
Anna Khayalan

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Kwan saya ada hati dkat bf saya. Then sekarang dia ni mcm buruk buruk kan saya dkat kwan kitaorang yg lain. Silap saya jugak pergi kapel dngan crush dia. -.- what should i do? Reply please. ):

Dia boleh cakap apa je, awak jangan lawan.
Itu dosa dia, pahala awak.
And since you guys are friends, cuba lah have a talk dengan dia. :)

kak na, what means by screw up and how to use this phrasal verb?

Screw up, as a slang.
- to ruin through bungling or stupidity: Somehow the engineers screwed up the entire construction project.
- to make a botch of something; blunder.
- to make confused, anxious, or neurotic.
1) To muster or summon up: screwed up my courage.
2) Slang - To make a mess of (an undertaking).
3) Slang - To injure; damage: Lifting those boxes really screwed up my back.
4) Slang - To make neurotic or anxious.
1) make more intense; "Emotions were screwed up" (syn: heat up)
2) make a mess of, destroy or ruin; "I botched the dinner and we had to eat out"; "the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement" (syn: botch)
3) screw or turn higher
4) twist into a strained configuration; "screw up one's face"
Get it?
Liked by: Anak Mak

akak, sesuai tak baju kurung plain warna peach dengan pashmina merah hati. My pashmina same exactly like yours, though. Color makes different, yours cream, isn't? Help me yeah? Hehe, thanks! x

I think brown suits peach. Do you have brown? :)

kak anna mesti dah dengar banyak cerita/masalah yg selama ni akak tk penah dengar kat ask.fm ni kan?hihii

Yes. They are quite interesting.

Okay thanks ,, saya suka baca komik , tapi kadang2 kalau saya baca komik pun saya boleh bosan -,- hmm

I can't help then, nak baca kena rajin. :)


Language: English