
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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i think nerfing DT is a really bad idea look at maps like this https://osu.ppy.sh/b/387361?m=0 that hvick fced its not worth that much pp already and now its gonna be worth less? just like u said many ppl tried fcing dragonforce and airman but didnt succeed many ppl tried to fc hvick maps aswell..

When did I say anything about a flat out DT nerf? Come on.
Liked by: Eme DroppedBass

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won't www be hit harder than _index since his tops are maps like lovesick and best friends, if you look at it he'll bennefit, sayo will drop, HDHR will remain relativly unchanged but the ones closts beyond that, kuu01, rafis and pupu will all drop.

That's well possible. I won't guarantee a change in either direction though. Nothing is implemented or proven working in that regard yet.
Liked by: DroppedBass Shira

We have to agree that freedom dive>random index 500pp scores. How come the system rewards someone that does 3 or 5 retries on a map and gets 500pp against people doing a map 1000 times or more (cptnxn/rrtyui) on fd4d for the same pp amount? thats no sense. A top leaderboard player must be complete.

I've seen many people try to FC dragonforce maps or airman with HR. So far less have succeeded per map on average than on freedom dive (less than 2). As long as _index is the only one being able to make such scores on multiple maps I call skill and not abuse or a fault in the system.
As I said previously I expect your average DT farm maps to get hit harder by the length weight changes.

http://ask.fm/indexosu/answer/125975591919 You ruined (or more precisely "WILL ruin") index's osu career :(.... Nah, he is just salty right now because he lost that 600 pp score, he'll get over it! :)

Upcoming length nerf that will benefit the majority of _index scores. I don't even know how more detailed I could explain it than I did already. That one will mainly affect difficulties with single difficulty spikes and relatively low difficulty at other places such as Lovesick or TV size maps which only have one crazy jump pattern. Dragonforce maps have relatively consistent high difficulty.
Aside from that dragonforce (or in general CS6.5) stuff wouldn't be affected by a CS nerf much since they have a relatively small bonus in the first place. I hope we can agree that despite being hard https://osu.ppy.sh/b/28783?m=0 does not deserve as much as it gives with HR DT.
So yeah, most of his top scores would be largely unaffected... and even if he lost 100pp and others gained 100pp which would be a big change, then he would still be #3. Massive overreaction.

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Dont u feel like index is abusing the cs pp buff getting relatively easy 500~ pp scores? i mean im not saying the scores are not hard but just they are short and not worth 500 pp ... unlike some other dthd insane hvick like scores that are only worth like 450 pp

I wouldn't call it abusing... but now that people realized high CS actually had some value all along I'm temped to tune the buff down again - probably not remove it completely, though.

pattern difficulty is so subjective. i often hear about how triangles and back-and-forth jumps are easy and squares, pentagons and pentagrams are hard, but i find squares, pentagons and triangles easy, but pentagrams and back-and-forth hard. do you have any ideas in mind to tackle this problem?

Not really, which is one of the reasons why I'm not satisfied with any approach atm.
Liked by: DroppedBass _bloo Dan

Do you use any kind of machine learning in the PP calculation system, or do use mostly your own judgment based on observation? If the latter, is it appropriate to call you a PP AI?

No machine learning, yet (it is very tempting now that I had some interesting courses about it and probabilistic AI).
Liked by: DroppedBass Dan pyon

Could you explain to me in great detail about how you were able to come up with the formulas/calculations for the diffcalc? kthx (pls no smartass answers)

I have much experience as a player and simply chose the mathematical models I thought fit the best with my experience.
If you want more details than the wiki about the actual formulas then you'll have to wait for osu! going open source.
Also "(pls no smartass answers)" really tempts me to be a total smartass about it. Expect some additional smartassery in the future for questions containing things like that. :D

I don't think nerfing lenght will benefit anything. You're gonna end up nerfing maps like FDFD and fuck up nomod PP for everyone who gets pp from it. You're also gonna fuck up all the other dragonforce maps which are pretty much the same diff throughout the whole song.

It's not a length nerf in general. It's a length nerf for maps which have very little hard regions. Maps like FDFD where the difficulty overall is very high wouldn't be affected much.

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/126908363470 what? dt doesn't increase on od10? is this chart not accurate anymore? http://w.ppy.sh/8/88/ODTable.png

I hate ask.fm. And the osu! wiki for stating OD itself would change. Read my previous answer again. OD doesn't change, not from OD5, not from OD10, not from OD anything, the timing windows do change. What the wiki says is right in the following way: Given for instance an OD10 map with DT, then the timing window for hitting a 300 is as if the map had OD11. Other aspects of OD such as timing windows for 100 and 50 change at other rates due to the timing window effect of DT, so it's not actually OD11. Only the timing window for 300 is as if it'd be OD11.

Don't you think, _index's 609 pp rank is a bit overrated?

The middle of it is reeeeally hard. But it profits from a massive length bonus on a map where a large portion is relatively easy... so yes, I think 609 pp is too much. Hopefully adjusting the length bonus to what has been discussed recently on this ask.fm page will help.

Is it okay to animate the hitcircleoverlay in your skin to make low ARs, when playing ez, feel higher? (by having a blank hitcircle and blank numbers, and a blank first frame for hitcircleoverlay, and then something in the 2nd/3rd frame for hitcircleovrlay) This does work, is it considered cheating?

I don't know. I am not affiliated with this kind of stuff and don't want to be.
That being said I wouldn't risk it. Sounds like a pretty unfair advantage to me and given how gamma changes for FlashLight are forbidden I wouldn't be surprised if this was, too.

Do zig zag streams give more pp than straight streams? (I mean streams where notes go up and down individually)

If the distance between each consecutive note is equal, then it gives the same amount of star difficulty (hence he same amount of pp). The shape doesn't matter, but it should. Taking the shape into account, which is commonly referred to as "pattern difficulty" is something I want to get working, but didn't quite manage to do sensibly yet.

Ironic how your the pp guy yet you don't have extremely overweighted pp plays like daidai or koigokoro as your top plays

I used to farm pp on my old account when ppv1 was a thing. It was not fun. Also I'd make a pretty bad impression if I'd be abusing my own system's shortcomings. It'd suggest I'm trying to gain an unfair advantage or something.
Also it makes people surprised when I do super well in the OWC despite being at such a low rank. :D

does OD10 + DT give extra pp since DT increases OD? (i'm sure this has been asked over9000 times sry about that.)

Yes it gives more pp for the same accuracy, no it doesn't increase OD but it still decreases the timing windows for getting 300s, 100s and 50s by literally speeding everything up.

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/126853223886 I thought you said there are already separate ratings for speed, aim, and acc, but they just aren't displayed separately?

For maps they are stored but not displayed. For scores they are computed but not stored (directly added up based on weights). For players they aren't even computed separately.
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/126869503182 Shouldn't the goal be to move the length bonus fully into star rating? Giving pp based on number of hit objects/number of difficult segments/etc can only ever be an approximation of an algorithm that calculates difficulty based on each individual hit object.

The way length scaling works should be computed within the star rating computation, yes. But it shouldn't be a part of star difficulty itself.

Ok something is really wrong about high CS and spaced streams. https://osu.ppy.sh/b/147327 change the CS to 6.5 and look at the star rating. 7.19?? That's just not right.. and the difference between CS6 and CS6.5 is 0.8, but the diff between CS6.5 and CS7 is 0.1. Whaaat. Also pastebin.com/E0WkKvmF

Spaced streams are starting to become part of the aim component at a certain point. The reason why you see a quick difficult increase and then a slower one is just the way the scaling based on note distance works. I'll look further into it when I am home again in about 2 weeks.


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