
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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sis, you are one of my inspirational people. I'm really impressed on how you answer anonymous's questions and also your tweets. How I wish I can be like you :')

Thank you. That is very nice and sweet.
I wish and hope and pray that you will be better than me. :)

Hi kak anna, kenapa ada org depan kita baik je, belakang kita. hmm

Hi. Biasanya orang nak jaga hati kita. Atau biasanya ada udang disebalik batu.
Ingat, tak semua orang suka kita. Tak semua benda yang kita buat, orang suka, senang hati. Semua orang ada kelemahan, perkara yang buat orang tak suka dekat kita. Kenapa? Sebab kita tak sempurna. Kita buat salah, kita ada nafsu, kita ada hati, kita ada perasaan. Tapi kena ingat, even Rasulullah pun ada haters, takkan kita tak ada? Mesti ada punya orang tak suka, mesti ada yang tak kena.
Apa nak buat? Sabar, senyum. Kadang kadang kita sendiri tak sedar yang kita pun depan orang baik, belakang sama macam diorang. Ada terfikir tak? Kita cakap macam macam pasal orang tapi kita sendiri tak reflect pun, tak terfikir. Konklusinya, kalau takut ditikam belakang. Jangan mudah percaya orang. Doa dekat Allah supaya jauhi kita dari benda benda, orang orang yang negatif, dan nafsu/hasutan syaitan. Doa, Allah akan tolong. Tapi kena yakin dengan Allah. :)

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Kak Anna, it is too hurt.... The pain is still here... I just cant even stay strong. For God Sake, its killing me deep inside. Just pray for me.. I do love him so much. But he treats me like a rubbish. It so hard for me! I swear! Im tired fight w my junior bcs of him & for our relationship. O Allah

Take my advice and leave him. He doesn't deserve you. Don't stay in a relationship that keeps you in misery and pain. Don't stay in a relationship that causes your relationships with other people fall apart.
Liked by: Amizatul Mokhtar

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It's almost 12pm, girl! Go and sleep, SPM candidate :b xx When are you going to sleep? Let me accompany you :b

am* :p
I slept in the evening so I probably going to stay awake until late night, lol.

Assalammualaikum Kak Anna :) Goodluck for you SPM! CHAIYOOK! -Captain Bihun- <3 All the best! xx!

Waalaikumussalam! Thank you so much!!!!!!<3

So, favourite musician and song right now ?

Demi Lovato. (always)
My faavourite song right now would be One Direction - Little Things because of Ed Sheeran haha.
It's a cute song though.

kak anna , ada tak makanan yg menguatkan ingatan yg kak anna selalu amalkan ?

Ayah pesan selalu makan madu setiap pagi sebelum makan/minum apa apa.
Letak madu dekat tapak tangan, selawat, niat (doa) dan jilat.
Saya banyak amal makanan sunnah, ayah ajar dari kecil. Macam kurma, kismis, air yassin, air zam zam.
Dan elak makanan yang tak elok, yang tak berkhasiat.
Solat pun kena jaga. :)

this girl likes to talk with me, yet for sometimes whenever i started a conversation with her, she started to avoiding me...whats your advice?

Well, girls are different. We are pretty much unpredictable, well mostly unpredictable.
She probably avoids you because she's not in the mood or probably you've done/said something wrong or something happened? Who knows? Like I say, unpredictable. You don't know what is going on unless you ask. My advice, if you like her don't put your hope too high, don't expect too much. As a friend, you should ask her because you concern. Don't you? :)

Kak anna , saya ada seorang kawan . Dia ni bila dia susah dia cari saya bila dia senang dia tinggalkan saya dn pergi kawan dengan orang lain . Kawan kawan lain pun taksuka sangat kat dia . Kak anna rsa apa yg patut saya buat ?

Jangan tinggal dia. Sebab dia bergantung pada awak.
Tak kisahlah dia selalu cari awak time susah, tapi awak tahu yang dia percaya awak. Fikir consequences kalau awak tinggal dia. Sebagai kawan, sabar. Itu memang sifat manusia, kita sendiri pun kadang kadang sama macam tu. Kalau terasa, tegur. Tak salah. :)

macam mana kita nak tau nak guna has ke have? :/

Has/have penggunaanya untuk present tense je.
Kalau past tense, had.
Kalau has, untuk singular // satu // uncountable.
Contoh, Ali has a pen. // Everyone has a pen.
Kalau have, untuk plural // lebih dari satu.
Contoh, Me and my friend have the same bracelet // I have a pen.
Faham? :)
Liked by: niyes Anne

I like this guy, it's been so long i have this feeling towards him, this guy and most of our friends knew about this. he said i deserve someone better than him, so i tried to move on, but i've been trying so hard and this feeling seems like doesnt want to leave me >

You didn't try hard enough, try harder.
Be positive, motivate yourself that you CAN get over him. Do things that will make you forget everything more frequently. Go out and have fun with your friends. Read books, chat with people, find a bestfriend guy, find a hobby. You'll get over it soon. It's not easy, it's not going to leave in a week or two. But if you keep trying, eventually you don't even realize that you've moved on. Trust me and trust yourself. :)

it's been more than 6 months now, everytime someone asks me "Do you still like him?" I lie to them and say i've moved on. so I don't know, what i'm supposed to do now. I think he's worth fighting for, his bestfriends said he rarely tinggal solat and really a guy overall :(

Then keep fighting!!!!! :)

Thankyou <3 So I can sleep now. Hope to see ypu in my dream Kak Anna. <3 :)xx btw, Goodluck in SPM :))

You're welcome and thank you!<3 :)

Hai, I fall in love with you, can we get to know each other?

Hi, that's cute. Thank you.
And yes of course we can get to know each other! :)

Hmm but tbh that boy is kind of person who will hates girl yg express feeling dkt dia & I what to know how long nak letak honey dekat muka, what benefits kalau pakai honey dekat muka?

So then, be careful.
Bout the honey, lama mana pun boleh. But the best time is bila nak tidur, leave it overnight.
Benefitnya, your skin will glow/become radiant. And honey acts as antibacteria. :)

i know he followed me a few months ago and i was like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa XD thanks to him haha

I'll thank him for you when I meet him again! :p


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