
Anna Khayalan

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Saya nk menyimpan duit buat travel, braces dan memacam lagi tp ada je tak kena. Family mintak la kawan mintak la. Tiap hari pulak tu. Topup la makan la. Gaji 900 je. Cne nak simpan duit? 😔

Buat tabung. Simpan sikit pun takpe, at least ada simpanan. Bagi duit kat parents, insha Allah lagi murah rezeki nanti. Kalau boleh jangan rajinkan pinjam duit dekat orang especially those yang susah nak bayar balik. Dahulukan diri sendiri & keluarga dulu.
Contoh RM900. Kira sehari belanja untuk makan berapa, ada initiative lain tak untuk jumat duit? Masak sendiri ke apa ke.
Topup untuk apa? Internet? Limitkan. Cari line yang paling affordable.
Untuk parents, bagi takat kita mampu je asalkan bagi.
Biasakan kalau dapat gaji, masuk duit dalam tabung dulu or saving acc ke. RM100 pun dah okay. Nanti kalau cukup duit boleh travel tempat dekat dekat dulu. Travel pun kena jimat jugak.
Kalau tahu manage, ada sistem, ada initiatif insha Allah you'll do just fine! 😊

Im considering on taking TESL later but then some ppl told me I better dun. And I really enjoy and like english. Is that reason enough for me to apply for tesl? Is it true that tesl is tough???

Who cares about some people's opinion?
They're not the one who are going to pursue their study in TESL. If you love English, you should go for it. It won't be tough if you love the language, you'll find it very fun instead! However please be aware that TESL course is focusing more on education where you'll learn how to teach. That's why other people find it tough. So if you're not into teaching, you should look up for other English courses. There are plenty more offered by public unis.

better study in what time? how do you study even if you have a lot of things to do?

Timing untuk study, setiap orang lain lain sebenarnya. When is the time of the day where you're at your best? Rasa bersemangat & focus.
Me time subuh, pagi dan malam. Bila nak study, I'll study during those times sebab rasa fresh. And selalu ada hot or warm tea to help me relax.
I'm a busy person but I know my priorities. For me, study memang comes first. So whatever things that I have to do, I'd normally sort it out first or buat later so I can focus on studying and reading. Kalau ada job clash dengan exam ke class ke presentation ke, I'll ditch the job with no second thought.
As long as you know your priorities & tahu how to manage your time, you'll be fine.

Kak anna,sy bsekolah di sbuah sbp dan bakal menduduki PT3 pd thn hdpan.Sy berasa tdk mahu ke sekolah kerana mempunyai masalah dgn kwan sy.Dia selalu cari gaduh dengan sy dan suruh buat itu ini,sy rasa agak tertekan dgnnya dan bercadang untuk berpindah.Btul ke apa yg sy buat? Apa cdangan kak anna ?

Jangan lari dari masalah. Kalau asyik lari bila nak selesai? Takkan setiap kali terserempak dengan dia nanti nak masam muka dan rasa tertekan je?
Kalau rasa diperkecilkan, digunakan, cakap dengan dia elok elok yang awak tak suka. Biarlah dia nak cakap apa pun.
And ingat, kadang kadang, kalau orang buat kita walaupun kita tahu itu bukan salah kita, it's okay to be the first person untuk minta maaf kalau bergaduh. Besar pahala tau. Kalau dia tak suka, tak apa lah. At least you did your part. Kalau dia still cari gaduh, ignore je. Kalau layan lagi tertekan.
Cadangan saya, jangan pindah.

Assalamualaikum kak anna. Saya ada kawan ni. Tapi lepas habis sekolah and dia pergi poli, dia dah jarang nak chat saya ke apa ke. Kadang2 saya rindu dia then saya ws dia tapi dia macam layan tak layan je😳betul ke orang kata bila dah habis sekolah kawan kita satu demi satu akan lupakan kita?😢😢

Waalaikumussalam. Hi! Itu normal. Saya sendiri pun jarang contact kawan kawan lama sebab busy study. I mean, once dah habis sekolah everyone ikut haluan sendiri. Semua pergi tempat lain lain. Sebenarnya tak lupa pun, selalunya sebab sibuk je. I'm sure your friend had a lot of things to do, problems you didn't know about. Maybe bila dia balik or free nanti dia contact pulak who knows.
Be positive ok! & sentiasa bersangka baik 😊

Assalamualaikum ana. I have a problem, i feel so week. It is so hard to move on. I broke up a few months ago with my ex but last month he said he still love me. So we dont want to be in a haram relationship anymore. But seeing the girls comments on his ig hurts me so much. :( i need positive words:(

Waalaikumussalam. Just remember if you guys are meant for each other, you'll be together at the end of the day. So be positive. If you do love him that much tho, pray to Allah. He always listen 🙂

Hai akak! How about your oppinion of having a boy as our bestfriend? I do have one, and he is different with my another girlfriend 😂

Hai! I think it's normal???? I have a best friend guy too! Talking to him is different than talking to my girlfriends because he is more open and cool, girls get offended & judgmental easily. Sometimes you just need someone to listen without judging you. I think it's fine if you know your limits. 😊

You said your parents yg nak you pursue in tesl, are you okay with that? Ke before this you plan nak ambil other than tesl? 😊

Yep. I wanted to pursue in Psychology. It's number 1 on my list. But my dad wanted me to go for medic which then my mom came in and argued with him on how lifeless I'd be if I became a doctor one day. She thought I should be a teacher because banyak cuti. They both rejected Psychology because they thought I'd end up working in Tanjung Rambutan.... Hence, I agreed to go with their choice.
Am I okay with it? I guess. I don't like TESL because it's not challenging enough for me, I'm not interested in language related course. Now it's kinda challenging because teaching isn't easy haha. But you know, when you please your parents you'll be blessed for making them happy. Alhamdulillah. 😊

macam mana nak sabar kalau parents asyik insult kita? gimme tips.

I don't think it's insulting.
I mean, yeah sure they scold us all the time, often make us feel very small and dumb and useless and what not. BUT, when I think about it again, those sharp words they throw at us are the things which gives us strength to motivate us to work harder and be more successful than we already are. We get 1A, we work harder to get 2A's and more.
Different parents come with different parenting styles. The ones who like to "insult" (that's the phrase you used), I'm pretty sure they just want us to work harder. That's their way of pushing us so we'd get out of our small zone.
So you asked, macam mana nak sabar? Just diam dan dengar. Ambil those insults as a motivation for you & do something to be better. I've experienced it and that's how I handle it. Silence.


Language: English