
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Assalamualaikum. Nak tanya. Gune lemon dkt muka cmana eh? Pakai daily or once a week or what? Teach mee. :)

Waalaikumussalam. Once in 2 days! Make sure lepas dah basuh, pakai moisturizer. Cara pakai, just kerat lemon into two. Perah lemon juice tu dalam bekas then guna lemon tu rub dekat muka dalam bentuk bulatan. Jus lemon tu boleh buat masker, tambah serbuk kayu manis & madu. Done! :)

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Kak anna, macam mana nak cerahkan kulit?

Kulit cerah tak cerah itu depends on your keturunan, your mom & dad. And it depends on your environment. Cerah tak cerah tu tak penting, you don't have to fikir nak kulit cerah sebab nak cantik. Tak semestinya kulit cerah tu cantik. Just accept yourself the way it is. You don't have to have the obsession to be beautiful because you're already are! Tell that to yourself. Ok? :)

Kak anna,saya ada ex . Thn ni dia pmr. Saya break dgn dia sbb dia ckp dia nk fokus belajar,so dia pilih utk single sampai hbis pmr and after that dia getback blik dgn saya. Ok tpi kan kak,saya tgk skrg ni dia makin rpt pulak dgn seorang bdk perempuan ni sampai ada skali tu mcm date.what should i do

tiqahazmi’s Profile PhotoAtiqah Azmi
That was how me and my ex 'promised'. Tapi I called it off, he cheated. Ingat, you guys break for a while. And you still don't know if you guys are getting back for real after pmr. Just go with the flow, stay strong and deal with what's coming ok? Don't let it get all over you. You're too young to deal with this such things. & good luck for your upcoming PMR! :)

apa pendapat anna if someone nasihat kita about something , tp dia sendiri tak buat apa yg dia nasihatkan tu ? your opinion ? :)

byyBellaa’s Profile PhotoBellaaaa
Well, itu terpulang kepada adviser sendiri. You should know yang most people are good at giving advises tapi diri sendiri tak boleh ikut. Kalau dia boleh ikut, then that's a good thing. And kita yang mendengar, it depends on us nak ikut ke tak. :)

Hi kak anna, boleh tak ajar macamana nak pakai tudung bawal ?

Hi! Saya jarang pakai tudung bawal. Hahaha kalau pakai pun, saya pakai biasa je. Saya bukan lah jenis yang suka fashionkan tudung semua, saya simple je orangnya. :)

saya teringin nak bernazar untuk dapat result pmr cemerlang tapi saya takut dan kurang yakin walaupun nazar yang ringan ringan, apa pendapat kak anna?

Ha, nak bernazar kena yakin. Dulu saya pun fikir fikir apa yang saya nak bernazar takut bila Allah limpahkan rezeki, tiba tiba saya tak mampu buat. Bernazar lah ibadah, puasa seminggu ke. Dan kena sentiasa yakin dengan Allah. :)
Liked by: nis. mrawardina Bunny

kawan u laki je ke ? takde perempuan ? :P

Oh cause I instagram pictures with the boys too often! Hahaha I have a lot of girlfriends but you know how girls are. But my bestfriend girls, I see them every day! Except we're apart now because each of us has gone pursuing our studies. I mostly spend time with #MB4 during work and besides them, I spend time with my brothers. I'm the only girl in the family! I usually ikut my brother keluar and all with his friends. Hope that explains! :)

Kak Anna, sy tak suka nombor. Dari darjah 6 sampai form 1, still lembab dalam maths. Sy dah cuba nak minat maths, nak score maths tapi still tak boleh :( What should I do..

1) Fikiran kena positif.
2) Usaha, perbanyakkan latihan.
Maths ni seronok tau, tak tipu! Kena bersabar dan kena sentiasa berusaha untuk cari jawapan. Bila dah dapat jawapan mesti rasa seronok gila! :)
3) Solat, doa banyak banyak.
4) Tawakal.


Language: English