
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Sekolah dah mula and i started to feel insecure most of the times at school. What should i do, then? Kak Anna, plis help me. I need yr advice. Bukan advice biasa but yg luar biasa. In F1 3 years ago, I was okay and better. I just dont know why i lose my keyakinan now. I want the old me, sis :'(

Your problem is you can't think/be positive. In everything you do, you feel so insecure, you feel like everyone else is better than you and you're not good enough. You feel invisible. Is it? It happens a lot in high school years, I was in the same place as yours. To survive, you need to be positive. If you keep on being negative, then you won't success in anything I tell you. You'll be trapped in your own prison, in your own world. Open your mind, be positive, smile. The key is, be positive. :)

Kak anna, akak pakai ipod touch ke? Or shuffle? Or nano? Apa keistimewaan ipod ni. Apa beza dia dengan phone? Then orang ckp ipod touch for wifi only. Apa maksudnya? Oh ye harga ipod kak anna berapa?

iPod Touch & iPod shuffle. iPod ni macam mp3/mp4 je. Kalau iPod Touch, dia sama macam phone cuma tak boleh call/tak boleh masuk sim card. Which means kalau awak nak online guna iPod Touch, kena ada wifi. Harga tak tau lah, sorry. Sebab abang dengan arwah abang yang beli. Cuba check dekat website Apple Malaysia. :)

i just thought you already applied any UNiverisity.. well, we shall see your result if you want any sugges.

Right, the resulf of course!

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Ohh akak . Saya pelajar lepasan PMR . So .. Alhamdulillah dapat straight A's tapi sekarang ni confuse ah dengan bidang apa lepas ni . Memang nak ambik sains . Tapi ada 2 pilihan Engineering Drawing @ Biology . Suggestion ?

Umm I was in the same dilemma. I don't know much about Engineering Drawing because I'm a Science Stream student. Here are more about Science Stream that I answered a few days ago > http://ask.fm/thekhayalan/answer/19995104821
Just choose the one that you're interested with the most. There's no big difference between those two streams. Bezanya Biology & Engineering Drawing. If you love practical then you can choose ED or if you love reading and experiments, you can choose Biology. But, ikut kemampuan! All the best! :)

saya sedih sangat......... my height cuma 153cm dan saya ni pulak spm candidates. semua org mcm memperlekehkan saya. sedih tau :(((

Awh come on, I'm only a few cm taller than you and I'm 18. Kita macam sama tinggi je. What to be sad about? Pendek itu comel what! Hiraukan apa yang orang cakap, just be happy with yourself. Alright?
All the best for your upcoming SPM! May Allah guides you! :)

Salam anna, yang you post dekat twitter / PRE ORDER YANG IPHONE 4S RM 1700 tu still available or not?

Waalaikumussalam, oh gosh that was like last year ke I guess. Dah tak ada, sorry! That was my bro punya bisnes.
Liked by: A dan F's.

I use Cetaphill, but my face still tak berubah macam sebelum ni. Tetap pimples naik kat dahi / pipi. How ni? Help me anna ):

Cetaphil tu cleanser tau, it helps to maintain your skin. Biasanya cleanser cuma helps you to clean your face, remove all the dirts. Kalau nak pimples hilang itu cerita lain pulak. Why don't you search for this cream Ayu Sejuk, my cousin guna and its a very good cream! RM15 je tak silap. And drink more water! :)
Liked by: Afiq. A dan F's.

Akak, sunblock sunplay memang sweat-resistant eh? Up to berapa jam or minit ek? I nak beli sunblock since cuaca kat Malaysia tak menentu. Hehe x

It depends on the brand lah. Some brands aren't that good but I recommend you to use Sunplay! :)
Liked by: A dan F's.


Language: English