
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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what's the secret for stream at >220BPM, only practice and a good keyboard? or not?

Practice. And genes. Sadly many people aren't physicly able to do it... I can't really surpass 230 BPM on long streams without having to tap aswell.

How to get good accuracy? Im playing for over 1 year and i never had SS on anything over 6 OD. Im always getting 1-2 100's but never SS. Fuck it.

Can't really give you special tips here... try to play lots of high OD and try to focus on the rythm as good as you can. :>

when you archived Mendes DT, do you only use keyboard? No, I used tap/x. was bedeutet tap?

Mit dem Stift drücken und x-Taste abwechselnd.

Ahaha I'm laughing so hard right now, how are you STILL #1 on oppan gangnam after all this time?? how has nobody gotten SS??

Nobody has. Well... it is reeeeally hard after all. What really makes me curious is why nobody FLed it yet. :p

How many hours on average do you play/practice osu per week these days?

That really differs. On some days I don't play at all and on some I play 10 hours straight. That's an extreme case though. I guess it's about 1-2 hours per day average.

Biggest area than this ? D:. I guess it's too slow. But i play with full tablet area and fullscreen ~1 month. I can't get corner of my tablet (Ctl- 470k) :<.

Then play with it moooore. :D

Hello Tom. Sorry for silly question ;3. How can i fix my tablet aim ? It's really not straight. I see it when play map with many space. D:. I see that you fix it. You're aim at last first place is really good. It's my tablet area (fullscreen 1280*1024) http://puu.sh/16CZB . If you can answer please

Try to use the biggest area possible. :>

Mittelfinger oder Zeigefinger zum singletappen,... was ist besser D:?

Ist beides gut... muss jeder für sich selbst entscheiden.

warum antwortest du ingame eher selten?:o schreiben dich zuviele leute an oder wie was wo warum D:

Ich antworte immer, es sei denn die Frage ist mir zu dumm oder es handelt sich um simplen Smalltalk. Für den gehe ich nicht in osu! online. :)


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