
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Kak anna, sy suka sorg kwn laki sy, mcm mane nak test dia same ade die betul2 suke kite ke tak ea? Sbb kdang2 cara dia layan saya mcm lain . Boleh bgi tips selain bertanye terus pd dia ? hihi tq kak :)

I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'm not a guy expert. :( Sometimes actions can't guarantee his exact feelings towards you. I really can't tell.
Liked by: tiqah Mira

Kak anna , awak cute :-) . But kak anna, akak anna xletih ke jawab soalan diaorg? Panjang2 pulak tu :-)

Well it's not about letih tak letih. It's about how sincere you are in listening and helping other people. When you do something you love, you won't feel tired at all. :)

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yg kdg2 mcm memerli sy.prnah 1 hari tu kitorg gaduh dlm fb, then die ungkit sgala kebaikan yg die buat pd sy, die persoalkan keburukan sy, kak, sy rimas la dgn org mcm tu. makin hari prasaan benci makin membuak2. rase menyesal kenal dgn org mcm tu. ape ptut sy buat kak ? :'(

Tak payah layan, ignore. Senang cerita. Jangan complicated kan keadaan. Awak ada password dia, awak suruh dia tukar password tapi awak still log in Facebook dia. Kenapa? Tak payah log in lah, nak buat apa log in Facebook orang? Itu privacy tau. Just right now, kalau rasa benci. Stay away from him, simple. You don't need to deal with him everyday lepastu rasa sakit hati. Makin lama benci tu makin menjadi jadi I tell you. Right now, ignore and move on. Don't stay if it hurts.

kitorg prnah exchang pass fb. Yes, Im regret doing that :( So now, sy da tkar pass fb sy, tpi die je taknak tukar lag, asal sy suruh tukar je, die taknak kate ade sbb die buat camtu.masalahnye tiap kali sy on fb die, msti dia ade update status yg mcm perli sy. kdg2 die share gmbr yg ade love quote -


Akak, dulu ade sorg bdak laki suke sy, sy x prnah suke die pun, then 1 hari tu sy suka die sbb die baik, spanjang setahun lebih tu kitorg rpat mcm cple tp x cple pun.lame-kelamaan prasaan suke sy pd die tu makin hilang, jdi sy terus terang pd die. now, die mcm xleh terima,time kitorg rpat dulu -


haha ,yes. i do have plenty question to ask you. yes , i will pray for you! plez don't judge it in wrong way,gosh. now who 's being negative? i'm being positive,okey. ainaa?

Alright then, thank you x

kak anna, macam mana nak terer add math.. saya ni tak pandai math, tapi cikgu suruh jugak saya amik add math. saya takut kalau saya fail

Belum cuba belum tahu. Jangan give up sebelum cuba. Fikir positive. A positive mind leads to positive actions. Kalau rasa tak boleh, memang tak boleh lah jawabnya. Maths kena banyak buat exercises, fahamkan konsep, jalan kerja, formula. Focus bila cikgu mengajar, kalau tak faham make sure tanya. All the best! :)
Liked by: Ain Sofia N

kalau anna rindu seseorang , rindu sesangat . apakah yang kamu lakukan ?

Doa je, itu yang paling saya mampu buat untuk hilangkan rindu.
Liked by: mrawardina

tak ada kecualian kak anna. klu tak nk , kena jugak pergi. dia tak kesah kesihatan tu. take my word dearm,its true!

Wow, you're not being helpful at all..... You're freaking my out hahaha.
Ada pengecualian lah, sayang. :)

kak anna online twitter skrg? so bulan mrch ni ape plan? spm result? driving test? work? packing for PLKN?

Yes yes yes yes and meeting Demi Lovato. Checked.
Liked by: afeiqaiman

kak anna, i think you didn't get PLKN lah! its april right? maybe its april fool day! one of my friend pernah kena kot kak anna. ...

Lol no, my name is on the list. It's not a lie or april fool or anything.
Liked by: mrawardina


Language: English