
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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Could pp display aim/speed/acc separately like tp? It might help those who are confused about which point they should strengthen.

This is not possible in the way pp is implemented currently. It is planned for the future.
Liked by: Kynan DroppedBass

How does EZ mod affect o!m pp calculation currently, and HR? I noticed that the wiki says those mods change the OD and AR (there is no AR...), but instead they just seem to change the timing windows http://i.imgur.com/V7EbLVZ.png, any chance that that was the cause of why the EZ mod is unbalanced?

Internally the timing windows are used - so no, this was not the reason. Easy now gets a 0.75 multiplier in osu!mania until the difficulty algorithm has been adjusted.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Aiming strain and speed strain are already factored into the formula. A lot of people complain about EZ mod making the maps more difficult, but there are also aspects which are clearly easier. This might sound ridiculous, but would there be a method of incorporating "mental strain" in the formula?

Easy should already reduce the difficulty for Aim and Acc greatly. What you call Mental strain would probably fall under the category of Reading difficulty when / if it gets implemented.
Liked by: DroppedBass -GN Kynan

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I notice that the old diffcalc was a desktop client, until osu!tp made it redundant. However, using the diffcalc client I was able to measure diffs of maps not submitted. I consider osu!tp to be more accurate, and so, would you consider releasing an osu!tp client, or diffcalc-to-osu!tp converter?

That would be a lot of work for little benefit - sorry, no.
Liked by: DroppedBass

The newest version of the expected unstable rate formula does differentiate OD9 from OD7+DT, but, as expected, the difference is only considerable for very low accuracies. http://i.imgur.com/gfnREAY.png Acc vs Expected Unstable Rate (Median), for 100 circles; blue line is OD9, red line is OD7+DT.

Oh, that's very cool. I seriously need to incorporate that into the formula at some point.
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/112485448142 Does that mean that OD7 DT is considered the same as OD9? They agree on 300's hit windows, but disagree on 100's and 50's (OD7 DT is harsher), so a OD7 DT SS is as hard to do than a OD9 SS, but a OD7 DT 99.xx% is harder than a OD9 99.xx%.

Yeah, they are rated the same. It'd make things a lot more complicated to consider 3 hitwindows instead of 1, and the difference is fairly negligible. I know nobody who can't reliably get 100s versus 50s even at OD10.

If you use the unstable rate into the formula, people using a relax-mod cheat will be seen no ?

It will be an estimated unstable rate, not the actual one, so no. The actual one can only be computed using per-hitobject data.
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/111988370126 Could you do a short explanation for the calculations behind accuracy and how they multiply with the aim/speed/accuracy values of the map to give a final pp value? I know this is basically asking for all the formulas but you were able to give combo so easily

The way they are put together is already described in the wiki. The formula for computing the accuracy value without map length and HD / FL taken into account is:
X * Y^OD_widh_mods * accuracy_without_sliders_and_spinners^Z
with X = 4.15, Y = 1.5216 and Z = 24.
Yes, it is tuned very harshly and I've been planning to reduce that a bit. It also is very arbitrary - I want to try actually using the expected unstable rate for this part of the equation instead of this formula. Also note that this formula is only used in standard for legacy reasons. In the other modes the hit window is taken into account directly.
Liked by: DroppedBass -cr1mmy-

For the question earlier about the formulas, do you just multiply (Aim^X + Speed^X + Accuracy^X)^(1/X) with (score's combo)^X / (map's maximum possible combo)^X (the X in the two lines being 1.1 and 0.8 respectively)

Yep. That's the case for Aim and Speed at least. Acc is independent of combo. There are a few more multipliers in the equation though.
Liked by: DroppedBass -cr1mmy-

Most important part of programming to you besides logical thinking? (of course)

Knowledge of precisely how the respective programming language works and what is available to the programmer. This is more important in some programming languages (like C++, where it is extremely easy to shoot your own foot) than others.
Liked by: DroppedBass

What were some of your first proper programming projects?

Quite a few mods for a game called TeeWorlds. If these don't count as proper projects I programmed an anti-cheat program for FlyFF private servers shortly after.

Could you please explain how combo breaks affect the amount of pp you get?

The combo multiplier for pp is (score's combo)^X / (map's maximum possible combo)^X . X is tuned to be 0.8 for osu! standard at the moment.
Misses are treated seperately and do not include slider breaks. The miss multiplier for pp is X^(score's amount of misses) where X is currently tuned to 0.97 in osu! standard.
Liked by: Skidayo DroppedBass

In some bad PCs using 1000Hz mice would cause the keyboard to not work while moving the mouse or things like that.

More like PCs from the stone age as I said earlier. Everyone who bought a somewhat okay PC in the last few years should not encounter _any_ problem at all.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Finally got a decent mouse :V http://i.imgur.com/Zzw1rls.png are these settings the norm?

The sensitivity really depends on your window size and preference. I had 600 DPI for a 1280x720 resolution which is equivalent to 900 DPI for 1920x1080.
Just make sure to disable acceleration and go with a polling rate of 1000Hz. There's no reason to be below that unless your computer comes from the stone age. :P
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/111907325646 How about the info that is shown in Extended Chat (for ex. http://puu.sh/8cAFd/e5db0e68c9.jpg)? It's send at map start time and end time, but it does not consider pauses (can be added anytime by ppy I think). It wouldn't be affected by warp.

as1ar’s Profile Photoaezakmi
These messages can arrive very late. Having messages that _have_ to be realtime within a few seconds would make many scores invalid due to connectivity issues. That'd do far more harm than it'd help.
Liked by: Kynan DroppedBass

How does OD affect accuracy pp for osu!mania? Does getting all rainbow 300s on OD10 give more accuracy than all rainbows 300s on OD5, for example?. BTW, I made an Expected Unstable Rate table (relates UR with Base Score) for osu!mania https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/p/3009411 What do you think?

Rainbow 300s are equally hard for all ODs.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Now that we're talking about the popular timewarp hack: Why don't the devs implement a timer which counts how long you actually played? It shouldn't take breaks and time spent in the "esc" menu into consideration. As soon as it's 5 seconds longer or shorter than it should be it was obviously hacked.

Because obviously the timer would be unaffected by timewarp, right.... right? *cough*
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/111784782542 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEhUF0hsyNM This video shows everything so you think it's legit?

I have no idea how this one could have been faked as long as the player is not very very close to being able to do this score in the first place. The pen flying through the air in the end doesn't look sped up.
The only way I could imagine this to have been cheated would be by having some kind of aim "assistance". But hey, the aim does look pretty damn legit.

Thanks for the answers, I'll do a live play of Chase the Light today and try to top50 to see it on osu!tp :D BTW it's really cool that you've finally managed to do the ranking system of osu! but damn I would have loved to compete with you, good old Tom69 ! Do you plan on playing competitively again?

Kynan383’s Profile PhotoKynan
Nah, for one part do I not have the time for that and for the other part I'd rather spend the limited amount of time I have either with my girlfriend or programming on osu!. I do play randomly from time to time, though, as you can see in my play history.

Other question : why is my score on Chase the Light (best PP perf) not appearing on osu!tp ? Is it because I'm not top50 ? Already seen some of my DT scores not appear on osu!to for some reason ;-;

Kynan383’s Profile PhotoKynan
osu!tp can only see top50 scores. As stated in its info page.


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