
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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Is there a way to prove that I don't cheat (aside from live stream since my upload speed is way too low) ? I mean do you have such a tool that can analyze a replay and tell you if it's legit or not ? Because all those people crying because of my best perf and insulting me are annoying...

Kynan383’s Profile PhotoKynan
Live plays, showing your screen + tablet + keyboard at the same time through a camera without shitty quality are the best way. Upload speed isn't an excuse since this can be recorded offline and then uploaded over night to youtube.
Oh, and best is if you make it so one can hear your keys when you press them. In your case, which is streams, it'd be important to verify, that you actually do hit the keys with your fingers.

How do sliderbreaks influence the PP do you get from a map, ignoring the fact that max combo is affected by sliderbreak, since that's considered by PP algorithm, or do they not influence PP at all?

Since they look just like regular 100s it's impossible for pp to even distinguish them from 100s. They do indirectly reduce pp by reducing your combo.
Liked by: DroppedBass

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When would you reveal the formulas as it was promised on the ppv2 release? Could you link me to the place with the answer if you answered on this ealier?

https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/Performance_Points here is a few information. More in-depth stuff will come as I find the time to write it. I'm pretty busy irl and I prefer to actually work on getting the star system done etc. when I have time.
Liked by: DroppedBass

I don't think there is a need to hide to ranking of inactive players. They have achieved the scores and it won't be hide in the scoreboard. How come we can't find their name? The scores are their accomplishment and it shouldn't be decayed or disappeared by time.

The scores are still there. They simply don't show in the performance ranking, because it is supposed to show actively performing players. If someone who doesn't play anymore wants to be included, he/she just need to do one score and he/she will re-appear in the rankings for a few months.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Tom honey, you're the saviour of rankings. In my opinion you can shut osu.tp down only if you implement the speed-aim-acc stats on PP (the pp count per map should stay as it is imo). I bet people are curious now what is their best stat when all the records are counted. (?)

Speed, aim and acc are currently not stored seperately for performance reasons. It already takes a few days to recalc pp for all existing scores, so that would not help. I do have some idea on how it might be feasible, though, but I can't promise anything.
Regarding osu!tp: I have no clue why it went down suddenly (today that is). That was not intended. Will have to wait until the person in charge of the server comes online.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Explaining better my last question (it came up too long so there is a pastebin with it): http://pastebin.com/vF7Q5KcR What do you think?

Holy moly, that's some pile of nice information. Sadly I don't really have time right now to look at it in detail and I'm afraid it'll drown in all the questions I get. Would you mind posting this in the pp feedback thread? That would be really cool!

How is the map length acc bonus calculated? Each length gives a constant bonus multiplier or depends on other factors?. Example: 100 objects vs 1000 objects, each map with a 90%acc, a 95%acc, and 100%acc, is the bonus from 100 to 1000 for example 10% for each, or 1.3% - 1.9% - 25.6% respectively?

No, the lenght bonus is tending to a limit. This means at the beginning it is rising quickly, but it is getting slower and slower the longer the map gets.
Liked by: DroppedBass

When stars get implemented in the client, how will they work? Calculated by the client (the calculation seems to last several seconds, if I am not wrong. They could be stored in the database), or retrieved from the server? (that way people wouldn't know the star difficulty until they summit maps)

Both. If a map gets selected which doesn't have star data the client will calculate it for the current mode + mods. That's feasible in a short time. In the background all other online-maps will get their information downloaded from the server and then cached in your local beatmap database.
The editor is planned to have the difficulty show and update whenever the file is saved. A difficulty graph similar to my old diffcalc is also a possibility.
Liked by: IG DroppedBass

http://osu.ppy.sh/b/381798?m=0 is this 5 stars because of the multiple objects on the field at the same time?

Seems like the processor for newer maps is bugged. I manually ran it and it dropped to 3.45 now. The 5 stars was the value still left from submission. (The map deserves more than 3.45 stars though... it's getting underrated for similar reasons as low-spacing val0108 maps.)
Liked by: DroppedBass

Would two scores with the same accuracy, but one of them having mostly 50s give the same amount of pp?

If it's on the same map, then yes.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Does ppv2 work in the same way as tp in that your overall pp is determined by your highest aim, speed, and accuracy scores? or does it just take into account how high the pp rating of your best scores are?

Contrary to tp it does only work on the total pp of each score for now.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Probably been answered before but I'm lazy. Sorry. I'm kind of confused how pp works with mods. For example I got 97% FC with DT only= gained pp. After that I get 95% FC with HDDT= lost pp. Should I be aiming for better score, accuracy or just try to improve without caring about pp?

HD didn't make up for your big loss in accuracy. You should expect accuracy to be important. 95% vs 97% is a big difference.
Liked by: Kynan DroppedBass

does length of song affect pp? like a 1:30 compared to 4:05 but both are 3.30 star also does dt give same or different amount of pp compared to fl

Map length is important for pp, but it does not look at time, but at the amount of HitObjects (Circles for accuracy).
DT has its own star value which resulted from a separate difficulty computation with DT enabled. FL just gives a flat bonus to Aim.
Liked by: lazhu919 DroppedBass


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