
Anna Khayalan

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Akak setuju tak dengan hashtag #PakaiTudungTapi tuh? Berikan sebab.

I've answered this 3 times. Take a look at my past answers okay! :)

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Tak sangka adik anna yang selalu tidur dgn saya dulu2 dah matang sekarang. Dulu manja macam baby. And guess who I am?

I love you! And I miss you! <3

How do you make a girl feel entertained, laugh , smile , giggle whatever. How to make a girl feel like she is special ?

You ask the question as if I'm a boy. Haha alright.
You don't make a girl feels special, the special feeling comes from herself not you.
Always be there for her and make her feels like she can trust you.
Tell her she's beautiful. :)

Hi Anna, Salam. Spm karangan BM and essay BI jawap ques no berapa? :D

Hai, waalaikumussalam!
BM no 1.
Yang English saya jawab pasal Money.

Anna, macam mana nk improve English? Baru-baru ni final exam dapat C. Sedih :'(

Usaha lagi.
Read and write more! Reading always help.
And bila reading, jangan lupa write down new words dengan meaning. :)

Ana na na na , knapa you tak nak mengaku salah you ? Haha just asking , tapi mcm ada orang ckp sal ana pa pe , msti ana defend diri ana :p

Haha I disagree with you dengan "kenapa you taknak mengaku salah you". Kalau salah, saya mengaku salah. But from what happened, and you're saying this because of those 3 questions about my tweet kan? It was an opinion, tak ada yang betul yang salah. And I'm defending my opinion lagipun it was a misunderstanding so saya taknak orang salah faham dengan things I'm trying to say. :)

pasal slh fham tuh sye buat tak tahu je.lgpun dorg tuh sye knl dlm fb. btul ke cara sye buat xtahu tu ?

Lebih baik settle kan sesuatu salah faham supaya tak ada fitnah nanti.
Liked by: ناديا

Mula hashtag #PakaiTudungTapi ni I dah mula tak suka you, sbelum ni I ingat you okay, clearly you pilih kasih. Go ahead, dont think just because of your fame, you can simply act others, and never admit your mistakes. Assalamualaikum, jazakillah.

Allah, your question is so rude. I think there is a misunderstand here.
What do you mean by pilih kasih? And please, I have no interest in fame. Don't judge me that way because of my followers count on Twitter etc, I am not famous and I don't even care.
Because of one tweet or shall I say opinion, you send me hate. Let's make it clear, what I said wasn't pilih kasih or anything. I just stated that the hashtag was rude because obviously it's rude. It's called menghina. If you read my previous answers, the hashtag wasn't about menasihati but menghina instead and you said I'm a pilih kasih for tweeting that? We definitely have no right to judge someone because we're just servants. The judging part is out of our league. Our job is to remind them, to HELP, not to judge them with rude words dan menghina. It's a wrong way untuk menasihati someone don't you think? Please, open your eyes and mind. Think out of the box, be more open minded. I am not saying I am right or wrong because I'm not stating facts, this is an opinion. And please, don't misunderstand my tweet and then attack me for voicing out my opinion. May Allah bless you, salam.

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Assalamualaikum. Tak sangka, pendapat Anna about the hashtag #PakaiTudungTapi pun same like the others. Adil kah? Hanya sebab hamba Allah SWT tertentu bertudung, we have no rights to judge them? Apa salahnya hashtag itu, kan dapat diambil sbg nasihat. Its just, so unfair. Astaghfirullah.

Waalaikumussalam. Yes sebab kita hanya hamba, kita bukan Tuhan nak hakimi seseorang. Kita tak ada hak langsung nak judge sesiapa. Life is not unfair, nothing is unfair. Tak ada apa yang salah tapi sekarang ni most people guna hashtag tu is it untuk menasihati or menghina? Because based from what I read, most of them are hinaan. Think about it. Maybe yes bagi awak hashtag tu untuk menasihati tapi orang lain? Diorang nasihat ke? Because from what I read, mostly tak. Malu, sebagai seorang Muslim yang berhijab. Saya malu bila hashtag tu trending dan saya rasa seperti dihina. Sebab hijab/tudung itu tuntutan agama, dah lebih macam "if she wears hijab, she's a muslim" which means lambang. Kita memang tak ada hak nak judge orang, tapi kita dituntut untuk menegur. Hashtag tu menegur ke? My tweet was an opinion and this is an opinion juga and I don't want you to misunderstand everything I write sebab it comes from heart and mind. Opinion shouldn't be judged sebab different people have different opinion. Semua orang lain lain and this is me, voicing mine. Kita tak boleh fikir pasal kita je, kita kena fikir luas. Fikir akibat, fikir kesan etc. Be an open minded.

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Assalamualaikum. If you wanna say that we have no rights to judge those with hijabs, so kita biarkan je lah? Pakai tudung with short-sleeved shirt....eh! Dont judge! Antara dia and Allah! Can you see my point here? Love you :)x

Waalaikumussalam. Yes, exactly we have no right to judge someone. But as a Muslim/human, what should we do is to approach them and tegur. I don't say that we have to biar (I never said that). Don't get my tweet wrong. I say we have no right to judge someone by their hijab because basically hijab is something yang dituntut by agama and no one has the right to question why dia pakai hijab but wear short sleeves and all. Can you see what I'm trying to say? Because the judging part is only between the person herself with Allah.
You don't judge, you don't say harsh words about those who wear tudung with BUT. Because that's not the right way for us, for anyone to help them to change for the better, to improve themselves. What about you? For example, how do you know if they are someone who actually baru start nak tutup aurat and they start with wearing hijab. It's a slow process; it's not a dramatic change. Think out of the box. The hashtag was completely harsh and menghina agama. Open your mind, what I tweet was an opinion and what I am saying right now is an opinion. It's not a fact but an opinion. No hate. Love you too! Thank you for the question. :)

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Kak anna,you might don't know me but I just want to let u know that you're one in a million who has a pretty face with a pretty personality.I really hope that someday I'll meet you.assalam :)

One day insyaAllah. :)


Language: English