
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Hi kak anna. How was ya exam? Much love from me <34567

Hi Izma! The exam was great, alhamdulillah.
Thank you for asking! x

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Kak Anna.apa function power bank yang akak beli tu?

Just incase your phone dies masa tengah hang out or something, boleh charge guna power bank.
Liked by: Nisa

Akak twitlimit tu ape?

Twitlimit tu bila awak over tweet. Contoh limit dia 100 tweets sehari, bila dah tweet banyak banyak sampai 100.
You'll get twitlimit. By then you'll have to wait for several hours untuk tunggu dia available balik.

Kak Annna, mcm mane exam tadi? :D

Alhamdulillah, the questions was hard but I could answer all.
Thank you for asking!! :)

Kak Anna, saya ada kawan tu tau. Dulu kitorang gaduh. Then. around bulan 10 haritu. My dad meninggal. After that, suddenly diorang mintak maaf tau. So, saya maafkan je lah. I thought diorang ikhlas. Then, baru-baru ni. Diorang cari pasal lagi. So, macam mana dengan diorang ni ?

Hi, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. May arwah rest in peace. :(
You know when shit happens, just let it.
Biar orang nak buat apa dekat awak, as for you, sabar.
Orang diam sentiasa selamat. And berdosa besar tau aniaya anak yatim.
So diorang nak buat apa, biarkan. Itu dosa diorang, pahala awak.
Jangan lawan, sabar. Anggap itu ujian Allah. And yakin that you can get through it.
Be positive. Senyum je. :)

Kak Anna, next year i have new responsibility . Jadi prefect. kena tunjuk contoh yg baik kepada semua pelajar. The problem is, i think i'm not that kind of person. Me suka main main, gila gila and now i have to be serious. I'm not a hypocrite and never be :'/ Would you help me?

Hahaha I used to have the same problem!
Bila dah jadi prefect kan, you know your responsibility and your attitude/discipline akan like you know, macam berubah automatically. It just happens. You'll be fine! Good luck! Be positive!! :)

Kak Anna, thank you so much. Yeah he's a jerk. Saya akan cuba, sayang Kak Anna (:

You're welcome. Love you too! Good luck!! :)


Language: English