
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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1. How to make sure one can achieve his new goals? 2. I wanted to help my family, by thinking to work, and I take the challenge. But then at a time, suddenly or secara tiba-tiba terlintas, that I shouldn't, or why I did this decision, and people around like secretly discourage me to do so. HELP.

I only have one answer to your two questions...
You're not brave enough and you're lack of effort. Life is an adventure. When you set a goal, make sure it's possible. To make sure you achieve your goal, you need to be firm with yourself. You need to constantly remind yourself not to give up. Mindset is the most important thing- Kalau cakap tak boleh, memang tak boleh. People around you won't always support what you do. Akan ada those yang bantah with whatever you do, ada yang akan support. But the one who have choices is you, YOU decide which path you wanna take. It's your life, it's your adventure.
You want to help your family, do it. How are you going to do so? By working? Then do it. Go get a job. Say you want to go travel the world solo? Do it. DO IT. Just do it. Don't hesitate! When you thought of something, write down all the the how-to's, the steps-toward-whatever. LOOK AT THEM DAILY AND ENCOURAGE YOURSELF TO GO FOR IT. Because nobody's gonna do it for you. Nobody's gonna remind you every day about it. You only have yourself to rely on.

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hye anna! im a guy and i think you have done a great job inspiring the ladies out there becoming a better muslimah. keep it up anna! and also, goodluck with your business. May Allah bless us all. Ameen.

Halu! Thank you so much! It actually feels weird and awkward to receive something like this from people. I mean.... I'm like "Wow I'm inspiring?" cause it is sooooo impossible! But thank you so much! I'm so glad I bring positive things and not otherwise. Thank you for the prayer & support. May Allah bless you too!

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what did you do when you finished your SPM and waiting for the result? do you went for a job or just enjoying your holiday?

I'm not that type of person who can just sit around doing nothing. I'll always find something to do!
Masa habis SPM dulu I rested at home for a a week pastu I went out looking for a job! Dapat jadi salesgirl for 2 weeks. Hehe then pergi PLKN.

Kak anna. Someone bukak balik kisah jahiliah saya. N saya down. So what should i do? Biar dia menyalak sampai letih atau saya kena buat sesuatu which is protect diri saya? ada kawan cakap diam tu lebih baik. He knows everything

Yes, ada masanya diam lebih baik dari kata kata. Anggap itu ujian dari Allah. You're a different person now, whatever has happened in your past is now a past. Just let it go and keep moving on okies!

Once i sayang orang, I selalu sgt bg duit kat orang tak pernah appreciate i and nanges bila dia taknak i dah. I try berubah tapi susah sangat. Sometimes i takde duit untuk diri i and terpaksa curi duit sebab nak puaskan hati dia dan nak beli barang utk diri sendiri. Boleh bagi pendapat nak move on?

That's a very unhealthy habit.
You know, bila you keep buying stuff to the person you claim you love like that. Get them what they want so they'd stay with you. You know that's not real love, don't you? That's pretty much a bribe. It's like you pay me to pretend I love you. They stay with you so you'd keep buying things for them, seronok gila kot dapat barang free. Kalau tinggal nanti tak dapat dah. So they keep asking for more sebab that's what you do.
How is the person supposed to appreciate you if that's the way you show your love? I always tell my friends to not frequently pay or buy things for their boy/girlfriends. Let it be mutual, and tak excessive. Jangan ajar diorang jadi materialistik. Once they start forcing you to buy things for them. That's when the relationship goes wrong. You're the one yang ajar that person jadi macam tu. Melampau sampai you yourself went broke. You guys are not even married yet!!!! It's not an obligation.
Stop it. Be real. You need to put yourself first before everyone else. Before you love someone else, you should learn to love yourself first.

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Saya jealous tengok awak sebab awak pandai, cantik dan jugak hormat orang. Sometimes saya compare diri saya dengan awak. Saya cuba nak berdiri dengan kaki sendiri tanpa harap orang lain, tak sakit hati sebab bercinta, pandai masak dan berilmu, bergaya, semuanya. Macam mana ye nak jadi macam awak?

Awak, saya sendiri tak perfect.
All these good traits you're seeing are only the good side of me that I choose to show you. I still have my hidden side yang you don't know, Allah sorokkan. It may be so ugly you'd wish you'd never wished to be like me.
One thing you should never do is comparing yourself dengan other people. That is just so wrong and so unhealthy. Kita semua dari different backgrounds, practice different life styles, hobbies and personalities. The people you see on the internet are not exactly who you expect them to be. They can be different in real life, good different or bad different. The person they appear to be on the internet isn't really them.
You don't know what I'm going through to be me. Maybe I wish I would become someone else? Don't compare. Be yourself, maybe you're far better than me. There are things that I have but you don't. There are things you have which I wish to have.
Be kind, be enthusiastic, grab opportunities, learn as much as you can, work for your dreams. Try your best to depend on yourself.
Just be you.

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Akak,apa akak rasa bila org lelaki masuk bilik akak dan time tu akak tgh baring.dan dia masuk dia ketuk pintu terus masuk tp tak minta izin just ketuk pintu je.pendapat?perasaan? URGENT KAKKK JAWABB CEPAT PLSS 😔😔

Memang kena maki la. Even my dad pun takkan buka my unlocked door, either dia ketuk sampai bukak or he'd call me instead walaupun dia depan pintu and boleh je nak masuk.


Language: English