
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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If you have a map and another same map but with everything scaled down by half (half circle size, half distance between notes), which would have a higher tp difficulty?

Would be exactly the same difficulty. This is because you CAN actually scale maps down simply by changing resolution. That's why it would be unfair to give advantage to one or another.

How is the difficulty of sliders determined for osu!tp?

The slider is treated like a jump (both slider length and slider speed play a role). Repeatsliders are treated like multiple jumps back and forth between the beginning and the end. Obviously the actual slider length is used and not just the distance between the beginning and the end.
On top of that osu!tp only cares about "lazy" slider movement. That is the shortest possible distance you have to move to 300 the slider. That means for e.g. short repeat sliders the cursor just remains in place. If this wouldn't be the case maps like Shiirn's Almagest would get ridiculous rating because of slider-streams.

how did you change name on youtube?

YouTube asked me if I wanted a namechange, so I clicked yes. :o
Appearently it created a shitty Google+ account alongside it, though. WHICH DOESN'T ALLOW AVATARS BELOW 250x250! D:

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Thoughts about osu! community?

There are people that I like and people that I don't like. Just like anywhere.
I don't like generalizing people of a community.

Do you think you could implement an interactive graph on people's profiles where you could tick a checkbox for overlaying tp, rank, or both on a timeline? Kind of like a better version of what's used on osu profiles now.

No, because I didn't / don't store previous tp values. I thought about it in the beginning, but since tp is "just" a side project of mine I didn't want to spend too much time on it. Exams were more important in the last month and I'll keep working on my game mainly. Sorry.

Does number of misses directly influence the amount of tp gotten for a score?

Yes. I don't like this mechanic, but it is necessary to prevent tag4 maps from giving far too much. Mainly because people can get high combos on those maps while ignoring the few extremely high patterns.

You should probably recalculate the difficulty level for http://osutp.net/scores?bid=252238 since it got changed a lot after getting unranked. (it still shows the same level as before the unrank at http://osutp.net/beatmaps , at least)

Actually I didn't really think about the fact, that re-calculation doesn't automaticly happen on unrank / rerank things... I'll take care of it.
EDIT: Done. I'll see if I can get this automated, since at the moment it's only applied on this one single map.

The double click problems are gone! Thank you <3 The problem was still there when I first changed the ones in HKCU, but after changing the ones in HKLM it's completely gone.

You're welcome! :)

(Sorry, one last thought from the previous 3 questions.) Not snapping to notes could give some % bonus to their aim values and the decision to snap or not snap could be made based on which value is lower. This might also help to increase the difficulty of fast 1/2 and spaced 1/4.

Actually snapping on straight lines is a lot easier than trying to flow if the jump is big enough. I pretty much agree with your theory, but it'd require lots of testing and tweaking to get right. Even though I wouldn't use acceleration for measuring pattern difficulty, since the bottleneck for hard patterns (like squares) usually is not the physical incapability but motoric failure. (For medium to big jumps I found the hardest patterns to be inbetween straight lines and squares... pentagons or any higher -gons pretty much mean death there.)

(continued)(if snapping is involved, this would be in the opposite direction as the movement required to reach the previous note). This, for example, would increase the value of squares and straight lines of notes, both of which are usually more difficult to FC than their aim values would suggest.


(continued from previous question) Find the "ideal" acceleration (including direction) required to move (and possibly snap) to the next note, starting from the acceleration expected upon reaching the previous note (continued in next)


I feel like "aim strain" would be better interpreted as a 2-dimensional "acceleration strain" value - assume players snap to notes below a certain speed (this is almost universally considered better than not snapping, right?) and just flow over notes above that speed. (continued in next question)


http://ask.fm/moneto/answer/60301931634 I searched online and found other people with similar problems, but all of them refer to the 'Double click distance' setting, which I've already done. Do you remember what the registry fix was?

Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Wisp\Pen\SysEventParameters and change DblDist and DblTime to 0. Changing either of both should be enough, but better make sure.
I remember that on my old computer I also had to adjust maximum and minimum settings for the above parameters, so a value of 0 would be allowed... but I can't find the corresponding keys on my current computer. Might be because of newer tablet drivers / windows 8.

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/59367393998 How did you choose cubic and does the same thing apply to taking a map and stretching it by a certain factor?

By experimenting with it. The exponential decay for strain values made the most sense for me as method to determine beatmap difficulty, so I needed some sort of scaling to counterbalance it. Using exponential scaling would obviously skyrocket way too much while linear / squared scaling didn't really do the trick while I was testing. This is mostly to make maps in the top-tier have noticable differences in difficulty. We don't want airman to be just a bit harder than a random insane for instance.

Long is pretty common as a chinese name, Dong on the other hand...

Well, it was supposed to sound Chinese in this case. But I still wouldn't think someone would take it seriously.

i thought your name really was tom long dong and you were chinese or something

Forgive me for not believing that. :(

Can you do anything with the "new" osu! api that has been made public in july? Since, looking at your changelog, you haven't made any changed since june

It's not a new API. You just suddenly needed a key so use it (so peppy can identify who uses it and how it's being used). Actually I was not very happy that that change was made while I was on vacation - since I had to spend a little time adjusting my program from there. But yeah, there are no new features in the API that osu!tp could make proper use of yet.

Given two maps, one of which is a sped-up version of the other, are aim and speed values linear in the bpm of the map?

No, they rise far quicker. They have cubed asymptotic complexity which is deflated a bit by the exponential decay of speed / aim strain.

Ich würde gerne mit der C-Sprache anfangen, weil ich das so nebenher machen will und kein Abitur habe und daher nicht studieren kann. Kannst du mir ein Kurs oder ein Buch in die Richtung empfehlen? Wäre echt nett!

Ich kenne nicht wirklich ein gutes C Buch (heißt nicht, dasses keins gibt), von daher empfehle ich dir lieber "C++ von A bis Z" von Jürgen Wolf. C++ ist genau das gleiche wie C, nur mit ein wenig mehr. Von daher kann es nicht schaden, wenn du direkt mit C++ anfängst.
Allerdings wäre es eventuell leichter, wenn du mit einer managed-Sprache anfängst, denn die sind etwas weniger kompliziert. C# würde ich dir da empfehlen. Es spricht allerdings nichts dagegen, direkt mit C++ anzufangen - bei mir hat's auch geklappt. ^^
Liked by: Andreas

if tp was additive, how much tp would the top players accrue? would this change up the rankings in any way?

It would change up the rankings by a lot. Suddenly people who just farm scores would win.


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