If that doesn't help, try rebooting.

Hey Tom! My map seems to have an issue with stars. https://osu.ppy.sh/b/359780 - Both Easy and HardRock don't seem to change the rating at all, it just stays stuck at 4.66*.

HoundBlueDragon’s Profile Photobluudragon
Works just fine for me. Might be an issue with difficulty calculation in the editor, make a thread in the help forums or I'll forget to look into it.

What's the point of the PP bonus from submitting maps. (416pp max) Will it be removed or lowered? It doesn't seem necessary to me

I plan on removing it (or rather making it cap out way quicker) for high-level players. Its purpose is to reward newer players for playing a variety of maps instead of retrying the same ones again and again.
Liked by: Shira DroppedBass

Rohulk says he doesn't play offline and he was into completly different rhythm games (with no aim involvement). And in only 10k plays he is at top 100 level with a good aim over anything else? I don't think he cheats, but he is most definetly a multi accounter

I wonder where you get your confidence from. Talent exists. In the rare cases where it meets diligence pretty impressive things happen.
I personally just hope he won't cap out as quickly as I did. Sure would like to see a new top10 player. :D

do you want to do something with movie editing when you're done with university? if not, what would you like to do?

Movie editing? That has nothing to do with the stuff I am learning / doing / enjoying, so no. I'll probably stay in the academic field.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Why my osu runs at 400fps and my 2012 build runs at 3000? How far the optimizations were done. Both playing offline. No effects same resolution same maps. I can definitely tell 3000fps is more responsive than 400fps.

Are you even running on the cutting edge build? Stable has none of the optimizations, but 400fps still seems unrealistically low compared to 3000. Something at your end is most definitely fucked.
Liked by: Shira DroppedBass

How do you figure out optimizations to the code? Do you look at it and figure out a way to do the same more efficiently, or investigate alternative ways and test them out?

Imagine you want to push as much water through as pipe as possible. The place where the pipe is the most thin is what will ultimately decide how easily you can push water through, no matter how wide the rest of the pipe is. Just like the neck of a bottle.
These "bottlenecks" exist in software, too. So the first step when optimizing is to find such a bottleneck, that is the portion of the code taking by far the most time to execute compared to the rest. This is usually done by either knowing a lot about how the respective components work (e.g. graphics cards) or by using a profiler, which is basically a program, checking in which parts of another program - in this case osu! - the most time is spent.
After identifying where the bottleneck is I gotta find a way to make the code in question faster. That usually boils down to either being smarter about how to calculate that particular result or by throwing away parts of the calculations which are not needed, and thus being able to write faster code solving a simpler problem that still gets the job done.
In the case of bezier slider calculations I went from the current implementation, which was O(n³) with a relatively large constant factor to an algorithm which is amortized linear (O(n)) and has a lower constant factor, effectively reaching a 100-fold speedup for common slider cases and an astronomical speedup (way over a few thousand-fold) for sliders with many points. If you don't know what those Os mean, check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_O_notation . TL;DR: It gives you information about how quickly your algorithm gets slower as it gets more data.
In the case of most rendering things the speedup usually does not come from a smarter algorithm, but instead from adjusting the old rendering code to new code taking more advantage of the way GPUs work. Things like batching many primitives together instead of sending them to the GPU one by one, or in the case of particles computing their positions entirely on the GPU (using shaders) instead of updating them in the CPU every frame. I think those particle changes gave the most dramatic speedup osu! has ever seen. Managed to get 600FPS with over a million particles on the screen in a quick test. Particles might become customizable for future skins. :) http://puu.sh/jA8NW/e63520a19f.mp4

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Do you know why azer,xilver, and happystick lost ~20pp recently? They haven't submitted any scores on maps that were DQ'd in the past few days.

Yep, recently found out, that the server-side difficulties did not consider the most recent (still a few months back) changes to small circle star difficulty. This has been fixed, so scores with very small circles lose a small amount of pp.


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