
Anna Khayalan

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hi kak anna! i dah try cetaphil tu um okey la but i stop pakai sbb kt twitter @twtkecantikan dia kte ade paraben i lil bit fobia of that. nnti dlm 20 thun akan dtng my skin get cancer so now my face jadi oily balik. ha ceni antara the bodyshop's produck or neutrogena which is selamat and berkesan?

Actually, there are good types of paraben & bad types of paraben. Sometimes good skincares contain paraben as well. Like, Lush products. Natural ingredients but contain parabens too. Some type of parabens aren't harmful to the skin. If the amount of it are bearable, it's safe to use tho.
I'm not sure about those two brands cause I never tried. You should google the reviews!

If there is someone of your followers really sincere want to get to know you, what will you do ? Will you accept him ? For sure you will not just trust that person without any research first right ? & What did you want he to do to gain your trust for him ? Only as a friend #Notapickupline hehe

I'm a very complicated person with simple needs. However, I always take sincerity & effort to my heart. I'm not ruthless tho. It's just that sometimes I get approached because of the place I stand, the things I have, the person I appear to be. It's sickening watching & knowing people chasing me so they can have a taste to all that. It's pathetic.

Hi, kak anna! 😊 cuma nk bagitau yg your styles really inspire me to be a good muslimah! I followed kak anna sebelum kak anna berhijrah & to see you change into a beautiful muslimah, it's inspire me a lot. Hehe keep inspire people, kak anna! May Allah swt ease & bless every step you takes 💓

Hi! Insha Allah. Thank you so much! I'm still learning :)

where can i buy orique and how much is it?

I bought them online because I'm that lazy. Their office is in Mid Valley area & Klang if I'm not mistaken.
Price? Expensive. You should check out their website :)

Assalamualaikum. Kenapa takda sapa reply whatsapp pasal order? Nak tanya, takut nanti chat naik atas. So siapa yang handle actually?

Oh the admin is a part time worker. Please be patient! We have hundreds of orders coming thru its hectic. All will be replied soon!

akak mcm mana kalau nk speak in english dgn lancar ?

Kena rajin practice.
My trick is, I talk to myself a lot since I don't have a friend to converse with (except my dad when he's home). Although it sounds stupid and crazy but I do that everyday. I'm not that fluent but... It helps.
Sing your favorite international songs, memorize the lyrics, try to speak the way your favorite actors do in the movies. Those simple things are gonna help you improve your English! :)

salam kak anna !😄😄😄...frankly,i really adore your outfit!!where did you buy those outfit and know how to mix and match those things ? i hope you can help me well 👻👻👻👻

Hi! They're from random stores! But I'm a huge fan of Ethnic shop located in Sunway Pyramid & Times Square. They have some rare collection.


Language: English