
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Hi anna.. I have trouble when speaking in front of people.. I feel not confident and gagap when speaking.. How should i overcome it?

Hi! That's completely normal. The first thing you should do is making yourself feel comfortable. Kalau you're comfortable with yourself, it'd be less suck to stand in front of everyone else. Wear good clothes, put anything on that would make you feel good.
Another thing is, rajinkan practice talking in front of the mirror. Pretend as if you're in a room full of audience listening to you making speech and all. It might sounds crazy but it really helps, tak tipu. I talk to myself too sometimes hahahahahaha. 😂
Anyway, yep. Kalau rasa tak confident, just be positive and ACT OUT kekonon you're this confident person. Sometimes when you act as if you're someone you'd eventually become that kind of person. Psychology haha.

Hai kak anna! Saya betul2 nak berubah but some of my friends say I'm just being hypocrite cause they still can see my wrongdoing. Im tryin my best to change myself.

Hello. If that's the case, find new friends. Those who make fun of you trying to change for the better are not exactly friends. Real friends would support you when it comes to something like this.

hi. boleh bagi tips tak utk kita move on daripada org yg selama ni bff kita, tapi end up dh jdi musuh. mcm mana nak buang memories dgn dia & lupakan segala kesalahan yg dia buat dkt kita cthnya mcm kutuk kita or hasut kita dkt org lain supaya tak kwn dgn kita. pls help me :')

Forgive & let go.
I'd been in that situation many many times. Masa awal awal dulu I was so fucked up, I felt betrayed gila gila as if everybody suddenly was not trustworthy because of some people. Then I got rational and thought maybe I was the only one who overreacted, maybe the so-called-friends would jump joyfully seeing me depressed because of them. How funny.
Situations like this made me grow up and became more mature. I started to ignore them and avoid them at all cost so that I wouldn't feel down & depressed. Every time I saw them, the same pain would come attacking me. Then I knew one thing I should do. Forgiveness.
Hence, I tried to forgive them for whatever they did to me. I didn't forget at all but I did forgive and let go because it wasn't something worth remembering. I moved on from it and now I feel nothing at all. I don't care about them anymore, not even a bit of anything.
Just praying that they'd all live a happy and successful life.
You should do the same.

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