
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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Hi Tom, did you change your singletapping finger from middle to index? If yes why? Is it easier for you do single with index?

I'm still mostly singletapping with my middle finger but I'm just as quick with my index finger. It's just a habit.

How many languages can you speak? What language would you like to learn?

Artaxerx’s Profile PhotoGigo
Edit: Since this is a serious, non-anonymous question, let's actually answer this. I know German, English and a bit of French. As most of you can probably guess: what I want to learn is Hebrew (and I'm already going for it!).
Liked by: Cubex

Yeah, the daily reset seems to have fixed it. That was odd.

RSSlaye’s Profile Photovidya
I have no idea how that bug happens... but at least it is not permanent. Thanks for telling me. :)

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Was eiji kuinbii one of these 3 scores ? :o

No. Also I will cease to answer questions about this topic once again. If you want more information you can mash the "View more" button of my ask.fm profile until you reach the answers from back then.

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/106582258894 Well this was the first time I got into the top 50 of the map then updated tp. I haven't played anything else since then either.

RSSlaye’s Profile Photovidya
Hmm... unfortunately I don't know exactly what was going on. Let's hope, that the next daily update will fix it. I'll look whether I can find a bug that might allow such a scenario to happen. Thanks for the report!

Was wondering if you can explain what's happened here? http://puu.sh/5TUMc.png I updated my tp with a new M2U - Nightmare [MX] score and lost 17 ranks. I'm a bit confused.

RSSlaye’s Profile Photovidya
I am not exactly sure since osu!tp doesn't keep a log of previous ranks, but I suspect, that you beat your old score with a new one that osu!tp thought was worth less. For example beating a HD HR score with HD FL on a map where HR is considered harder than FL by osu!tp.

So, this map is appearently nonexistent on osutp, yet I got one score more on my scoreboard (which isn't showing). http://osu.ppy.sh/b/318142

I will look into it when I am back home in ~3 weeks. Please re-ask this question then in case I forget.

When would you say someone mastered Hidden and how can you achieve that?

I don't think I can properly formalize my viewpoint on this... I can't give a certain point where someone suddenly mastered hidden.
For the second part of your question - as always - practice it. Low AR usually helps, because it prevents one from succeeding by simply pressing as quickly as one can after seeing the circle appear.

I understand if you ignore this question and won't draw any conclusions from it if you do, but... Now that you're a lot more respected (and probably a lot more trusted trusted) within the osu! community than you were months ago, did you really only cheat 3 scores?

First of all I don't see why people would trust me more than a few months ago by now.
Answering your question, yes, I only cheated on 3 _online_ scores. Also all my live plays were legitimately played, including the offline ones (which is not so hard to realize if one thinks about what one would have to do to fake one).

shizuru- cheater? http://puu.sh/5TioK.jpg http://puu.sh/5TfOd.jpg

Hmm, the replay definitely isn't the one he was playing. I don't think liveplays which don't show the actual screens should be called liveplays in the first place. An additional replay overlay is fine for HD purposes, but the original screen should be visible.
If that condition is met and you can hear the keypress sounds, then imho it is impossible to fake a liveplay. One would have to memorize when to make mistakes and when to press which key. If one would be able to do that and execute it perfectly, then one could as well S the map normally far easier.
That being said I don't really care who is a cheater or not.

Which score do you think is more worth: One with 16x100 and more score or the one with 8x100 and slightly less score?

Depends on where the 100s were made. If all of the 8x 100s were made in the hardest part of the song, barely hitting things and the 16x 100s during easier parts, then I might go for the 16x 100 score due to the player mastering the hardest part. However if there is no such information usually the 8x100 score is better.
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/106442481870 I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought about hacking when you said this.

pielak213’s Profile Photo
If you make the hack yourself, then technically you got the score by yourself too. This is the same as when using a printer opposed to writing by yourself and our whole society is based on "hacks", that make life easier.
The one thing that makes a difference, though, is, that osu! (like any other game) imposes rules on how to play it. That being said whenever a score is made with methods not allowed by those rules, then it should not be compared to the ones following the rules, since those scores would be made in different games. I probably should have mentioned that in my previous answer. :p
So just to clarify: I think scores should be objectively compared to each other, _given that they were achieved in the same game (which is defined by its rules)_.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Pls reduce the TP gain from alternating. {◕ ◡ ◕}

Soarezi’s Profile PhotoSoarezi
Maps which players usually alternate on (some well known val0108 maps like scarlet rose, with a dance number, etc.) already earn a ridiculously low amount of tp, so I assume, that this is not what you are talking about.
osu!tp has absolutely no information about how a specific score has been achieved which means, that it can not distinguish scores which where alternated from scores which were singled. All it knows is what everyone can see on the online scoreboard: Amount of 300s, 100s, 50s and misses. However, even if there was such information available I would be strongly against rating scores by playstyle. In my opinion only the objective results should matter and not the method how they were achieved, or in other words: It is up to the player to find the optimal way to play the game. This is also a "skill".
PS: If I got you wrong, please clarify. This question is very vague. ^^'

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peppy has recently told people to uninstall their anti-viruses in the forums. Isn't that too dangerous? What do you think?

Anti virus programs are mostly reactive, meaning they can only detect viruses that are known to them (have been added to their lists of malicious software). Since this is based on patterns it often yields false positives... not even speaking of all the false positives, that people report as viruses just to damage others.
I agree with peppy. I've never had any benefit from using 3rd party anti virus software. And in addition to that those programs slow your computer down! Just don't download and execute random programs, that you do not trust and everything should be fine. Let the builtin security features of windows handle the rest. Since they are closely tied to the whole operating system they likely know best when to complain.

can you make osutp record qualified maps aswell? https://osu.ppy.sh/p/beatmaplist&s=4&r=11

Currently osu!tp can't handle updates to ranked maps very well. That being said starting to use qualified maps would be a disaster right now. As soon as I am back home (in about a month) I will be looking into fixing this up and adding qualified maps to tp.
Liked by: sbstratos79

How much tp did Cookiezi get for FCing Carnival0108 with HD+DT?

To be honest I am too lazy to check right now. It was not what the score deserved, that's how much I remember. The tp difficulty algorithm still does not deal with pattern difficulty as well as I want it to. :/

If any of your friends use cheats in osu! , would you report him/her?

Nah. I don't have anything against cheaters as long as they don't directly interfere with me.
Liked by: sbstratos79

do you like mouse now or do you still wish you had a tablet? how are jumps with mouse?

Yesterday I actually tried playing with a tablet again since I have access to my old one here in Israel. It feels very unstable compared to even the mediocre mouse, that Milkshake has in her room. Guess mouse will remain my input device of choice next to the touch screen of my Surface which is also quite fun.
When I was still home I managed to pass The Big Black with Hidden + Hardrock with mouse after ~2 weeks of playing with the deathadder. That should speak for itself regarding jumps.
Fighting against questions, that are bound to come now:
- 600 DPI, 1280x720 osu! window
- 6/11 windows mouse settings, no acceleration
- 1.0x sensitivity in osu!
- Razer Goliathus mouse pad
- Claw grip, not moving my whole arm ever. (very similar to tablet)
Liked by: sbstratos79


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