
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

There are more than one thing. But I can share 2.
I don't have many friends. I might look like I do, but I don't. I choose my circle & stick with people whom I can really trust. I've had a lot of bad experiences in the past which eventually resulted to this.
Ok, another one. I'm also not a fashionista. If you've ever bumped into me outside when I'm not working and all, you'd find me wearing slippers, random tudung bawal or shawls & tshirts or beach pants. #seriously
I am THAT simple actually
Nampak je acah acah ootd cool padahal selebet 😂

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kak anna, saya rasa stress sngat2 dengan math. its fun actually tapi kalau kita tahu macam mana nak jwb soalan tu. Tapi kalau macam tktahu nak jawab ni la, yg buat saya stress yakamat sampai kan saya menangis (haha,lawak kan) . math is fun yet stressful ergh. Help me dear kak anna, thankyou!!

Buat banyak latihan & rajinkan bertanya kawan kawan yang pandai atau nak lagi senang dan berkat, tanya cikgu terus. Insha Allah lama lama boleh cekap. Maths ni kena banyak praktis je sebab soalan dia banyak berpusing tapi sama je sebenarnya.
So, usaha lebih ok!
You got this!!!!

Kak anna can you tell me more for the upcoming beauty product you're going to launch soon? I can't wait!!! Is it a natural product?

That's a secret!!!! 😝
But yes, definitely natural. My skin is sensitive & problematic, so I always choose my skincare carefully! So, you guys can always trust me! Hehe I'm beyond excited!
Let me reveal one of its benefit-
the product is 4 in 1. It works as a toner, moisturizer, serum & sun protection (we have an ingredient that will protect the skin from the (bad effects of) sun)
Sangat best!

Assalammualaikum kak Anna !! Nak tanye .. Boleh ke kite pakai skincare yg ade alcohol sbgi seorang Islam .. mcm moisturizer yg ade alkohol .. Thank you !!

Pakai mosturizer dekat muka tu buat awak mabuk tak? Haha.
Tahu tak orang rawat luka pun dengan alcohol jugak tau?
Jadi, jawapannya boleh. Tapi saya nasihatkan, elakkan alcohol dalam skincare. Alcohol dalam skincare akan hakis kulit muka, resulting to bad long term effects. Nanti muka cepat pedih & burn bila kena cahaya matahari. Nanti akan jadi sangat sensitif. Bahaya.
Kalau nak cari skincare products, cari yang dermatologically tested. Without parabens, alcohol etc. Cari dekat Farmasi, Watson or Guardian ok! 😊

Assalamualaikum kak Anna,people always said "be yourself" but in my situation, people continously hating me when im being myself, for that is still okay, but at some point my close members or family will get hurt or getting bad day or life just because of me,what should i do? Thank you for helping🎈

If "being yourself" brings more bad than good, you have to reflect yourself again. What about you that they do not prefer? Do ask. Sometimes you need advices from other people because most of the time kita tak nampak salah kita sendiri tapi people around us nampak. So ask your closed ones, and improve. Reflect balik, what did you do that made them dislike you? Ada tersalah cakap ke? Tersinggungkan perasan diorang ke?
Do reflect yourself from time to time and once you've noticed kenapa, cuba improve.

Thank you for the motivation! Your words made me ponder for a while,as I just pursued my study 2 weeks ago in a course I chose as my second choice. I'm not sad,but somehow still hoping to get the course I actually wanted. So,care to share your 2 ways to achieve impossibility/ies in life? :D

