
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Anna, saja nak bagi pendapat. But I think teens (girls especially) nowadays think & care too much about love. As if they could die if they don't have a lover. Like seriously, I too do have someone that I like but I don't obsess over him.

Precisely, I agree w you. But you know as teens, this is what we call getting to know life.
Teenagers are different in emotional and perasaan ingin tahu. They crave for love. It's not wrong but everything has its limit. :-)

Kak Anna, can you tell me macam mana akak jaga muka? I mean rutin harian akak start from basuh muka tu semua :-)

Bangun tidur, saya basuh muka biasa je tak guna sabun pun.
Bila nak mandi tu baru saya basuh muka guna cleanser then guna moisturizer.
Malam tu sama all over again.
Tapi saya tak ada lah flawless ke apa tau. Kulit saya sensitive, saya sendiri pun ada masalah macam orang lain.

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anna, i suka baca your answers in english tapi apa salahnya sekali sekala ayat you yg panjang2 tu in malay pulak :)

Sorry, dah terbiasa.....

hi anna :] i ni jenis yg diam, suka buat hal sendiri. I bukan tknk kwn dgn org tp kadang2 i lagi selesa sorang2. Malas i nak sibuk2 hal org ni. Dlm class dok dgn member tp i buat hal sndiri la, baca buku ke, tgk org keliling ke. Hmm you rasa org mcm i ni sombong ke?

Nope because sometimes pun I'm just like you.
Tapi you know, ada masanya you have to bergaul juga dengan orang lain sebab maybe you don't think yang you're sombong tapi you don't know what they think. :-)

What does art mean to you ? How does it affect your life on a daily basis ?

I don't know anything about art. But I know what's an art really looks like! :-)
Liked by: A dan F's.

you selalu ckp u tak popular, invisible. Tapi you buat ask.fm seolah2 mcm nak jwb soalan2 peminat you. Acamne tu? :)

I am. I'm not popular. I don't think I have fans, I really don't. But I have friends.
& Wrong. It's an experience for me to put myself in people's situation and feel what they feel. Find the idea of life. Getting to know what's world looks like.
I like to listen, I love helping people. I love when people come to me when they need help, listener or anything. I feel like they can count on me. Like I can be trusted.
Ask.fm is not all about "Hey, I'm popular. Ask me things!!" It's not. Sometimes the purpose of signing up this account is probably because you just want to try new things. And at the same time some people out there need someone. & so they become anons, ask you what should they do when this happen and that because they can't figure out what to do. And maybe your answers can help them. Or maybe they just want someone to listen. A stranger that doesn't know them, so they can actually know what someone thinks on this and that instead of their friends who are judgmental and probably not even friends.
Yes, I have k's of followers on Twitter and my friends are prob famous I don't know I don't care. But I'm not popular, I don't have fans or anything related to fame. I'm just a 17 years old school girl. A nobody.
Don't easily judge someone. :-)

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anna :) i selalu usha guy ni. ada satu hari tu kantoi. Masa i tgh tgk dia, tiba2 dia pandang i. Ya Allah, malu sekejap O.O i rasa dia dh perasan i lah i usha2 dia. Dia ada tgk2 i jugak, should i tegur dia? kwn2 i semua suruh i tegur dia. Tapi nampak i mcm murah je start dulu. Tak gitu? You think? :$

Tegur je lah! You'll never know what a simple hi can do!
Jadi friends pun nampak murah? :-)
Liked by: latifah

Kak Anna. Saya ada minat sorang lelaki ni. Tapi, saya rasa macam, lebih baik belajar daripada fikir pasal semua ni. And saya rasa dah malas nak jadikan dia crush. Tapi, setiap kali saya nak lupakan dia, mesti asyik terserempak dengan dia. Kebetulan kelas dia satu aras dengan kelas saya. Help me ...

Itu namanya ujian.
Set your mind and tetapkan pendirian. Focus on things that should be focused. Not otherwise.
You can do it, just ignore whatever that comes to you. :-)

Yess im sure it is love , hes my senior and next year he'll not be here anymore . im afraid to talk to him .

Love is different.
But maybe you should talk to him, get your courage. Or you know, talk to him through someone else? :-)

What are you gonna do if you fall in love with someone that you dont really know ? im girl and i dont know what to do right now...

Is it love? Do you really think it's love? :-)

seriously sakit hati dengan orang yang kutuk kak anna. Just be yourself! And you need to know that many people <3 you!! your attitude, may Allah bless you! I wish I can be pretty, skinny, kind, like you. :) Goodluck SPM!

Thank you, that's very nice. You are pretty!!
May Allah bless you always! :-) x

saya rase pendirian saya tak tetap. Kejap pakai tudung kejap tak pakai. Sya rasa mcm orng bodoh je.

Tutup aurat itu wajib, ingat tu.

ape yang menyebabkan you putih mcm orng jepun ni? adik you lain plak :/

Hahaha I'm not putih lah! I think it's just a camera effect ke or something!

Hi Kak Anna! I love your tweets and the way you answer all the questions on ask.fm <333 How I wish we meet someday :/

Hi! Thank you! One day insyaAllah, can't wait! :-)


Language: English