
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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If Hidden gives a 2% accuracy PP boost, does it mean that a 98% hidden FC and an SS give the same amount of accuracy PP?

No. Not at all. You get a certain amount of pp for your accuracy and that pp which you get will get a boost of 2%.
Liked by: DroppedBass

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Is it normal that the OD doesnt affect the star rating? Like OD7 map: 5 and a half star, OD10: 5 and a half star, imo ah higher OD map is harder than a OD9/10 map.

The hit window is not reflected in the map's difficulty. It is taken into account when pp is being computed, because accuracy is a part of how good you performed, but it doesn't change the map layout and / or hitobject placings. It is up to opinions whether it'd make sense to include OD in the map's difficulty or not, but given the amount of work it'd require to add an additional difficulty aspect for something that's already displayed anyways it is not worth it imho.
Liked by: kablaze DroppedBass

https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2575174 I'm probably the least accurate guy above 20k. the recent change just droped me by 70 pp from my total. so my question: is there anyway to get PP aside from vastly improving accuracy? I been FCing a lot of DT maps only when accuracy is not good enough for PP to roll in.

Of course you can also gain extra pp from improving in aim and speed. The thing is, that eventually you will hit your limit in aim and speed or at least come very close to it and you will have to practice accuracy if you want any additional effective pp gain.

If you can't think of an effective "reading strain" algorithm now, why don't you at least implement reading difficulty? http://puu.sh/9ZCjQ/91fa9305ad.png That would already shake rankings a lot, and might encourage players to actually learn reading instead of just slapping hardrock onto everything.

BPM is something arbitrary the mapper would decide on. (See The Big Black for a valid example of where this can go very wrong.) If anything note density would have to be used, and even then I can think of countless examples where it would be wrong. I personally don't like putting things into the algorithm that can go very wrong, even if it is rare. People would abuse exactly those rare maps and gain a lot of pp from them.
pp is a system where the worst-case error is very relevant.
Liked by: kablaze DroppedBass

hidden gibt keine extra PP oder? wieso stellt man es nicht so ein das der socre wenn Hidden an ist einfach *1,06 gerechnet wird

Hidden gibt 18% extra aim pp und 2% extra accuracy pp. Bitte lies die Wiki bevor Du Fragen stellst.
Liked by: kablaze DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/captin01/answer/115378733209 I don't understand. Can you explain?

He is wrong. The same jumps would be harder if they are sliders in _all_ situations. They might still be a bit underrated because the system assumes the least necessary movement for acquiring 300s in the sliders, but they definitely add aim difficulty in all cases.
Liked by: DroppedBass

How to rapidly improve consistency, aim and speed in osu! standard within a small amount of time? Nootropics? 1,3 Dimethylamylamine? Energy Drinks? Quit uni? Pre-workout? Going to the gym? Increasing blood flow?

Spend a few hours each day playing maps which are extremely hard for you.

What words of "advice" can you give to someone who wishes to pursue a place in competitive osu!? Since pretty much tourneys revolves around the top <300 would you say anyone above this rank is irrelevant?

In all likelihood people below a certain rank indeed are irrelevant for tournaments. My advice is to pursue this goal if and only if you enjoy pushing yourself to the limit in osu! so much, that you naturally almost exclusively play maps / mods which are extremely challenging for you. Also you have to play _a lot_.

Would there be a way to make the in-game search show results with the changed ar, od, etc? Like if you put HR on a map, and it turns into AR9.8, you could search AR=9.8. Or maybe filter so that putting HR on an AR8/9 map and searching ar=10 only shows maps with AR8/9 that are now 10 because of HR?

Good point, didn't think of that. I'll consider it.

But I mean, they aren't ranked for a reason, are they? These must be pretty horrible. http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/115285809358

There are a lot of very, very fun maps. Not conforming to the ranking guidelines or simply being too lazy to put the effort in to get a map ranked doesn't make the map bad.
My personal map favorites are mostly not ranked.
Liked by: DroppedBass

I'm gonna ask you because you seem to know something about it: http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/115006407374 How can one get "30,000+++" maps? I mean, I've downloaded the first 300 beatmap packs but I've only got 28k. There are ~ 60 packs left, these will probably bring me to 37k or so...?

There are more beatmaps than only ranked ones. Far more.
Liked by: DroppedBass

I'm kind of confused, when I FC a new map and it shows up as my top ranks with the amount of PP etc 200, does that get added onto my existing PP? I managed to FC the hardest map I've played yet, netting 95% of 200pp but my rank only went up by 150~ from 8k. Thanks

Your new score pushed the weighting of all your pp-wise worse scores down. This way farming is prevented.
Liked by: DroppedBass


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