
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Siapa yang dalam gambar kak anna kat tepi blog akak tu? Macam orang putih.

Memang orang putih pun.
That's my bestfriend, Justine. :-)

Kak anna, kak anna memnag dh lma ke guna product Herbaline tu? mmg berkesan ek? harga product tu mahal tak?

Herbaline and Cetaphil. Mahal tapi berkesan. :-)

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Anna, can you please change your twitcon? It reminds me to someone........ :'(

Twitter won't let me change it!!!!!! :-(

Hey i nak tanya. You kan perempuan so nak tanya lah pendapat. Macam mana kita nak tahu bahawa perempuan tu dah bosan ke tidak dengan someone? I mean yeah cara-cara diaorang cana heh? Kalau berdasarkan text ke.

Hi. Well it depends, kalau tengok that girl texting macam tak ada mood then she got bored.
Takpun tengok cara layanan dia. :-)

Hey I've read your story tentang arwah abang you. Seriously sayu sangat. I harap anna kuat semangat, semoga dia ditempatkan di kalangan orang yang beriman :-)

Hi, thank you. InsyaAllah. :-)

Kawan saya dia dah berubah. Dia selalu kutuk2 budak2 gedik. And she end up becoming one of them. Saya dah cuba tegur dia elok2 tp dia marah saya. Saya nk save persahabatan ni. Please help me~~!!! :'(

People change. That's something you should know.
Friendship remains the same. If you love her, let her be but don't let her drown.

Sis, saya ada suka sesorang and saya BAGITAHU yang saya suka dia. and yes at the same time I feel like I'm an idiot. memang saya takboleh kawal perasaan saya pada dia and lepastu, saya tanya apa2 or mention @twitter, dia tak jawab. sepatah pun tak. I feel so sad, saya rasa takboleh nak kawal perasaa

Mungkin dia rasa awkward dengan your confession or he/she doesn't feel the same way.
BUT, at least you've confessed and the reaction let you know wether the person suka you or tak.
At least tak ada lah tertanya tanya. Kita tak boleh paksa orang suka kita.
Move on. You'll find someone better in the future, just wait. :-)

I being insecure for no reason.Can u help me solve this problem?

I can't help you solve your insecurity problem. The problem came from your inside, from yourself and you have to solve it yourself. Start believe in yourself, be confident. You're better than everyone else, & always be you.

Hi,Anna.I want ask for ur advice.ermmm I always being insecure for no reason n i know this attitude sometimes makes my friends stay away from me.I try to be mature,give them happiness nut not this stupid insecure ,but FAILED.Im fat , I cant ignore wat they say about my body figure.Wat should i do?

Hi. Stop underestimate yourself. If they can't accept the fact that you have an amazing sexy curve, then on what reason exactly they being friends with you? LOVE YOURSELF, stop feeling insecure because you're beautiful, you're worth it. Be confident, believe in yourself. Don't make things worse when you can make it better. Just try to ignore what people say. JUST BE YOU. :-)

Macam mana anna dapat jawab soalan2 yg diajukan.. ecehceh. i mean mesti penuh inbox kan?

Penuh lah juga. Saya cuba. :-)


Language: English