
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Kak Anna , saye tk tau lh peraaan saye ni mcm mne tp yg saye tau saye asyik tersenyum je bile teringat dia , kalau mcm ni , tande kite suke dia ke?

Yep obviously. :-)

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Kak Anna, ex saye asyik kacau saye punye hidup je dgn boyfie saye yg baru ni! apa saye nak buat ye kat ex saye tu?? pls help mee

Dia buat apa?

I suka laki ni, laki ni dia famous. i nak tegur die, but maluu.. hmm mcm mana tegur ke tak?

Kalau malu melepas lah. :-)

kak anna, can you help me?? saya rasa saya suka dkt one guy ni, dia kelas sebelah saya je. dia ni jenis yg alim, baik, & selalu lower his gaze. but satu hari ni, kami berjln bertentangan & dia pndg saya. argh skrg saya dah perasan dia suka kt saya ><" help me kak!!! mcmne nak krgkan sikap perasan?

Hahaha well thats quite funny.
Why don't you try to talk to him and be friends?
I don't really know macam mana nak kurangkan sikap perasan. Sorry :/

Kak anna, i potong my rambut, then its like so ugly!!! Whatd i do:-(

You can't do anything, just get used to it.
I'm sure it's pretty! :-) x

kak anna yg cantik comel. knp tak jawab soalan saya hritu .kak anna dgn kak tyah knp tak rapat mcm dulu? please. saya cuma nak tahu. sbb saya suke tgk both of u :')

Its personal, sorry.
But thank you! :-)

Kak Anna. Sometimes I feel like I'm nothing to them. Anna. I tak kuat. What should I do ?

Maybe itu perasaan awak je. Think positive, always think positive.
Kalau tak kuat, minta tolong Allah. :-)

Kak anna , akak akn pergi ke jamuan pengawas dekat hotel nanti ?

InsyaAllah, saya tak tahu pun dekat hotel mana. :-/

Kak anna , do you prefer blackberry or phone yg touch screen ?

Blackberry, yes. Kalau touch screen, I prefer iPhone & Samsung.
Sony Ericson pun ok.
Liked by: brizzLE

k.anna , jangan banyak sangat main twitter . study x3 . saya doakan k.anna straight A's . Insyaallah . :) kalau dah dapat result jangan lupa bagitahu tauu , biarlah lambat lagi , nak bgthu skrg . hehehe >_< -yang ikhlas , bdak PBS 2012

InsyaAllah, amin! Terima kasih!<3

Dulu , masa sebelum naik form4 , im a good student . Taklah good sangat , tapi dlm bidang akademik agak baik la . Tapi entah kenapa bila naik form4 , I be the most stupid student in my class . Bila dalam kelas je , raa low confidence and kadang2 menangis . I feel I cant do it .

Turn to Allah, tadah tangan, doa dekat Allah. He will help you. :-)
Liked by: Fαrellio ∞

I think so :'( Takramai kawan dgn saya . Im not beautiful . Im fat . Kadang2 terpikir nak kuruskan badan . It doesnt work

You know, you're beautiful. To be beautiful is to have confidence.
Its not about "oh this girl is prettier, i'm insecure". No, it's about you. "I'm beautiful just the way I am"
You, that's you. & you have to remember tak semestinya you don't have the perfect body and all make you look ugly ke or something. Beauty comes from the inside. If you have a good heart, if you're a confident person, if you trust yourself, you'll shine. Jangan fikir negatif, fikir positif. Smile all the time, tell yourself that you're beautiful. Jangan kisah orang yang tak ramai kawan dengan awak, kisah pasal kawan kawan awak. At least awak ada kawan daripada tak ada langsung? Appreciate. :-)

Kak Anna, apa kak anna nak jawab kalau ada org tanya 'kau dah move on belum?' I taktahu nak jawab apa then rasa marah gila lah :-x

Just smile then. :-)

Saya mohon sbp fr nxt yr . tapi tiba2 saya rasa macam taknak pergi . Firstly , ada sorg ckgu di sekolah sy sekarang rapat betul dgn saya dan sy anggap dia mcm mak sendiri , so rasa syg nak tggl . Lol . . Apa pendapat kak Anna ? Patutkah saya pergi atau tinggal di sini ?

You know sbp is a very big opportunity for you tau.
Rugi sangat sangat, I tell you rugi gila kalau tak pergi. You can still stay in touch dengan cikgu tu, dia boleh datang melawat awak at times. It's for your future, take it. Peluang macam tu datang sekali seumur hidup.
Dulu pun saya dapat MRSM tapi saya tolak. Serious saya menyesal. Go. Don't waste it. :-)

Hye! Guess what? Saya dah habis baca blog Kak Anna dari mula sampai habis. Hari ni abis exam and balik rumah terus start baca blog Kak Anna. Great! Awesome! Kak Anna comel! Hehehe, btw, saya rindu annatyah :)

Hi, terima kasih. :-)

Kak Anna rasa hubungan jarak jauh bagus? Sometimes, saya rasa bagus sebab tak bosan macam cinta jarak dekat. Tapi bila susah nak jumpa, takut dia tak setia macam mana saya setia dgn dia. Perlu ke saya terlalu percayakan dia?

That's the point! Bila you guys jauh, you tend to put more effort in your relationship to make it work right?
It's a good thing. Tapi cabaran dia, you have to trust your partner. Jangan ragu ragu. If you guys are honest & trustworthy to each other, it'll work. :-)


Language: English