
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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How long does it takes for you to finish reading a book/novel?

Sometimes one night, one day or the longest, 2 or 3 days due to procrastination.
Liked by: amnisyazwina M

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What are you up to nowadays?

Working on my clothing line, about to release my own skin product too which I'm using right now (really good btw & safe too) & I'm waiting for upu intake to pursue my degree.

did you really got into plkn years ago?

I did. It was only for a week though, I was sent home immediately because of my severe asthma. It was really fun!
Liked by: Farah Dayana.

When you will be marry? Is he will be someone among your friends? or someone from "fresh list"?

That's something I can't tell because I don't even know. You know what they say, jodoh tu rahsia Allah.
Bila sampai waktu, ada lah tu. Saya tunggu je & terima siapa siapa pun kalau dah jodoh. Hopefully dapat orang yang baik & mampu bimbing saya yang entah pape ni. 😂

Hai kak anna! :) Do you listen to music when you're studying? How do you keep yourself awake when you're studying?

Hi! I do. I think listening to music while studying helps me relax a little & senang nak get rid of other unnecessary noise around me yang doesn't help me focus on studying. But that's just me, ada orang tak suka.
My study time ada 3:
1. Malam (After Isha')
2. Pagi (Before Subuh)
3. Pagi (After Subuh)
Time time ni rasa sangat fresh & senang nak masuk sebab environment macam tenang sikit. Kalau mengantuk normally tidur dulu, set alarm awal untuk bangun study. Memang selalu macam tu dari dulu. Kalau rajin, buat Horlicks & makan buah time study so kurang sikit rasa mengantuk! :)

I want to be super clever like you.. do you have any tips to share? thanks a lot :)

Eh? I am no where near super clever. Biasa biasa je.
My tips:
- pay attention in the class
- put more effort into studying
- learn to love learning because it's fun
- don't procrastinate
- put your all into your work
- teach your friends, jangan kedekut ilmu

Salam kak anna. You are going to further your atudiea right? Are you taking degree in TESL? If do...how long does it take..

Waalaikumussalam. Yes I am! That depends on the uni I applied to, kalau dah transfer kredit boleh kurang 1 or 2 semesters kot I'm not so sure yet.

Hi anna, i really need your help , what should i do when other people avoid me and pretend like i did not exist in class, i always feel being left alone .. i am actuallu depressed.My classmate always forget about me whenever in activity in class . I do not know what to do . I am in college so yeah .

Hi! In that case, you should be the one yang tegur people. Try making friends in the class, at least one who you can count on. Maybe they don't talk to you because they don't know you, jangan be too passive. Nak seronok, always sit in front & participate dalam discussion & jawab soalan lecturer. Banyak tanya etc. nanti people will approach you :) Sometimes it's not them, it's us.

Hi kak Anna :) I'm here to ask u about ur studies.Kak Anna ambil course apa ye skrg? And im still in dilemma which course should I choose after spm cus for now I'm in engineering course and I don't think I got any talent to be an architect or even engineer 😂 bcs lk is damn too hard for me.Can u pls

Hi there! I actually just completed my Diploma. I previously took TESL :)
Well, benda yang susah tu lah mencabar. Kalau nak berjaya, kena ada cabaran. Kalau kita nak semua benda senang, macam mana nak improve diri sendiri? Macam mana nak jadi lagi pandai?
The thing about furthering your studies is, you have to know your ability & most important, passion. You're more to which area? Kena tahu. Tak boleh bluntly choose the course since it involves your future & taknak nanti halfway je. Rugi masa, tenaga & duit.
If you know you CAN go with the course, then proceed. Kalau rasa susah, it simply means you have to put more effort into it & work harder. Kena yakin dengan diri sendiri. Be around people who will help you climbing, not dragging you down the stairs.
Kalau rasa betul betul betul betul tak boleh langsung, memang tak minat langsung, rasa macam tak boleh sangat sangat, then you can consider to drop it & think of something else.
But really, if you never try you'll never know. Mindset penting. You have to be positive & yakin dengan diri sendiri. Usaha paling penting.

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