
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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If I wanted to help contribute to osu! (in terms of development) how would I start?

If you actually have necessary skills for being a developer just e-mail peppy about it. Otherwise keep learning and do whichever side-projects you think would benefit osu!. :p

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Would you consider adding this feature after adding per-mod ranking?: Each time a play is submitted with a certain mod combination, replace the record if the pp value is higher than the previous one. This would ensure keeping best plays unless the pp algorithm wildly changes.

I'd rather have a new scoring system which is better in line with pp than having pp algorithm changes invalidating the top scores which have been kept.

I heard somewhere that with the new pp system (where it submits the highest pp score, but shows the highest score), that it doesn't include scores before the system. Is this true? Also, couldn't you just account for local scores? I don't know how difficult it is to code, but it would be great imo.

Yes it's true, but it's not even in effect yet, so even now scores can still get lost. Can't allow local scores for pp due to abuse concerns.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Somebody in the osu korean fan cafe said that a single person(that is, you) shouldn't control the entire PP system. You agree too, right?

I'm not sure if a single person in charge is necessarily a bad thing if that person tries to satisfy the community and not himself with the ranking system. That being said I myself certainly would like more people working on pp since I surely don't have enough time to do enough with it.

You mentioned you were contemplating changing the score system, how would that work? Would the new scoring be based only on information from current scoreboards, or what?

If something like that ever happens old scores would in all likelihood be pessimistically updated which means they'd get the worst score they could possibly get with the available information which we have.
It however isn't clear if anything like that is going to happen or if this will actually be done like that if it does.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Would a DT and HDDT be considered separate for pp purposes in the separate scores update? I'd imagine if someone could HDDT a song that they could just do it without HD probably pretty easily and get another potentially high pp play. Same for other mods too.

You can only get pp once per beatmap. Your most-giving pp score will count.

Question is quite dumb but i want to be sure. Does this change affects same-mode scores. I mean, if i got better score with nomod than my previous nomod score, will i now lose my pp after all or not?

You can potentially lose pp if you accuracy is a lot worse, yes. This will not be addressed by the multi-mod thing, but there are other things planned that might help you there. :)
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/121063247310 You mean i.e not submitting a 250pp nomod 800x score if there's already a 300pp HR 750x score submitted on that map ?

Both the hardrock score and the nomod score would be kept on the server if they were your best nomod and hardrock scores respectively. You could see either of them when checking out the respective mod-specific leaderboard. For pp calculations your most-giving pp scores would be taken whereas in the global scoreboard your highest score would be displayed.
Liked by: ProxyPvP DroppedBass

Keeping different scores for different mods is a non-sequitur. Only the highest pp play should be kept, regardless of mods.

narrill’s Profile Photonarrill
I've outlined often enough why this is not going to be done. If the pp algorithm ever changes - which it will - then all previously kept scores might have been kept incorrectly when keeping scores based on pp.
That being said there are various other reasons than pp for keeping scores for each used mod combination. Some people want to show off their almost-DT-FC scores while still being able to SS a beatmap for instance. This is even more prevailing in mania, where mods don't give any sort of score bonus.
Having less issued with overwriting high-pp scores is just a pleasant side effect.
Liked by: Bonsai DroppedBass

Today's cutting edge changelog contains "Make the pp processor correctly handle multiple scores of the same player on the same beatmap." Does this mean that your best pp play will now be calculated, even if it's not your top score on that map?

Not necessarily. Also this change alone doesn't have any effect right now. It is the first step towards keeping scores with different mods.
Liked by: -cr1mmy- DroppedBass

Is the Aim difficulty of each note scaling based on average speed (m/s), energy (m^2/s^2), or average power (m^2/s^3)? Does the strain decay based on time, or per object?

Energy (speed squared) and decay is based on time.

Do you think osu! will ever fix some of the errors it started out with (sliders, HR vs HD, combo importance, etc.), or would those likely never happen because it would be too much of a change?

The possibilities are there. Will have to see. I personally am for some of these changes myself.
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/121004860622 Not enough space in this box: http://pastebin.com/d9eSexxx

When snapping you stop on each circle anyway, so each of the patterns objectively requires the same energy. That leads to the hypothesis, that very small differences in direction are hard to correctly perform while 90° angles which represent a total change in direction can be easier. The story is different when moving your cursor in a smooth motion. And that spawns yet another problem because now the algorithm has to consider the multiple ways to play the pattern and pick the easiest.
In any case, it's a fact that there are people who find those patterns harder than squares (when disregarding reading!) - any objective theory that doesn't represent what's actually being experienced is bad for a ranking system imho.
EDIT: Corrected "force" to "energy".
Liked by: DroppedBass

How do you think you are going to stack up against other owc-players and inside team germany?

I think I'll do average within the german roster. While most of us are superior to me in general skill I'm pretty good at HD, consistency and accuracy. I suck big time at HR without HD, though. Them approach circles make high AR so hard. :(
Not sure about the other owc players since I barely played against any.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Does the pp system currently take into account the angle between 3 notes in a jump? Because I believe that a 90 degree angle is objectively more difficult than a 0 or 180 one. Rough example: http://puu.sh/cEgLx/ed27c5c3da.png

I (and quite a lot of the people that I know) actually find the 4th angle harder than the 90° one - and there we already have the first inconsistency with player preference that an angle implementation would give us. ^^'
I also know a lot of people who find a 0° angle crazy hard.

Since you seem to prefer more specific suggestions, (and bother to respond to them, which I appreciate), is there any way to scale uncomfortable patterns involving cursor direction change higher? For example, this is WAAY under-diffed. http://osu.ppy.sh/b/451227

There isn't any simple way to do that, sorry.
Liked by: DroppedBass

I'm sorry if i am just uninformed, i don't really need to explain that perceived difficulty from the players point of view is much more complex than the current system (not to criticize), are there things in development which are to extend the complexity of the pp system or is it just balancing?

I'd love to get sometime more complex + more accurate in there, but as of right now I couldn't think of anything superior to the current system.
Liked by: DroppedBass


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