
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Anna please help me! Macam mana kalau kita sayang ex kita and kita tak boleh move on? Perasaan tu tak boleh nak hilang. Please help me! :(

'Tak boleh' is a propa.
Mind set is important. Kalau awak set your mind "I love him, I still want him." then you won't move on. At this point, ignore your heart and think with your brain. Decide sendiri. Set your mind that you don't love him, you don't want him anymore and you want to move on. SET your mind even though it's vice versa. It will help you, it will trust me. I was in your situation too & I made it. If I can, you can. :-)

Kak anna , i hope i have a sister just like you . Malangnya , sy ank sulung . Waaaa. :'( Untung adik akak .

Be grateful with your life. :-)<3

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kawan saya pandai & saya insecure dgn dia.. sometimes i think i'm the most stupid person among my friends, my confidence level is low. I'm stress :(

You're not stupid, no one is stupid.
Kawan awak pandai sebab dia usaha. If you want to compete with that, then usaha lah juga then tawakal.
Orang yang berusaha akan berjaya, Allah Maha Adil.
You know, my BM teacher pernah cakap. Kalau kita yakin dekat Allah, doa kita akan dimakbulkan. Mungkin bukan sekarang, tapi satu hari nanti. Yakin means betul betul yakin. :-)

Kak anna, kwn saye nie die minat kt sorang budak nie smpai nak bunuh diri sbab budak tu tak minat die. Mcm2 saye dah nasht tp tak dngar. Nasht ap lgy y perlu sya bgy kt die? Tlong kak anna.

Kalau nasihat tak boleh. Doa.
Don't underestimate the power of doa. :-)
Liked by: Amira ヅ

hahahha.. i said that bacause i am spm's candidate 2011.. ramai lecturer ckp spm ta bape penting.. first memang i ta caye.. tapi lame2 .... hahaha.. nanti awk taw la sendiri :D

Well, I think everyone will say.
Ala UPSR tu tak penting pun, PMR lagi penting.
Ala PMR tu tak penting pun, SPM lagi penting.
Ala SPM tu tak penting pun, dekat U nanti lagi penting.
And blablabla. But semua orang has differ opinion, it depends. :-)

Kak Anna , saya nak sangat try pakai shawl and pashmina just like you and my friends do . Tp , sy kurang keyakinan . I mean , saya tak comel and takut bila sy try , people will judge me , Perasan cantiklah , bajet comellah . But i really wanna try . :/

Tak mati pun kalau cuba kan?
You're beautiful! Kalau awak pakai, entah entah lagi cantik dari orang lain!
Just do it. TRY! Kalau tak suka, you can always go back. :D
Liked by: Ezdriani Aziz

Kak anna jual phone ? Really ? Macam mana sy nak beli ? Sama harga or murah sikit ? Ori or sec hand ? *banyak nya saya tanya*

Semua original. Comes with warranty from Apple dengan Samsung.
Kalau ada problem you can refer to the store. :-)

baru ingat nak shawl yang B04 .....tapi sold out. sedihnya :(

Will be restocked soon! As soon as everything is sold out.
Then I'll do restock ;-)

Assalamualaikum Kak Anna, baru-baru ni saya adalah bertengkar dengan my mom, sebab saya rasa she loves my brothers more, I did yelled at her. And now its almost 3 weeks kami tak bercakap, and she said "Im not your mama", saya nak exam ni kak anna! Takut takde restu, im scared! I've tried apologizing

Waalaikumussalam. You know berdosa tau question something rude like that.
I feel the same way too but I never questioned it sebab sometimes i feel like its just me.
& lagi berdosa if you tinggikan suara. Nak taknak you have to keep on apologizing until she says ok.
Ingat, she's your mom and syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu.

Anna , saya ada masalah susah nak khusyuk bila solat di rumah , kalau solat di masjid okay je , anna boleh bantu tak macam mana nak khusyuk bila solat di rumah ?

Solat dalam bilik, tutup pintu, make sure keadaan bilik tu comfortable & tenang so you can focus on your solat.

Assalamualaikum, good luck for your spm, pray for me to teeheee :)

Waalaiakumussalam! Terima kasih!
Good luck to you too! :-)

anna selalu tak jawab solana saya yang saya kemukakan kat ask.fm anna ni! you never notice me! orang nak tanya tapi last last tak dapat jawapan pun!

I'm sorry, I'm really trying to reply everything.
And I did answer everything unless you sent me rude nonsense questions.
Just look through my past answers again ok. I'm sorry.


Language: English