
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Kak Anna,do you know that I <3 all of your clothes and pashmina and your accecories.Where did you buy that things?

Thank you so much. :D x
I bought them from everywhere. Seriously, I'm not a pelanggan setia and I don't really buy branded things. Hahaha, kalau cantik I'll grab. That's me.

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What’s the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to you?

"You're different because you're you."
I think it's nice even though I don't really get the meaning. Lol

kak, saya nk share ttg kwn saya. ayah dia(ustaz) kena santau dgn org. mcm2 penyakit ayah dia dpt lepas kena santau tu. badan kurus kering,perot buncit, lupa ingatan. doktor kata ayah dia hidop dh x lama. sblom tu byk dugaan dia dpt smpai makbapak dia nak cerai. ape yg saya boleh bantu kawan saya ni?

Tadah tangan, doa. :-)
Liked by: Hi.

kak, mcm mana saya nk share something dgn family saya? klau ade apa2 je mst saya pendam sbb klau saya cerita kat diorang pon, saya ni mcm sembang sorang2 je. nak cerita kat kawan segan pulak and mcm lah nk dengar cerita karut saya ni. selalu saya je tadah telinga dengar cerita diorg. please help me.

Then apa gunanya kawan kalau taknak dengar?
Well, if you have no one else to talk to. You have me, you'll always have me around! :-)

Kak Anna , Mane stu yg btul ? Waalaikumusalam or Waalaikumussalam :) Hep me , i'm very confused bout this .

The second one. :-)

Friends Anna dkt fb dah full eh? if tak, please terima saya.

I can't, I'm really sorry.
I really want to. Nak approve everyone but I can't.
If I approve someone, it's not fair for everyone else. I'm not trying to be berlagak ke apa tapi I'm just being fair. I'm deleting strangers from my friend list sebab friends memang dah pack sampai ada my schoolmates tak boleh add, so I'll only approve those I really know in real life. How I wish Facebook tak ada friends limit. :-(

kak anna nak tanya pendapat kak anna. samsung corby 2 warna apa lawa? putih/pink/kuning?

The white one looks attractive.<3


Language: English