
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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No liam broke up with Danielle that means he's single..so I have a chance..mua.hahahaahhey do you think it's possible if I work hard in my study and I will get a scholarship and went to London and go meet and of course 1D too

Nothing is impossible without effort! Good luck! ;)
(Actually I'm planning the same, hahahahahaha bye)

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Boleh tahu tak you pakai apa for you face? pencuci muka apa? Malam sebelum tidur ada pakai cream apa-2 tak? Then nak g out ada pakai cream dengan bedak tak? Please give me a detail information. I love you & your face :( Youre so flawless :'((((

I use Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser, & Herbaline's moisturizer. I don't really use anything on my face. & please, I'm not flawless! Haha I have acne prob etc as well like everyone else. When I'm out I wear foundation or sunblock. Nothing much. :)

Why tak guna or real nama? Lagi nice lah. Just saying

Because I prefer to be an unknown. I prefer to use nickname, I don't really want people to know who I am.
Thank you though.

Kuantan tinggal kat mana? Kenal asyura hatta? You kenal rumah dia?

Rahsia dan tak kenal siapa asyura hatta, sorry.

saye ade kawan,, yg suke kutuk belakang saye,, tak tahu nak buat ap,, ? die slalu pure2 baik dpan saye :(

Doa dekat Allah supaya jauhkan awak dengan orang orang/perkara perkara buruk.
InsyaAllah. :)

kak anna! tau tak baju apa yang sesuai dengan jeans merah? saya buntu :(

You can wear blouse! Blue, black, white, chocolate. :)

kak anna, saya ni peminat gila Harry Styles. will i meet him one day? :')

This question is out of my league.
I don't have the answer, sorry.

kak Anna, saya ada crush. then, semalam last day sekolah, saya tak dapat jumpa dia lagi pasni. pastu semalam baru dia tegur saya, saya terkejut lah. hm, saya tau nama dia je, tapi taktau dia ada social networks pape tak :(

Percaya jodoh, takdir.
Kalau ditakdirkan untuk jumpa lagi, jumpalah.
Mana tahu you're walking down the street and then you accidently bump into him?
Be happy, dia tegur!!! :D
(At least dia tegur, daripada tak tegur?)

sis , saya ada suka sorang budak ni . dah 3 tahun saya suka dia . sis rasa saya patut lupakan dia , atau terus dengan perasaan ni . Hati saya banyak sakit sebab budak ni . Kadang kadang pelajaran pun terganggu .

Follow your heart.
Soal hati jangan tanya orang. :)

Akak ; kawan saya ni macam K tau . Dia ada 2 gf ; then dia putus w/ one of his gf , tapi still berhubung sampai that girl rasa macam ada harapan lagi ; saya kesian kat perempuan tu ; so akak rasa kena buat apa . Nak marah tak sampai hati . hmmmm

Sebagai kawan, tegurlah dia. :)

Hahahah you like zayn and harry? Hahahaah I'm more quite to Liam Girl you know.hahahaha..I know Louis has a cute voice right?! at first I think I going to like him but he already have a gf..and then I saw Liam :>

Hahaha Liam had a gf tooooo. So yeahhhhhh. Harry is the cutest.<3

anna bf saya pernah tanye 'how to forget someone ? ' actually saya dah agak yang dia ckp pasal ex dia tapi saya think positive je.but at the end of the convo dia bagitau yg ex dia text dia and ingatkan memory dorang.so ape saya fikir betol.and i was like..seriously sedih.ape patot saya buat ?

Dia cuma cerita, dia tak cakap yang dia sayangkan ex dia.
Sekarang ni ex dia yang datang balik dekat dia, bukan dia yang datang balik dekat ex dia.
You should definitely be positive. If you love him, kalau taknak dia pergi, then jaga relationship you guys.
As simple as that. Benda remeh macam ni, jangan diperbesarkan. Don't make things complicated.

anna, i ada suka this one guy & he knew about it. smlm kitorang lepak buat assgments, dia cite psl ex dia baru break. i nk tlg lah dia, advice cmne nak lupakan ex dia tu. Tiba2 dia kata "aku tahu kau suka aku, status dkt fb tu utk aku kann" Dia ckp dpn kwn2 i tau takk, I malu sangat2. I cried :'(

Oh wow. :(
I'm so sorry to hear that, I hope you're okay.
He's such a jerk.

macam mane cara nak melupakan seseorng ??

EiyyQa’s Profile Photo★NuRuL AiN★
Tak ada cara nak melupakan seseorang. Tak senang nak lupa seseorang yang gives you a lot of things to remember. Move on, that's the only way. Don't live in your past nor your future, live in the present. :)


Language: English