
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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i cant do this. i cant stop eating! I've gained 2kg in only a week!!!!! plkease help me how to abstain from overeating? everythime i see food i just cant help it :(

Well then, this will definitely help. > Puasa. :)

tak rasa macam your life right now dah tak ada privacy? by mean everything u do mesti ada orang ambik tahu and they even stalk you. and some even adore you. and ur very opinions, they judge. dont you think ur life is too limited to enjoy fully? or do you love your current life?

The way you said it as if I'm a 'someone'. Just to remind/let you know, I'm just a student who likes to give opinion on things and listen/help people.
Until you send me this question, I have never thought of it to be honest haha. But that's a good thing since this actually took me quite a while to think of an answer. Society is always judgmental, undeniable. But I respect their opinions on my opinions. I don't really mind when people stalk me because I have nothing to hide, I don't share/post personal things or even bring it here plus my life is not that interesting by the way so yep. The adore part, I'm quite wondering why. I'm not the nicest person, I have bad sides too. They just haven't seen it because He hides it for me.
I don't think my life is too limited to enjoy fully because of all these, I doesn't really give any effect.
I'm comfortable with my life. I still have my privacy, I never really revealed anything inappropiate or personal. I know the limits so I'm okay with everything right now. That's so far.
Thank youuuu for sending this, thank you so much!
Have a great day! :)

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Assalamualaikum Anna. You are such a great adviser. Kalau kena tegur pun Anna jawab dengan tenang. May Allah bless you always sweetie and good luck in your SPM :D

Waalaikumussalam. Terima kasih.
May Allah bless you always. :)

anna , what is your opinion about those who wears tudung but sing , suara tu aurat kan kan kan kan ? Tol tak ? Kira kalau tujuan pakai tudung utk mnutup aurat , tp kalau suara dia pun dia bukak n bg org dgr ?

Itu urusan dia dengan Allah. :)

Hai Kak Anna. Akak, fyi, i'm one of your followers. I love the way you tweeting. Tapi ada satu je yg saya tak suka. Kak Anna suka sgt tweet dalam BI. Memang tak salah tapi as a Malaysian, kita kenelah martabatkan bahasa kebangsaan kita. Itu je yg saya nak ckp. Harap akak terima teguran saya. Love yo

Hahaha thank you! Love you too! Tapi saya tweet bukan untuk orang, saya tweet untuk diri sendiri. So it's in my way. Saya minta maaf kalau awak rasa tak selesa dengan cara saya or anything. Lagipun followers saya tak semuanya orang Malaysia. Bestfriends saya ada daripada German, she had to translate my tweets sebab nak faham jugak. Again, saya minta maaf kalau tak selesa. Kalau rasa tak suka, boleh unfollow, tak apa. Thank you again! :)

kak anna. saya ada kawan. kawan baik. tapi saya tak tahu kenapa, kalau saya tweet or jumpa dgn dia dekat sekolah, saya rasa saya menyampah tengok dia. meluat pun ada. ibarat mcm kita ni tak boleh jumpa. kenapa eh kak ? :/

I can't answer that. The answer is in your hand, not mine.

assalamualaikum kak anna, saya tak pernah lulus addmath dan kekadang rasa mcm taknak ja amek subjek tu, akk ada tips tak mcm mana nak improve addmath?latihan banyk-2 pun tetap sama ja result. T.T

Waalaikumussalam. Usaha lagi, fahamkan konsep.
Buat latihan soalan spm/trial lepas lepas.
InsyaAllah boleh. Yakin! Be positive.
Saya doakan awak tapi awak kena usaha tau.
Ingat, orang yang berusaha akan dapat hasilnya. :)
Liked by: hanis zulkfli


Language: English