
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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Was willst du eigentlich werden ?(Job)

Entweder Professor, oder irgendwo ein low-level (also engine oder systems) Programmer.
PS: low-level bedeutet -nicht-, dass es schlechter, oder leichter als high-level ist. Eher umgekehrt. :p

Mich würds noch Interessieren, wie man mit Tastatur und Stift streamt, klappt bei mir gar nicht... D:

Ist auch einfach Übung. :)
(Ich weiß, bester Tipp ever.)

Jedes mal wenn ich anfange zu streamen, tun mir die Arme nach gut 10s weh und wollen nicht mehr, z. B. xi - Ascension to Heaven der letzte Part. Kann man da eigentlich auch die Arme trainieren? Oder kommt dass mit der Zeit? (Spiele seit 1 1/2 Jahren jetzt)

Njo, einfach viel üben. Bei vielen ist das aber schon das Limit... ich kann auch nicht viel schneller für lange. :>

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What's your greatest play you've ever did that comes to your mind ?

Can't decide.. probably the 1200 combo 98% lolita complex one or my nisemono HD+HR pass. Sadly can't serve you any replays since I deleted osu! multiple times.

If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask?

The 2nd question of a day with spelling / grammar issues in such a short time. Wow.
I recently already asked someone an important question and (at least I think) got my honest answer.
Can't really think of something else personal where I could make use of this. My important people are honest with me anyways, and people who aren't aren't important to me.

http://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/111496 Wer sind deiner Meinung nach die 10 besten deutschen osu!-Spieler?

Oh Gott, das Sommervoting ging ja auch schon in die Hose... und das hier sieht auch nicht besser aus. :p
Kann dir allerdings nur meine Top5 nennen... weiter kann ich den Skill nicht gut genug beurteilen:
#1: Michi
#2: Dustice
#3: Neruell
#4/5: DoKoLP
#4/5: ShadowSoul

Do you know who was the former #1 Canadian Player? He was in the Top 50 as well and got banned in September. I just can't remember the name

No idea. I'll probably remember though as soon as someone mentions his name.

My way to hold my pen doesn't allow me to use my pinky finger for anything :< It looks like KeigoClear's one ... btw merry xmas :3

Well, one can always adjust. My pen grip didn't involve using my pinky aswell (if you check out some of my liveplays you can see). And thanks, u2. :>

How was your first tablet play like?

Don't even remind me. I was way worse than with mouse and struggled on even passing easier insanes. Took me about a week to reach my mouse level.
Maybe I had a disadvantage though because everyone told me to use the smallest possible area (which was kinda dumb) and I was tapping.

I recently got a tablet, and most of my problems I know are things that will get better over time, like hovering. The only issue I'm not sure about is how to make it so when I reach my pen towards the top left corner, my grip slips since I have to reach out. How do I fix that?

Just practice it by playing a lot. It will fix itself with time, trust me.

Do you plan on playing osu!mania? I see you have some old videos on o2 mania

It wasn't too much fun... so probably not.

Hey Tom :) Frohe Weihnachten, hab ein paar schöne ruhige Tage. Bist ein awesome typ :D Da einige Leute schon abgehoben sind, und du so Bodenständig bleibst obwohl du wohl der beste Osu Spieler bist. Noch ne Frage: Wo liegt der Osu Standard Durchschnittsskill, und gibts Tipps/ Techniken zum streamen?

osu! Durchschnittsskill? Keine Ahnung... dafür müsste man ne größere Studie machen. Allerdings schätze ich den auf ~4.5 Sterne Maps. Für's Streamen kann ich nicht wirklich gute Tipps geben außer, dass Übung hilft. Probier ruhig mit verschiedenen Haltungen rum.
Und ach ja, bin weit davon entfernt, der beste osu! Spieler zu sein. Bin vielleicht in der Top10. :>

I really enjoy maps that you post and play, for example Middleisland - Delrio or Escape the Fate - Theres no Sympathy for the Dead. The maps are exactly on the level that I should be training right now. Got any more cool maps? :) Thx in advance

Yeah I do... however I don't really have time to make a list right now. Just drop a PM on youtube and I'll answer with a list of cool maps when I got the motivation.

On a scale of 1-10 how honest are you?

What a stupid question. I prefer other people to rate that aspect of my personality.

Hey Tom! I heard you use Windows 8 with Tablet. I have a terrible issue with my Wacom. When the Pen toutch the Tablet, the Cursor Stucks. Link @ Osu! with Video: http://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/111166

I explained how to solve that a few times in my ask.fm already. The doubleclick disable stuff is a bit tricky and involves registry editing though. Just scroll through here. ~

Merry Christmas Tom, how can I make my cursir more straight when using my tablet? Its annoying when it look like it just wibbles over the whole scrren

#1: Don't move your arm, rest your wrist and one point and don't move it from there. Move your cursor by turning your hand around your wrist and moving your fingers only. (See reference in my liveplays.)
#2: Rest your pinky-finger on the tablet and use it as an anchor... really hard to describe, just check liveplays from good players aswell.
#3: Use full area.
Merry christmas! :D

Pankcake teach me how to play pls

You're too good already. Nothing pancake can teach you anymore. Practice you must more.

You brought us a live play \o/ U always keep your promises don´t you?

Did I ever promise something like bringing a liveplay? o_o
Anyways, I am trying to keep them at least.

Why did you want to quit osu in the first place?

I was spending way too much time there. I'm pretty content with the current situation though... even though I didn't completely quit it's still not really time-consuming.


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