
Tom Long Dong

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cookiezis aim points on osutp decreased :O

The algorithm changed. So obviously points can decrease in that case. No scores are lost or devalued, though.

denkst du auch das rrtyui fast so gut wie cookiezi ist?

Er ist ihm gefährlich Nahe... aber da ist immernoch ein merklicher Unterschied. Ich würd ihn auf halbem Weg zwischen Cookiezi und dem Rest der Pros ansiedeln.

Do you think there will be some new players in the next top 10 of germany? It looks like there would be some new good players like Imamoto,Synthox, Smilex3 who get consistently better.

I have no clue.

when will you be back working on tp?

No idea. It's a big time sink and currently I prefer to work on another project which will also have a way bigger future than tp could ever have... that is if I ever finish it. :p

Is it possible to use the 'country ranking' supporter option to get more data points for tp? Or is there nothing in the osu api that lets you use it?

It's not available in the API. Apart from that I don't want to use "random" sources of ranks since it will eventually treat some players better than others. For instance players in countries with many other players will have it harder to get into tp.

What's your opinion about extended sliders?

Longer is better... if you know what I mean. ;)
Honestly, I don't really care.
Liked by: Cubex

Are scores still being saved while the site is down, or is the whole thing not working?

All scores will get caught as soon as the site goes back up. Don't worry.

Do you enjoy coding? How did you get started? By the way, do you think that you would increase substantially in speed if you switched to MX reds? since you played with MX blacks, the activation force is substantially higher o-o

Why would I spend most of my free time on something that I don't enjoy? I don't think reds give that big of an advantage over blacks. At least in my case I'm not faster or more endurant even if I tap on my table with my fingers instead of using the keyboard. Force really is not the problem there.

Why does HR give a small bonus to speed?

Been answered many times here already...
HR implies higher OD, which again implies a smaller hitwindow, which again implies that people have to hit slightly faster to full 300 a stream.

ne frage kann ich dich irgendwo ma adden hätte ein paar fragen wegen dem movie.. soll ja was werden und bräuchte da für 2-3 dinge ne meinung von dir bzw wäre mir eine ehre wenn du mein betatester sein würdest natürlich nur wenn du lust und zeit hast.

Schreib mir einfach 'ne PM im osu! forum.

so hab dick bock osu movie zu machen und mal wieder kreativität walten zu lassen.. ich machs ja based auf deinem osu!tp wenns dir gefällt würdest dus auf deinem channel uppen?

Das kann ich erst sagen, wenn ich's gesehen habe. Ich lad nur sachen hoch, die hohe Qualität haben. D.h. das muss schon professionell sein.

Damn, didn't think you'd be such a good challenger D: Well then, let's see how you can manage to pass this map with HR https://osu.ppy.sh/s/21657 :3 (leap motion + kb, as always, also no time limit to complete this challenge, only way for you to lose is to give up)

Alright, the first spinner needed a few tries, but the rest was trivial. Even though reading AR10 with my hand in the way was kinda hard... and the concentration on aim ate up a lot of acccuracy. D:
http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/952076 http://puu.sh/4cqdx.osr

could you possibly show me a picture of this message? :c

Maybe if you would tell me what you are talking about?

I've got a challenge for ya': Passing either Desire Dream or AugoEides (from happy30) using the leap motion device only (along with the keyboard ofc) without pausing even once :3 Fighto~

http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/951989 http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/951993 http://puu.sh/4cn9t.osr
Kayo is confirming that there weren't any breaks. First try ftw. (Spinning is easy with leap... can maintain ~450 for quite a while.)
http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/952007 http://puu.sh/4cn8b.osr
To be fair - I feel pretty fit today. But nice challenge. Gave me motivation to try a bit, but next time make it harder! >:D

wouldn't it be possible that every player could upload the own scores to add them to the tp list? would be quite nice for lower ranked players.

Then players who upload there scores would have an advantage above players who don't. tp is about treating everyone the same, that's why this won't happen. Sorry - I know it would be a cool feature.
(On top of that I would have to deal with finding out if someone cheated, write a replay-simulator to gain score data and so on. Wouldn't be feasible for me, even if I wanted to add it.)


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