
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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I don't think small CS can benefit from window scaling. If I play on x768 normally and increase to x900 when I play cs5, yeah it does make the CS bigger, but the jumps increase in size. On the other hand if I play cs3 on x600, the CS is smaller and the jumps shrink.

Yes, smaller circles inherently can make harder maps. That's already captured with the scaling, though.
Liked by: DroppedBass

I don't know if you ever talked about this, but is there any future plans to address what jesse says here (last post on the page) - https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/181850/start=1080 - and the small cs being undervalued and larger cs not being penalized enough?

The combo problem on maps sadly can not be easily addressed without per-HitObject data. Otherwise tag4 maps would get _far_ too overrated by just comboing the parts which are not impossible to play and then "leeching" pp from the high map difficulty generated by these impossible parts.
Jump weighting is an ongoing problem and I'll see what I can do. Not exactly sure about CS. Since everyone can just change their osu! resolution to make different CS the same size, I believe the current scaling is at least in theory the most correct one.
Liked by: DroppedBass

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Do you think the fact that bancho got reverse-engineered recently (allowing making custom servers) had to do with peppy's decision to make osu! open-source?

The decision to make osu! open-source does not have anything to do with that. Making osu! open-source means, that a lot more people can help improve the game and fix bugs.
Aside from that I doubt anyone manages to build a bigger and just as cheat-free userbase as osu! with a custom server.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Can anyone get an osu!api key or only people developing projects for osu!? The key request page seems to imply the latter, but I've seen 3rd party programs in general development that require an api key to use.

Everyone is allowed to get his key - even without being a developer.

What happens if I have a good DT score, and beat it with HD HR? DT is way harder, but HD HR gives a better multiplier, so will I lose pp from beating my old score?

Most likely.
Liked by: Kynan Pi DroppedBass

Do qualified maps give PP? If not: Do you need to set a new high score on them in order for them to give PP or does it happen automatically?

Qualified maps give pp.
Liked by: DroppedBass

what's the chance of being unbanned after a long period of time? In the email it said please wait 6 mouths to post an appeal. Has anyone actually gotten unbanned?

There are quite a few people getting unbanned. Sometimes also before the 6 months are over. Sadly, most of the time people go back to offending the rules right after getting unbanned.
If you truly stop offending any rules - that includes multiaccounting! - and you write up a convincing and truthful appeal, then you have good chances on getting your second chance.
Liked by: DroppedBass

How come they don't show the evidence?

BasedGodOsu’s Profile PhotoBased Aj.
"Evidence" sent over the internet can easily be just as fake as just claiming he was guilty in a sentence. It doesn't prove anything. It'd only mean more work.
On top of that it is required, that the person in question - in this case the woman - can even understand the data used as evidence.
Might have been a good idea to include that in the response to her asking for "evidence".
Liked by: DroppedBass

On the other hand, peppy's response is very unprofessional, almost childish.

I wouldn't have included "please control your son and teach him the values of society", but everything else seems alright to me.
Keep in mind, that she directly e-mailed peppy instead of making use of the support e-mail address. Check out what is written on http://osu.ppy.sh/p/doyoureallywanttoaskpeppy .
Liked by: DroppedBass

Is play count actually giving PP ? Because i got 7.200 plays, and my highest score is 180PP while i have 28 other scores over 100PP. A good friend of mine has 17.600 plays, his highest score is 156PP and he has only 25 other scores higher than 100PP. Our non-top scores are about the same

Playcount is and never was considered. It's the amount of scores you have on different maps that has a very small effect.
Liked by: DroppedBass Elinia

The accuracy percentage formula is pretty subjective, have you ever considered changing the accuracy percentage formula for pp calculations to change the relative values of judgments? (for example, instead of using 300/100/50/0, using 300/30/0/-600 or something like that)

I don't see how that would be less subjective. You completely ignored the hit window and mods, too.
Liked by: Horolynn DroppedBass

What is the reason that Osu!tp only takes scores from the leaderboards ? I mean, other scores are reasonable too (best example right now is Kynans Chase the Light)

The answer lies within osu!tp's info page. http://osutp.net/info
Seriously people, read it before asking questions. I am getting too much of these.
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://puu.sh/8LNQK.png Will you create something like that in PP system(aim/speed/acc)? I mean, I would like to see for what i earn pp :( for now i neeed to check osu!tp and calculate :(

I'd love to get it into the system at some point. Not very high priority, though.
Liked by: DroppedBass Kynan

do you think countries' ranking should be determined by their best ranking players? similarly to how scores are weighted to determine the overall rank of a player http://puu.sh/8KrT3.png

That's what my previous answer is talking about by "weighted sum". tp is already doing that and I think it's a good approach.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Why aren't country rankings ordered by the weighted sum of the pp of the players?

tp already does that. I didn't find it important enough to add to pp in relation to the work required to implement it so far.
Liked by: DroppedBass


I think having too many categories confuses people mode than it helps. On top of that, reconstructing such specific aspects just from score information would be a very inaccurate process.
Not even speaking of the big amount of computational + programming work and the amount of storage it would take to realize that.
Liked by: DroppedBass


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