
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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I wanna take tesl. But i only have a basic eng, my vocab is not that good. What do u think?

My english isn't that good as well. I've survived 3 semesters :)
Worry not, during the first and second semesters you'll learn basic Eng. again. Except that in this course, the learning scope is deeper. If you love English, go for it okay!
Insha Allah you'll be just fine! You'll improve your language in time.

Hi kak anna , boleh bagi tips untuk makanan yang sihat and simple to prepare? Actually saya dalam proses nak kurus :)

- Makan wholemeal bread
- Kurangkan gula in every drink
- Kalau boleh minum air suam or air masak je
- Eat a lot of fruits and veggies
- Kalau makan nasi make sure lebihkan lauk (kurangkan nasi)
- Jangan skip breakfast
- No heavy meals at night
- Elakkan oily food dan junk food

Kak Anna, i have bf tapi sejak dua menjak ni he always ignore me and do his work with his friends. Dulu apa hal dia yang mulakan convo dulu but now he changed i asked him sayangkan i lagi or not and he said he love me and he begging me for not ask a same question. So what should i do yaa?

1) You guys are not married
2) Most guys don't like to be controlled, not saying that you're controlling him but it seems like you're pushing him. Lelaki ni suka freedom. Bila dia dengan kawan kawan dia, let him. Biar dia spend masa with them. Dia tak bagi awak tanya that question sebab dia rasa macam you're asking him to choose- you or his friends. Trust me, you don't want to ask that question.
3) Kalau rasa macam his attention isn't balanced, talk to him about it. I'm sure he'll do something. Kalau ada anything, talk. Guys don't get clues. Kena cakap or else diorang tak tahu.

Assalamualaikum, I've been suffering from 'eating disorder' and 'social anxiety' ever since I was 14 and now I'm 17. But I'm too ashamed to tell my family and friends about it. If you were me, how do you personally deal with a friend who has 'ed' like me?

Eating disorder & social anxiety could get serious in some cases. You really need to talk to someone about it, you need motivation & help. You can't keep it to yourself, you might harm yourself without notice.
If you don't have anybody to talk to, you can come to me. I'll be more than happy to help you out okay :)
Lots of love!

Hai kak anna. I jenis yang berkulit gelap. Org pun tak nak berkawan dengan i even tegur pun tak. Tp skrg ni i pakai satu product and boleh dikatakan kulit i dah bertambah cerah and ramai yang dah start nk berkawan dgn i.Tp i rasa dieorang tu semua berkawan dengan i disebabkan rupa i.Wht should i do?

Let's take it this way. Our first glance dekat someone, kita terus nampak hati dia tak? Tak kan? The first thing yang kita nampak is his appearance, cara dia berpakaian etc. Kita tak nampak apa yang dekat dalam. So, kita kena approach orang tu. Kadang kadang orang muka cantik tapi hati busuk. Ada yang vice versa.
Manusia ni, suka benda yang cantik. Siapa je tak suka benda cantik kan? It's always about the appearance sebab it's the first thing yang kita notice pasal someone that makes us want to approach them. Our personality tu they will explore later and that would be their choice, whether they like it or not. Nak stay or go.
I know exactly how it feels but that's how it works. Just make sure you know who your real friends are. Make sure your new friends aren't taking advantages on you. Still, don't be so negative. Some people could be different than what they appear to be :)

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Assalamualaikum Anna! Hey we're in the same age ya know but I'm older than ya hehehe but still we're both Taurean! So your personality a bit kinda like me very motivated person and always thinking positive. Go taurean!! okay that is not my point act.hm Anna,I really have no clue about make-up? found

Hello there mateeeeee! Haha I don't know what you're trying to ask since ask fm has characters limit too but I think I get your point.
Talk about make up. Before this I had no idea what Sephora was but once my girlfriend invited me to come and visit her so later we could go to Sephora. But I was like "Call me lame but what the heck is Sephora?" Dia gelak gila kot! She was like "omg anna".
My mom used to be a makeup artist. When I was little I liked to accompany her pergi wedding. I was so amazed kot tengok dia make up pengantin, bila dah siap ibu would ask me "Kakak, cantik tak?". Anna pun angguk laju laju haha.
Okay tak ada kena mengena.
If you're trying to ask me about make up, you ask the wrong person hahaha because I have no idea at all. I own a lot of make ups but I don't use them hahahahahaha. And I don't know how to use them. I've watched tutorials but I think I just really have no skill at all.
Anyways, I do have my own routine. My fav kind of make up is natural make up. You wear make up but you still look like you.
1) Day cream (spf)
2) Foundation/bb cream
3) Lip balm or natural colour lipstick.
4) Mascara (I seriously can't live without mascara)
Ok tu jelah. If you want to buy make up, choose the ones yang halal, safe & boleh bawa solat. I recommend FCC (Farmasi Colour Cosmetic) or Ronasutra. They're a bit pricey but worth it. FCC is a muslim brand from Turkey. Anna banyak pakai product FCC.
Lispticks etc Anna banyak beli from Sephora.
I'm sorry if I don't help much hahaha.

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Kak Anna. I have something to ask you. saya ni pendek orangnye. No confident nk klua jejalan. Malu dgn org sbb saya ni pendek. org selalu ejek saya pendek. how can I do? Em

For your information, my height is 156cm je. I'm short too. Kawan kawan saya pun selalu je ejek saya pendek, all the time! Annoying betul haha. I do feel insecure about my height sometimes but I ignore it. I learn to accept myself the way I am. That's what you have to do too. Kena terima diri sendiri seadanya sebab setakat tu je Allah bagi, siapa lah kita nak minta lebih.
Kalau kita tak boleh nak terima diri sendiri, macam mana orang lain nak terima kita? Love yourself okay! Ignore mulut orang.


Language: English