
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Salam, Anna nak tanya Anna beli Charm bracelet tu berapa ringgit ya? dan kat mana Anna beli?

It was RM50 @ Metrojaya, MidValley.
But I think I've bought the last one sebab ada satu je and it was a display set.

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Kak anna , saya baru je dapat dslr sebelum raya hari tu . Pastu skarang sy nak mintak bb kat mak sy ? Jahat sangat ke ? :/

Tak jahat. But I want to remind you, bila you minta stuffs from your parents especially the expensive ones and they give you. Make sure you pay them back. Bukan dalam bentuk wang but yourself. They love you so show them yang you appreciate them, make them proud. Belajar betul betul. I'm saying this because blackberry can be a distraction too. Before you minta anything, fikir consequences. & make sure when you berazam to do this and that. Make sure you DO them instead of saying them. Think again. :-)

mohon matrik tak? kalau mohon, matrik mane yg anna pilih?

Gambang, Melaka & Selangor. (Matriks paling cantik, mwahahaha kbai)

salam,kak..berharap sgt dpt skype ngan akak..tp segan lah sbb kita tak seomey akak.. T-T ..

Kenapa nak segan? Awak cantik what.
Saya biasa je tau, betul.
Liked by: Afifah

saya yg tanye pasal Pencuci muka the body shop tu! Saya dah tukar the face shop! Berkesan tak sampai 2 minggu! hehehee Korea punye bagus kan?

Undeniable!! :-)

im sorry for torturing you by asking Demi's songs that you like most :(

It didn't really torturing me.
It's more like a metaphor. :-)

anna, htc one x and htc one s, which smartphone is better? dad is buying me htc one s. is it a good smartphone?? :)

Honestly, I'm not a smartphones expert....
I don't know HTC because I've never even touch one. Haha but a friend ada guna htc and he said it's awesome. I think you should go google or ask the phone promoter.

shaa takkut sampat tak pi sekolah dah 4 hari . solution ??? takkan lah ta pi sekolah sampai 3 bulan kuuuut ! btw , i'm 14 yearsold . solution please kak aina ?

There's no solution.
You as a girl kena jaga yourself, your dignity. Perempuan martabat dia tinggi, dihormati, dilindungi. Sometimes over an incident like you told me, people dah boleh pandang serong you know.
One thing I want to ask you, this might sound a little rude but this question might help you.
Tutup aurat tak?

Hi Anna! ;) Pls answer semua ni tauuu! Awk pakai pencuci muka apa? Moisturizer apa? Foundation pakai tak? Pakai cream utk jerawat tak? What brand? Lemon tu pakai bila? Utk apa? Kalau keluar, muka pakai apa? Bibir macam mana pulak? Hehehehe sorry! Nak tahu je.. sharing is caring kan? <3456789

Hi, omg there are a lot of questions here.
I wear Cetaphil for the past months & recently my mom bought me this new cleanser soap and forced me to use it because it's expensive what so ever but suits my sensitive face. & it's good fortunately. I believe it's a Secretleaf's product she bought online. -> http://www.secretleaf.com.my/
As for moisturizer, I always turn to Herbaline. They're organic and no chemicals. But it's kind of expensive and hard to find. The good news is you can find any good moisturizer at The Body/Face Shop or anywhere else.
I use Naturactor Meiko Foundation. The product from Korea I think. You can find it anywhere now!
Cream, nope.
Lemon at night. For scars & whatever. You know lemon is a natural remedy and it's always good for your skin as you know that it won't harm you.
Ok when I go out, I'd always wear my sunblock for skin protection.
I don't really use anything for my lips.

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List me 5 Demi's songs that you like most.

1) Believe In Me
2) Skyscraper
3) Don't Forget
4) Catch Me
5) Fix A Heart
Liked by: sara

How do I know when a girl is jealous or not ?

Look at her actions. But one thing about girls, they always get jealous.
I mean, ALWAYS. Some don't show it.
Liked by: Jannah

Kak anna cane nak letak gmbar byk2 kat sidebar blog kak ann tu? Thanks :)

I use embed codes. Through photobucket.com :-)


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