
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Oh. At least, trying. Graduate whenever you can. Anyway, good luck for your next papers :)

I hope so, thank you again! x

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Jodi Picoult's dan Nicholas Sparks' books <---- akak ni buku cinta eh? :)

Not really. But Nicholas Sparks yes mostly he write love stories.
Jodi Picoult, not really.

Kak anna , boleh tak saya perbetulkan jawapan kak anna yg pasal couple haram tu. Ustaz azhar idrus pon ada kate kalau dia couple dan berniat untuk kawin dngn pasangan yg sama maka ianya Harus. Haram terjadi apabila dia saje2 couple dan tak de niat nak kawin . TQ

Missed that sorry! Thank you for correcting! :)
Liked by: nabilah ♡

Hi ana! goodluck on ypur spm. kita sama :-) btw rasanya awak pun minat dengan cara muslimah etc kak dena bahrin kan ._. she is cute & good tweet. Anyway kenapa tak apprv friend dekat fb? :(

Hi! Yes!! I adore her. :)
Can you give me your fb? I'll approve you.
Liked by: Muezzah

''What's the point of you tweeting 'pray for Gaza' if you don't actually pray for Gaza? To gain retweets? Shocker.'' What? You were the only one who can say that? At least, they care about Gaza. Be an open minded

Sorry? My point was if you tweet that, you should pray too.
If you just tweet 'pray for gaza' but you don't actually pray for gaza, it's no use.
I'm sorry if it sounds rude. Thank you.

Anna, tahu tak mcm mana nak kurang minyak pada muka kita :)

White egg + fresh lemon juice mask!
Asingkan putih telur dengan kuning telur, campurkan lemon juice yang fresh dengan putih telur tu.
Kacau bagi sebati then sapu dekat muka. Nanti akan rasa keras bila dia kering. Tunggu 1 jam then basuh.
It's a traditional tip.


Language: English