
Anna Khayalan

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Macam mana kalau kita dah taubat tapi tak bangun subuh.Susah sgt nak bangun.Dah dua kali tak bangun.

Sebelum tidur, niat dalam hati nak bangun subuh dan minta tolong Allah kejutkan.
Insha Allah akan bangun!! :)
Liked by: syzln Nurul Iezzah

kak, twitter, fb, ask.fm smua ni xganggu spm ke? u should stop and focus on ur spm. its for ur feature ;)

No, sayang. Tak mengganggu pun.
Saya tak online all the time. Kena pandai bahagi masa. :)
Liked by: syzln

KAK ANNA ! TAK DAPAT KE ASK SAYA??? ohh mai .. banyak tu saya hantar. satu pon tak dapat???

Saya dah jawab semua dik yang semalam.
Cuba check balik.

Apasal playlist dalam blog Anna ada video pasal Facebook's timeline? Lol.

Hahaha ada ke? Yang bunyi lelaki dekat last last tu kan?

assalamualaikum .. saya selalu ditipu.. so apa yg prlu sy buat utk menasihati org itu?

Waalaikumussalam, cakap dengan dia elok elok.
As for you, jangan mudah percaya orang sangat.

Salam Anna :) I'm Shazzrina. Sy nak minta pendapat atau nasihat dr Anna even kita ni sebaya. Haha. Hm mcm mana nak improve dlm English? Faham tu bolehlah tp nak ckp balik tu payah sikit. Grammar pun lingkup :(

Waalaikumussalam. Hai Shazzrina!!<3
Kalau nak improve speaking, ayah selalu cakap kalau baca buku bacalah kuat kuat. Biar kita tahu sebut macam mana, bagi lancar. And then cuba komunikasi dengan someone guna bahasa inggeris. Dekat rumah saya speaking dengan ayah. Kalau Grammar, belui buku grammar for beginner. Ada dekat kedai buku, then tengok contoh & buat latihan sampai habis. Praktikkan what you learned dalam your sentence and all. Start from the bottom. :)
Liked by: syzln

Eh kak anna, I heard that bunyi yang kita keluarkan masa berjalan pakai high heels boleh menaikkan syahwat lelaki. Kena pakai yang bertapak getak? I'm not sure about this..

Really? I don't know too.
Imma ask my uncle about this. :/

Hey , you're not like the God or what . Please stop acting like one . And guess what , you're not that perfect . You know what , you give people advices but do you blend it with any of your advices ? And sometimes it's not even your own advice , it doesn't come from you .Please be humble! Stop bajet

Oh wow. You're so pathetic for comparing me with God. I'm a servant not God. Comparing a creation and its Creator is a sin you should know that. And I've never ever ever EVER said or thought that I was perfect. Just because I help people, it means I'm perfect? Where did you get that? No. Wrong. I make mistakes, I have my own problems too. I'm giving out my opinions. I don't tell people what to do. It's up to them to agree with me or not. And you should read my bio, I believe there's "perfectly imperfect" or you missed that one? This is my account and how exactly the answers are not from me? What makes you think I'm being 'bajet' or stuff? Because a lot of people come to me for help? I don't like you. If you have problems with the way I help people, you shouldn't stalk me. You're so pathetically pathetic. Your question disgusts me so much especially the first part. You know what. At least I help people, at least I don't pose as an anonymous and send hate to people. At least I'm not like you.
I take everything you say as an advice. Thank you. May Allah bless you. :)

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Kak Anna,saya ada boyfriend,awal2 dulu sya syg dya.But sekarang sya rasa sayang sya tu dah hilang . Sya tak mampu syg dya lg . My brother ada nasehat sya,my brother dya bkn untuk sya,and langsung taksesuai.Dya pmalas,takskolah then mcm2 lah.Sya nk ptus,tp dya susah nak lpskan sya,apa yg ptt sya buad

Kalau rasa nak stop, teruskan. Time will heal the pain. :)

Sejuk perut mak mengandungkan kak Ana:) kak Ana saye ade satu soalan, sepupu say a dia berusia 9 tahun Dan Sudah aqil baligh, so die x pakai tudung, walaupon die dah matang? Mcm man tuu? Adakah salah?

Liked by: wan Nadd Nadya

3)and no im really hating her bcs anytime i buat salah, she will talk abt the ibadah i did, then compare to my att, mcm 'buat apa....kalau perangai.....' ish, what kind of mom is this

Waalaikumussalam. Istighfar, berdosa cakap macam tu dengan your mom, berdosa. Syurga bawah telapak kaki ibu, ingat tu. No matter what, she's your mom. Bila dia marah/tegur, diam, ikut je. Jangan tinggikan suara dengan ibu, berdosa. Dikira derhaka. Now you have to minta maaf dekat dia, minta ampun dekat dia. Sebagai anak, you don't say things macam tu dekat your parents. Kalau nak tegur, tegur baik baik. Insha Allah boleh. Kalau tak boleh tegur, doa. Dan jangan melawan.

2) she said 'buat apa sembahyang kalau perangai mcmni' time tu i melawan, i mcm 'daripada u, langsung tak solat' and she cont. Argue as she was right! Solat tu kewajipan! God ugh

Liked by: AtirahAunii

1) Salam. Im so pissed right now, abt my mom, idk wtf is wrong with her. So i ate rocky, then my mum scolded me bcs its not halal, and i said, 'biarlah', you know what my mum said?

Liked by: AtirahAunii


Language: English