
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Anna, is it ok if kita berharap yang kita isn't from in the family. Hoping that there's a real one that can understand us.

It's not okay. Because your family is where you come from.
Without them, you're nothing.
Be grateful because those people love you more than you ever know.
If you think they can't understand you, turn to someone else.
But never, NEVER wish your first sentence.

Hi, hm. I'm sorry if I bother you.. I just wanna ask you.. can I share my problem with you? I hope you can help me solve the problem :'-)

Hi. Of course you can!
I'll do my best to help you. :-)

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Hi kak anna , macam mana nak treat orang yang tak suka kita? i mean , layan dia dengan senyuman or just buat tak nampak .

Layan dia dengan senyuman. That's what I do.
Remember, "How you treat people is how they are going to treat you".

Hi kak Anna! I love to read all of your answers here! It's inspiring me. Hee. Btw, I'm UPSR candidates. But I'm too lazy to study. So any advice? :')

Hi! Thank you so much!
Good luck on your upcoming UPSR! Do your best alright?!
I don't have any advice on 'lazy'. If you want good results, make an effort and go study.
Kena ada kesedaran sendiri. No one can help you but yourself. :-)

can i ask you something? I have a bestfriend last two years, then i dengan dia sekrang ni dah tak macam dulu dah. Yeah sebab i dulu selalu juga chat dengan his girlfriend. But i don't know yang diaorang tu in relationship, so one day, dia tahu and dia marah. So sampai sekarang dia dah tak layan i. B

Well, honestly I don't know how things work between guys.
But one thing I do know, lelaki sangat tak suka kalau orang lain rapat dengan their girlfriends.
Maybe bukan takdir korang untuk jadi rapat macam you guys used to.
But, why don't you lower your ego and say sorry? Try to work things out.
Mana tahu things could be back like it used to. :-)

Kak, ada tips untuk lupakan seseorang tak? Contohnya kita minat dia macam dah terover tapi nak minat dia macam biasa je. How eh?

Memori tak boleh lupa, kasih sayang tak boleh hilang.
Tadah tangan, doa dekat Allah.
Allah akan tolong, InsyaAllah. :-)

Hi :') I argued with my friend because of a small problem. Saya dah minta maaf banyak kali, tapi dia tak nak maafkan saya sedangkan itu hanya masalah kecil. So what should I do?

Hi. Well have you done all it takes to say sorry? If not, keep trying.
Go face your friend and try to have a conversation, settle it.
Kalau dia still dengan ego dia, then let it be. Time will heal the pain.
At least you DID say sorry daripada tak langsung kan? :-)

You don't mind? Everyone just don't understand me! Can I die or something.............

Just remember, you still have someone.
You still have your Creator, and you still have me if you don't have anybody else.
Don't give up. Life has its up and down, everyone is in the same situation but different.
You're not alone, you're never alone.
Turn around and see who's there watching your back. :-)

yeah i know. but, when you let yourself to hear their problems in ask.fm and you try to handle it, i know you are a good adviser so i take you to be my inspiration :)

Thank you so much.
That's very nice and it means a lot! :-)

hai asslamualikum comel . kak , macam mana nak jaga hubungan dengan bf . sedangkan saya dah tak percayakan dia . tapi still sayang dia gilaa gilaa .

You love him but you don't trust him? Dalam relationship, kepercayaan sangat penting. Cuba kalau your boyfriend say yang dia tak percaya awak? Terasa tak? Mesti terasa kan? Why don't you be more open minded and positive. Cuba percaya dia. Jangan asyik fikir negatif. Just try at least. If you really love him, you would trust him. :-)

But i do apologise to her. Many times, actually. So hows that? Oh and about the advice on my crush, thanks. Youre right, its not worth it :)

You're welcome!
Go and see her! I mean, go talk to her. That's how you say sorry to your bestfriend.
You know what makes her smile, what would make her happy. Do something, give her something.
Do whatever it takes because she's your bestfriend! Bestfriend is so hard to find.

Tapi diorang taknak jawab yang diorang bf or gf ke tidak ? :D

Keep asking!
They'll get annoyed and be like "Ok fine we're ____" ;-)

Hye :) saya ada seorang kawan ni , saya dah anggap dia macam abang saya sendiri. Tapi bila dia rapat dengan orang lain, saya cemburu macam saya pula makwe dia. Macam mana nak elak?

Hi. Jangan tipu perasaan diri.
Kalau suka berterus terang, jangan simpan sebab membebankan. :-)
Liked by: MeuRa Metsu

to be honestly, you are my inspiration :)

Aw this is very sweet!
Thank you so much!<3
But just a reminder, I'm not perfect.
I don't always behave good, I'm not always nice.
Every good thing has its bad side. :-)


Language: English