
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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Is there someone you really like accept Milkshake?

English seems to be a pretty hard language, huh?
There are quite a bunch of people that I like, but if you are talking about love, then there is nobody else. And there never was actually.

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You become a little girl for the next 24 hours, what do you do?

I'd accept all the candys that the pedophile strangers offer me. I'd love to see their face when they wake up next to a guy @ the next day.

Du hast recht, Steins Gate ist kuhl. Hab mir schon 9 Folgen angesehen. Ich geh jetzt Hausi machen. Baba <3

Warte ab bis Episode 13. Dann wirst du bis zum Ende durchsuchten, glaub mir. :)

What do you value more than anything else?

The small circle of people who are close to me. That is my parents, 2 or 3 friends and of course Maro.

How have your life experiences changed you?

By showing me just -how- crappy the shit can get if done wrong.
Misinterpreting questions on purpose. #yolo #swag

Panshake seems nice

I agree... this is one of the few questions where I'd like to have a "thumbs up"-button myself.

wieso führen alle in osu so internetbeziehungen mit irgendwelchen leuten die sich nicht kennen und in ihrem leben nie sehn werden?

Wer versucht Liebe logisch zu erklären, hat etwas nicht verstanden. Davon mal abgesehen ist nie ausgeschlossen, sich zu treffen. Sogar über große Entfernungen hinweg (siehe fishie und kedi).


Language: English