
Anna Khayalan

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Saya ni lepasan spm cuti panjang lagi. Rasa mcm nk kerja part time tp sometimes i rasa mcm malu , tak confident and so on. Macam mana nak buat eh ?

I see. Dulu pun Anna macam tu. Tapi kan, if you want to make your fears go away you need to face them. Mula mula memang rasa takut, tak apa but once dah go through it nanti rasa takut tu dah boleh overcome sendiri. Belum cuba belum tahu, who knows masa dah kerja nanti baru confidence tu datang? You'll learn and gain a lot of things by experiencing tau. Tak rugi pun. Jangan biar rasa takut tu jadi penghalang.

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salam kak ana how do you uphold your own rights when everyone around you denies it.

Well. I'm a type of person who always do whatever I say. Whenever I think of something, I'd work on making it real. Keras kepala, I always want what I want and if no one is going to help me I'll get it myself.
Sometimes it's hard to be alone on your own but if you have the determination, you'll be able to prove them wrong eventually. Tapi in certain situations, you still need to consider their opinions and compare to yours. Kita tak sentiasa betul tau.

salam kak ana. how do you make people stop criticising you for doing the good.

You can't. That's impossible.
Like I've said earlier, you can't please everyone. Every thing yang kita buat, orang lain akan affected by it sama ada in a good way or a bad way. They will judge all the time because they have opinions. You just have to deal with it. Susah memang susah but that's life but you should know that things like that will make you stronger. Jangan stop doing good deeds just because you're scared of what other people might say. At least you contribute something instead of just talking. :)

Hi kak ana. this is a really personal question. at my school people consider me as a really religious person but when i do something wrong they'll remember it forever and won't forgive. I myself know I am not good as i watch a lot of bad things online and I am scared to tell to my friends about it.

Hi. Well, I don't think you should let them know if you're scared to tell them. However, if you think whatever you're doing is bad for your image, I advise you to stop doing it. I'm sure you wouldn't like it neither if one of your friend behaved the same way, would you? Religious outside, inside who knows. It's kinda hypocrite. You lie to them and to yourself too. You can't live like that forever, one day they'd find out.
So, change now.

Saya ada kwn kat kptmkl tu and she said awak ni sombong & selfish tak ramai kawan semua. Is it true?

Hahaha well that's just rude.
I got that a lot though. Let me be straight je, I'm not that friendly. I don't know how to approach people but once you know me, I'm so far away from what I appear to be.
Dekat kolej, I don't mingle around so much. I'm not loud, I'm not sociable and such, I do my own stuffs. That's me. Most of the time I'm alone sebab my friends aren't in the same class with me. I go to college, belajar then balik that's all. I don't care orang nak cakap apa, that's pretty much the main reason why I don't mingle around. Because of the talking & the judging, I don't want to be a part of it.
They expect me to smile 24/7, say hi to everyone I don't know. Tak senyum sikit sombong, aduh. Haha

which one you decide.a guy with a good looking but he's attitude like a shit.or a guy so not handsome one but iman dia.Subhanallah

Haha that's pretty harsh?
I'd choose the one with great imaan of course. I'm not the type of girl who chooses looks over other things.
What's the point of having handsome face if his attitude is a major turn off? It doesn't guarantee anything pun.

Dear Anna, I really adore how you dress up now as its follow syariah Islam. How did you istiqamah ?

Hi, thank you so much. I still have flaws somewhere in the way I dress but I'm working on it insha Allah.
Well people judge me all the time and whenever I make one wrong step, they'll tell it to me straight that it's wrong. I take criticism seriously. I take what other people say about me seriously, their opinions matter to me because I like to hear them whether they're good or bad or harsh or whatsoever.
Those are my motivations, to be better than what I am today. Everything they tell me, I take them as advices and I constantly try to improve myself to be better.

how do you become a model? is it the really thing that you want to be? and how do you become popular on social website?

Is it a really thing I want to be? No.
I have my own goals to achieve and being a model or popular is never on the list. But I was given opportunities that some people wish to have so I grabbed them so I could gain some experience and learn from the great minds behind em. So far, I've learned a lot.


Language: English