My pleasure.
Well, don't worry about it! Take it as a test from Allah. We won't always get what we want. We can plan but He is the Best Planner among all. And He will not put you in a situation and give you tests that you cannot handle.
My 2 ways to achieve impossibilities, eh?
1. Determination.
It means here.... I WILL NOT give up until I achieve my goals. If I want something, I will work so hard to get it & will rely the rest to Allah. If it's meant to be achieved, it'll be. So far, Alhamdulilah. He had granted my prayers & noticed my hard work but I don't know what's coming to me in the future. Hence I must not lose myself in this (what i call it) pool of success. Jangan lupa diri.
2. ALWAYS be kind to other people (& have compassion on creatures)
People around you may bring you rezeki. So banyakkan berbuat baik dengan orang, bersedekah, berkongsi ilmu, makanan, bantuan, apa apa lah. Bila kita tolong orang, Allah will help us too insha Allah.
Tak kisah lah dalam keadaan apa pun, sentiasa buat baik dengan orang walau sejahat mana pun diorang dengan kita. Even if they're among those friends who only remember you masa susah. It's okay, tolong je.
Mudah mudahan Allah tolong kita bila kita susah. Insha Allah. 😊

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How does it feel to be free from twitter for a while?

It was amazing!!!!!!
Honestly, it would've been more amazing if I wasn't sick to death haha but it was a good break though!
Getting too attached with social network will eventually turn you into an antisocial in real life. So take a break sometimes & live life, catch up with your family and friends! Breathe some fresh air!

Where the happiness can be found?

In yourself.
Happiness is individual choice. You're the only person who can make yourself happy & can make you unhappy.
Because you choose people, action & things that make you happy or vice versa.
So basically, it's on you- your mindset, your level of positivity, your needs, your desires, compassion, everything involves feelings.
You think being rejected is an unhappy thing, then it will automatically makes you miserable. Unless you look at a positive side of it - either work harder or take it as a life lesson for future reference/reminder etc.
There's always a good side in everything bad. And there's also a bad side in everything good.
You just need to open your mind & think rationally.
Happy thoughts will make you happy, it will also lead to positive acts which will help you live a positive and beautiful life.
Nothing is perfect 😊

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macam mana nak confess dekat orang kita suka? hm

"Hi. Saya ada something nak bagitahu.
Sebenarnya saya suka awak. Mungkin ni tiba tiba je tapi saya perlu luahkan.
Kalau awak tak ada perasaan yang sama, tak apa.
Hopefully confession ni tak buat hubungan kita awkward."
Ok pergi send sekarang atau call dia atau cakap depan depan.
Kalau dia tak suka, tak apa! At least kita tahu tak perlu mengharap & boleh move on dah.
Kalau dia suka, lain cerita.
All ze best!!!

Sy doakan akak jump jodoh cepat. Jodoh yg cerdik2 & sesuai utk akak. Your kids will be cerdik like their parents too. I minat sngt kt akak.

Amin. Insha Allah.
Terima kasih untuk doa yang baik! Terharu.
Haritu saya ada baca,
Kalau kita doa baik baik dekat orang, insha Allah doa baik tu akan diperkenan kat kita jugak.
Kalau salah betulkan ye.
Semoga Allah merahmati awak. Terima kasih sangat! ❤️

Kak anna, what brand do you use to remove your makeup?

These two:-
1. Purevivi - I got this from Sasa
2. Son&Park Beauty Water - Kirim from my bestfriend when she went to Korea last month.
Both works amazingly! They suit my super sensitive skin & cleanse very well! Sekali wipe dah terus bersih, nak hilangkan waterproof make up like mascara & super pigmented lipsticks pun senang. Kalau Anna ada photoshoot, make up tebal tebal pakai ni memang bersih & senang basuh. Less effort needed. 😊

Can you tell if a guy likes you?

Maybe yes, maybe no. Most of the time, I don't know because I would always end up with
"Nahhh, that's impossible. I'm not that attractive or interesting yada yada yada comparing myself with the rest of other girls in the world"
Sometimes I could tell but normally very unsure takut perasan sendiri. So perhaps this leads to a big NO? Haha

Lol. Terkejut aku orang suggest kau jumpa teme. Mana datang idea. Hahahahahaha. Dia tu DM orang pun tak reply 😭😭😭.

Dia busy tu tapi mesti dia baca, tak sempat nak reply je. Dia kan rajin retweet fans fans semua. Bersangka baik ok!
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Language: English