
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Kak anna, selalu beli tops jenama apa? Skrg susah nak cari yg labuh and tak ketat. Baju akk semua labuh

I don't really buy baju yang ada jenama. Kalau suka, saya ambil; Tak perlu ada jenama pun.
Cuba lah cari, mesti ada punya. :)

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If there's someone likes your boyfriend ? What you will do ? Because there's a girl I think she like my boyfriend.

I won't do anything. He's my boyfriend, not hers. So I don't need to be insecure of her, I don't blame her for having a crush on my boyfriend. :)

Assalamualaikum Anna. Saya nak unfollow banyak followingsaya, tp sy takut org tuduh sy mcm2, sbb skrg timeline sy, sy rs banyak tak kenal pun, ntah sape2, nk tgk update dr real friend pun ssh. Kalau u, u watpe eh?

Waalaikumussalam. It's your Twitter.
Cuma bila orang start talking, you need to be patient and strong. :)

kak Anna, Saya dah ade bf sejak 2 tahun lepas. saya memang suka kat dia and dia suka kat saya. pas tu, tiba tiba dia kata nak pindah ke luar negara sebab kelurga dia nak pindah ke Australia. saya memang pening skarang sebab tak dapat jumpa dia lagi. ape perlu saya buat. please help me.

Follow your heart.
Do you still love him? Do you still want to keep the relationship?
You know, 'tak dapat jumpa' is not a great reason/alasan untuk end a relationship to be honest.
I mean, the world today is full of tech yang canggih canggih. You guys can still skype and all.
Long distance relationship will make you guys put more effort in the relationship. It's a good thing tau.
You guys are missing each other everyday. Learn how to trust each other and be honest to each other about everything. It's a healthy way. Even dia pindah Australia, mesti there are times when dia akan balik malaysia jugak. Be positive. But this is just an opinion. The rest is up to you. Good luck. :)
Liked by: Ainnur Khadijah.

apa patut kita buat bila tengah bersedeh , patut ke kita tampar je orang tu ?

Just kidding. Bila rasa sedih, ambil wudhu then solat.
Doa dekat Allah supaya hilangkan kesedihan tu, gantikan dengan kegembiraan. :)

Assalamualaikum & hi! Kak Anna, saya bru je habis mkn spaghetti!! My aunty's made. It was damn delicious as hell!!! You should taste it! :) since you bgtahu yg you suka mkn spaghetti, i try it. It was damn delicious!!! A big thanks to you!!! Love you xoxo!!!

Waalaikumussalam. Hi! I know right! Glad you love it! We can probably have a spaghetti date together one day whoops! You're welcome & I love you too!! Hugs and kisses! :)
Liked by: farahaimiAMY ♥

Hey Anna Assalamualaikum! So I've read your tweet about your father going to send you to Australia..oh mai godd that is so fun!! XD....is London and Australia quite far? Hahah if its's not..fancy having a trip to London and meeting 1D? Hahah dont forget to say hi to Liam for me! XD

Hi, waalaikumussalam. But I'm still considering it. Haha
London and Australia? I don't know but from the map it looks way far than Aussie and Malaysia.
I willlllll if I ever go there. ;)
Liked by: farahaimiAMY ♥

Assalamualaikum & hi! Saya yg tanya about yr daily routine tu, sorry if menyusahkan & thakyou so much! Ok another qstion :P Meiko foundation for what & nak dpt kat mana? arga oil pula nak dpt kat mana? Thankyou so much!!! Xxx

Waalaikumussalam. Eh no tak menyusahkan pun.
I bought it online, the foundation.
You can find it here, http://irinesweethouse.blogspot.com/
The argan oil is really expensive, I use it because my mom bought it for herself and she thinks I should try it too lol.
Instead of argan oil, you can use tea tree oil. You can find it in Body Shop/Face Shop or anywhere else. :)
Liked by: farahaimiAMY ♥

Apa pandangan u tentang pilot..Pilots are aweeeesooooomeeeeeeee!! (Seriously, like awesomely awesome) <-- what makes u think like that? What's so great about them? ™

I don't know, I just think so. Haha

wah, welcome btw kan sejarah a bit difficult tak? :D

Sejarah for me is a fun subject.
Its quite interesting! Senang juga kalau dah minat. :)

patutkah kita buat baik ngan org yg telah umpat / hina kita ??? ="(

Sabar. Orang yang diam akan selamat.
Anggap itu sebagai satu ujian. Jangan lawan, tak baik.
Biar orang nak buat apa dekat kita, tapi kita jangan buat benda tak baik dekat orang.
Itu dosa dia, pahala kita. Sabar ya. :)
Liked by: farahaimiAMY ♥

Kak , kalau kita nak buat solat sunat taubat kan , boleh ke kalau nak buat pukul 10 mlm ke , 11 mlm ke ? And doa Nabi Yunus A.S tu wajib baca ke masa kita sujud pada rakaat kedua tu ?

Dik, solat sunat bila bila pun boleh buat.
Lebih baik baca sebab doa tu mujarab, kata orang. :)

kak anna saya ambik aliran kemanusiaa, and saya rasa mcm rendah diri sgt. my cousin boleh dikatekan semua science stream, acc. :( kdg kdg kalau sedare mara kumpul, then tanye. saya mcm malu nak jwb. mmg rase rendah diri dan rasa mcm takde peluang yg cerah bila ambik aliran kmnusiaan ni.

Why? Come on, be positive!!
Apa apa aliran pun ada masa depan cerah!!! Get up! Kenapa nak malu dengan yourself? Why don't you prove them wrong? Bangun, belajar betul betul. Dapatkan banyak A's and prove them that aliran kemanusiaan ni ada masa depan, it can get you great jobs in the future. Be positive. Jangan sebab orang lain, you're down. It's your life, don't waste it sbb pandangan orang. It's not worth it. Yakin dengan diri sendiri, will you? Kalau awak balas acuh tak acuh, mestilah diorang pandang nak taknak. Cuba be confident, jawab dengan a smile dan bangga. Show them that you're interested in the course. You'll do good, you'll be fine. Be positive!! :)
Liked by: farahaimiAMY ♥

Akak klo akak dont know certain meaning of some words , u'll immediately search the meaning and jot down them in vocab jotter ? btw , certain meaning or certain meanings ? a bit confuse :)

Yes I'll do that.
Base on your sentence, its certain meaning. :)


Language: English