
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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What programming/computer languages do you know?

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x86/x64 ASM, C, C++, C#, D, Eiffel, GLSL, HLSL, Haskell, HTML (if that can even be considered a proper language), Java, LUA, Matlab, PHP, SQL and I probably forgot tons of minor ones. That being said, once you grasped a few ones learning a few others becomes child's play. Diving into functional languages like Haskell is quite an adventure, though. :P

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Are you interested in trying to play this game competitively and getting good scores and a higher rank? Or do you just want to play casually and have fun?

I don't have the time to play this game competetively anymore, and even if I had I'd be better off trying to improve the game by programming on it instead of trying to get better at it. I've barely improved in 1-2 years and I doubt I can compete with the top10 anymore, even if I tried my best and played 10h a day like back on my old account. Many of the random ranks I'm doing recently would have been #1s back in the day where I played as Tom69. :P
Liked by: Kynan DroppedBass

If I put dt on a song with a rating of 3, will the rating rise to 4.5 (actually slightly higher because of od increase as well)? Does it scale linearly?

It does not scale at all. For DT, HT, HR, Easy and any combination of these the difficulty of the map is recalculated after the mods have been applied and that difficulty is then used to determine pp.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Which would give more pp on a 1000 combo map?: a decent acc (say 98) but low combo (300/1000), or a bad acc (say 93) but higher combo (800/1000)?

Depends completely on how hard it is to get acc and how hard it is to get combo (speed / aim) on the map. Acc pp doesn't depend on your combo.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Have you considered including the object density of a map http://puu.sh/21lGA in the difficulty formula? Actually, have you thought about calculating strain values for reading (and maybe have 4 categories, aim/speed/acc/reading)? That might partially solve the patterny maps being undervalued problem

Yes, that has been considered, but I have yet to come up with a satisfyingly functional algorithm.
Liked by: Doyak DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/110253273294 You honestly think a rating of 3.5 is reasonable for a song that has a nomod first place with 600 less than the fc, and nomod C's in the top 50? Look at other songs of a similar rating, having all HDHR fc's in the top 50 is not uncommon.

The 600 below the FC comes from retarded repeatsliders in the end. I have to admit that 3.5 is too low for this map, but most of the difficulty comes from ultra retarded patterns at low AR. When / if pattern difficulty gets introduced in a sensible way this should improve.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Can you speak any languages other than English and German? Also, how good is your English accent? Do you use a British accent or an American accent? Have you ever wanted to learn a new language other than these two?

I can speak a bit of French. Other than that my language expertise lies in various programming- and scripting languages
Liked by: DroppedBass

If you were never unbanned why peppy allowed you to make this account (it was pretty obvious from the start you were the same person).

Back then playing on other's accounts was not prohibited. I never made this account, a friend of mine did, so I just started using it. The reason why I didn't get banned again (and after a year even got the opportunity to join the team) was that I stopped doing any kind of forbidden things.

Will the new star difficulty calculation be included on the client itself, or only retrieved from the beatmap listing? (calculating difficulty while mapping or with difficulties that haven't been summited would be cool).

Unsubmitted maps & a preview while mapping will be available.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Hypothetical: Two people play the same map (max combo = 1000). Person A slider breaks 5 notes early (max combo 995). Person B 'full combos' but from incomplete sliders they finish with 995 combo. They both get S rank 99% accuracy. Do they get the same tp?

Same accuracy + same combo + same amount of misses = same pp.
Liked by: DroppedBass


Language: English