
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Hi kak anna! So how's your exams so far? Good luck for your up-coming papers! :)

Hi, alhamdulillah so far everything is going great.
Thank you for asking and thank you again! :) x

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Kak Anna, remember me? Saya yg ckp about le spaghetti tu. Hehe, srsly? Akak nak makan dgn saya? Omg omg omg i love you xoxo

Ingat!! Soon can't wait! I'll cook for you one day!!<3

why are you call yourself a khayalan? weird?

No, my bestfriend calls me khayalan. He's the weird one, I'm just playing along. Hahaha

Assalamualaikum kak anna . Kak Anna satu sch dengan abang Megat ?

Waalaikumussalam. No, dia sekolah lelaki! Haha tiba tiba saya sesat dekat situ.

kesian akak kena marah at ask.fm nie .. tak pe kak orang jeles memang denki.. hahah.. akak memang cantik.. ~so beautiful.. sabar taw kak.. :)

No, don't say that. They're just stating their opinions, I don't mind. :)

Assalamualaikum Kak Anna :) Saya nak tanya perempuan boleh pakai leggings ke tak sebenarnya and bila kita tak pakai tudung lpstu uncle kita nampak. Nak buat apa takkan nak lari dari dia?Last one, kita tak boleh salam org lelaki bukan islam kan?

Waalaikumussalam. Tak boleh, legging tu haram sebab menampakkan tubuh badan (ketat).
Uncle tu kalau adik beradik mak atau ayah, tak apa tak berdosa.
Kalau bukan, ya haram. Lepas ni hati hati, kalau ada orang datang pakai tudung siap siap.
And yes tak boleh.
Liked by: s i l e n c e

Assalamualaikum Anna :) can u give me some tips for additional mathematics? its ur fav subject. right :)

Waalaikumussalam. Do a lot of exercises!! That's the key. :)
Liked by: Eiyda Shery :*

insyaAllah kak anna boleh jawap .. hmm,org kata add math ssh ? betul ke ? mcm mane nk buat yg kite ni suka add math ?

Amin. Sebenarnya, belajar tak susah cuma bila jawab exam jadi susah.
Sebab Add Maths luas, soalan dia boleh bertukar tukar, berbelit belit.
Nak suka Add Maths tu kena be positive. Kalau susah, yakinkan yang ia senang.
Nanti Allah permudahkan semua, in shaa Allah.

She didn't gave me peluang nk ckp semua tu. Dia judge sy tnpa dia tahu perkara sebenar.

You should find a good time to talk to her about it. x

Hi Anna who's so 'good' in english . Can you please tell me why you copied your answer from yahoo when your english is so 'good' as you claimed ? Aren't you ashame when people find out about it ? If you want toreply in eng , use your own words . Not by looking the answer at yahoo okay ?

Hello there! No because I don't claim it as my own. I don't know what is wrong with you, what is your problem. Just so you know, I googled because I don't know how to explain it. You probably should ask me first before you attack me. I don't google all btw. Or you should probably go google every of my question to find out if I actually googled my answers? Because I'm sure you don't have anything better to do rather than attacking people.
Have a nice day, love. :)


Language: English